Manage Project Members

After you have added members to a project, you can change existing project members' roles or remove members from the project.


You have a created project and assigned users to it.


  1. Log in to the vSphere Integrated Containers Registry interface at https://vic_appliance_address:443.

    Use the admin account, an account with the system-wide Administrator role, or an account that has the Project Admin role for this project. If the vSphere Integrated Containers appliance uses a different port for vSphere Integrated Containers Registry, replace 443 with the appropriate port.

  2. Click Projects on the left, click a project name, and click Members.
  3. In the list of project members, click the 3 vertical dots next to a user name and select an option.

    • To assign the member to a different role in the project, select Project Admin, Developer, or Guest.
    • To remove the member from the project, select Delete.

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