Supported Docker Compose File Options

vSphere Integrated Containers Engine 1.1 supports Docker Compose file version 2 and 2.1.

This topic provides information about the Docker Compose file options that vSphere Integrated Containers Engine 1.1 supports.

Service Configuration Options

Option Compose File Reference Supported
build Options applied at build time No
cap_add, cap_drop Add or drop container capabilities No. Depends on docker run --cap-add and docker run --cap-drop
command Override the default command Yes
cgroup_parent Specify an optional parent cgroup for the container. No; need docker run --cgrop_parent
container_name Specify a custom container name Yes
devices List of device mappings No. Depends on docker create --device.
depends_on Express dependency between services Yes
dns Custom DNS servers Yes
dns_search Custom DNS search domains No. Depends on docker run --dns-search.
tmpfs Mount a temporary file system inside the container No. Depends on docker run --tmpfs.
entrypoint Override the default entry point No. Depends on docker run --entrypoint.
env_file Add environment variables from a file Yes
environment Add environment variables Yes
expose Expose ports without publishing them to the host machine No. Depends on docker run --expose.
extends Extend another service Yes
external_links Link to containers started outside this YML Yes
extra_hosts Add hostname mappings No. Depends on docker run --add-host.
group_add Specify additional groups for the user inside the container Yes
healthcheck Check container health No. Depends on docker run --health-cmd.
image Specify container image Yes
isolation Specify isolation technology No. Depends on docker run --isolation.
labels Add metadata by using labels Yes
links Link to containers in another service Yes
logging, log_driver, log_opt Logging configuration No. Depends on docker run --log-driver and --log-opt.
net Network mode (version 1) Yes
network_mode Network mode (version 2) Yes
networks Networks to join Yes
aliases Aliases for this service on the network Yes
ipv4_address,ipv6_address Static IP address for containers Yes for IPv4. IPv6 is not supported.
link_local_ips List of link-local IPs No. Depends on docker run --link-local-ip
pid Sets PID mode No. Depends on docker run --pid.
ports Expose ports Yes
security-opt Override the default labeling scheme for containers No. This option only applies to Windows containers, which are not supported.
stop-signal Sets an alternative signal to stop the container. Yes
stop-grace-period Specify how long to wait stopping a container No
sysctls Kernel parameters to set in the container No
ulimits Override the default ulimits for a container No
userns_mode Disables the user namespace No
volumes,volume_driver Mount paths or named volumes Yes
volumes_from Mount volumes from another service or container No

The following Docker run options are supported if their docker run counterpart is supported: security_opt, stop_grace_period, stop_signal, sysctls, ulimits, userns_mode, cpu_shares, cpu_quota, cpuset, domainname, hostname, ipc, mac_address, mem_limit, memswap_limit, oom_score_adj, privileged, read_only, restart, shm_size, stdin_open, tty, user, working_dir.

Volume Configuration Options

NOTE: vSphere Integrated Containers 1.1 does not support shared volumes. You can use these options for containers that do not share volumes.

Option Compose File Reference Supported
driver Specify driver to use for this volume Yes
driver_opts Specify options to pass to the driver for this volume Yes
labels Add metadata to containers Yes
external Specify that volume has been created outside of Compose Yes

Network Configuration Options

Option Compose File Reference Supported
driver Specify driver to use for this network Yes
driver_opts Specify options to pass to the driver for this network No
enable_ipv6 Enables IPv6 No. IPv6 is not supported.
ipam Specify custom IPAM configuration Yes
internal Create an externally isolated overlay network Yes
labels Add metadata to containers Yes
external Specify that network has been created outside of Compose Yes

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