Access the VCH Administration Portal

vSphere Integrated Containers Engine provides a Web-based administration portal for virtual container hosts (VCHs), called VCH Admin.

If you deployed the VCH with --no-tls or --no-tlsverify, you can only log in to VCH Admin by specifying the username and password of the ESXi host or vCenter Server on which you deployed the VCH. If you deployed the VCH with client and server authentication by using --tls-cname or by specifying a static IP address on the client network, you can use the generated *.pfx certificate to authenticate with the VCH Admin portal. For information about using the *.pfx certificate to log into VCH admin, see Browser-Based Certificate Login and Command Line Certificate Login.


  • You deployed a VCH.
  • Obtain the address of the VCH:
    • Copy the address from the output of vic-machine create or vic-machine inspect.
    • If you deployed the VCH to vCenter Server, copy the address from the Summary tab for the endpoint VM in the vSphere Client.
    • If you deployed the VCH to an ESXi host, copy the address from the Summary tab for the endpoint VM in the desktop vSphere Client.


  1. Go to https://vch_address:2378.

    If prompted about an insecure or not private connection, click Advanced and follow the prompts to proceed to the portal.

  2. Enter the username and password for the vCenter Server instance or ESXi host.


The VCH Admin portal displays information about the VCH and the environment in which is running:

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