Obtain vSphere Certificate Thumbprints

If your vSphere environment uses untrusted, self-signed certificates to authenticate connections, you must specify the thumbprint of the vCenter Server or ESXi host certificate in all vic-machine commands to deploy and manage virtual container hosts (VCHs). If your vSphere environment uses trusted certificates that are signed by a known Certificate Authority (CA), you do not need to specify the --thumbprint option. You can set the thumbprint as an environment variable. For information about setting vic-machine environment variables, see Set Environment Variables for Common vic-machine Options.

If you deploy VCHs from the vSphere Client, the Create Virtual Container Host wizard obtains the thumbprint automatically. However, you might still need to obtain the thumbprint for use in other vic-machine commands, for example vic-machine update firewall or vic-machine configure.

You can use either SSH and OpenSSL or the Platform Services Controller to obtain certificate thumbprints, either before you run vic-machine commands, or to confirm that a thumbprint in an error message is valid.

vCenter Server Appliance or ESXi Host

You can use SSH and OpenSSL to obtain the certificate thumbprint for a vCenter Server Appliance instance or an ESXi host.

  1. Use SSH to connect to the vCenter Server Appliance or ESXi host as root user.
    $ ssh root@vcsa_or_esxi_host_address
  2. Use openssl to view the certificate fingerprint.

    • vCenter Server Appliance:
      openssl x509 -in /etc/vmware-vpx/ssl/rui.crt -fingerprint -sha1 -noout
    • ESXi host:
      openssl x509 -in /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt -fingerprint -sha1 -noout
  3. Copy the certificate thumbprint for use in the --thumbprint option of vic-machine commands or to set it as an environment variable.

Platform Services Controller

You can obtain a vCenter Server certificate thumbprint by logging into the Platform Services Controller for that vCenter Server instance.

  1. Log in to the Platform Services Controller interface.

    • Embedded Platform Services Controller: https://vcenter_server_address/psc
    • Standalone Platform Services Controller: https://psc_address/psc
  2. Select Certificate Management and enter a vCenter Single Sign-On password.

  3. Select Machine Certificates, select a certificate, and click Show Details.
  4. Copy the thumbprint for use in the --thumbprint option of vic-machine commands or to set it as an environment variable.

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