Add Global Registries

You can add multiple global registries that are added by the Management Portal Admin and are available to all users of the management portal. Global registries that are allowed by the Management Portal administrator cannot be disabled or removed by other users.


Log in to vSphere Integrated Containers Management Portal with a vSphere administrator or Management Portal administrator account. For information about logging in to vSphere Integrated Containers Management Portal, see Logging In to the Management Portal.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Global Registries > Source Registries and click +Registry.

  2. In the dialog box that opens, configure the registry settings.

    1. As address, enter the IP or hostname of the registry, the port, and optionally a namespace.

      For example:

    2. Enter a name for the registry.

    3. Optionally, select the login credentials to access the registry.
    4. Click Verify and if prompted to trust the registry certificate, click OK.
    5. After successful verification, click Save.


The registry appears on the Global Registries page and all users can access the images stored in that registry.

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