Access and Configure Appliance Logs

You access the logs for vSphere Integrated Containers by using SSH to connect to the appliance. You can also access logs and configure log retention for each of the different vSphere Integrated Containers components. In most cases, it is sufficient to generate the support bundle, but advanced users can access individual logs if required.


Make sure that SSH access to the appliance is enabled. To enable SSH access to the appliance, see Reconfigure the vSphere Integrated Containers Appliance.


  1. Use SSH to connect to the appliance as root user.

    $ ssh root@vic_appliance_address
    When prompted for the password, enter the appliance password that you specified when you deployed the appliance.

  2. To create a complete log bundle for the appliance, run the script.

    /etc/vmware/support/ --include-private --outdir <directory> --ignore-disk-space

    The script includes the following options:

    • --include-private: Includes files containing private values in the log bundle
    • --outdir <directory>: Directory to store the resulting log bundle
    • --ignore-disk-space: Ignore low disk space warnings for log bundle output`

    Running this script creates a log bundle, /storage/log/vic_appliance_logs_YYYY-MM-DD-00-01-00.tar.gz, that you can supply to VMware support. This bundle includes the installation logs.

  3. To see the startup logs for each of the vSphere Integrated Containers components, run the journalctl command.

    • vSphere Integrated Containers Registry:
      journalctl -u harbor
    • vic-machine-server service:
      journalctl -u vic-machine-server
    • vSphere Integrated Containers Management Portal:
      journalctl -u admiral

Configuring Log Retention

  1. To configure log retention for the registry services, edit the /storage/data/harbor/harbor.cfg file.

    $ vi /storage/data/harbor/harbor.cfg
    The default configuration allows 50 files, up to 200MB each per service.

    1. To set the maximum number of files used for storing logs per service, change the log_rotate_count property value to the desired number.
    2. To set the maximum size in MB per file, change the log_rotate_size property value to the desired number.
  2. To configure log retention for the vic-machine-server service, edit the /etc/logrotate.d/vic-machine-server file.

    The default configuration allows 10 files, up to 1GB each.

    $ vi /etc/logrotate.d/vic-machine-server
    1. To set the maximum number of files used for storing logs, change the rotate property value to the desired number.
    2. To set the maximum size in GB per file, change the size property value to the desired number.
  3. To configure log retention for the management portal, edit the /etc/vmware/admiral/ file.

    The default configuration allows 5 files, up to 1GB each.

    $ vi /etc/vmware/admiral/
    1. To set the maximum number of files used for storing logs, change the java.util.logging.FileHandler.count property value to the desired number.
    2. To set the maximum size in bytes per file, change the java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit property value to the desired number.

Log File Location

Depending on the component, navigate to the following locations to access the log files:

Component Location Log Files
Applliance /var/log/vmware /upgrade.log
vSphere Integrated Containers Registry /storage/log/harbor

adminserver.log: Registry administration service

clair-db.log: Clair database used for vulnerability scanning of images

clair.log: Clair service used for vulnerability scanning of images

jobservice.log: Registry job service log

mysql.log: Embedded registry database

notary-db.log: Notary database by Docker Content Trust

notary-server.log: Notary server used by Docker Content Trust

notary-signer.log: Notary image signing service used by Docker Content Trust

proxy.log: Proxy service logs

registry.log: Registry service logs

ui.log: User interface logs

vic-machine-server service /storage/log/vic-machine-server vic-machine-server.log
vSphere Integrated Containers Management Portal storage/log/admiral xenonHost.0.log

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