Upgrade the Plug-Ins on vCenter Server Appliance

If you have a previous 1.1.x installation of the plug-ins for vSphere Integrated Containers, you must upgrade them. This procedure describes how to upgrade an existing plug-ins for a vCenter Server Appliance.


IMPORTANT: The upgrade script does not function if you have set the VIC_MACHINE_THUMBPRINT environment variable on the system on which you run the script. Delete the VIC_MACHINE_THUMBPRINT environment variable before running the script.


  1. Connect as root user to the vCenter Server Appliance by using SSH.
    ssh root@vcsa_address
  2. Use curl to copy the new vSphere Integrated Containers Engine binaries from the file server in the upgraded vSphere Integrated Containers appliance to the vCenter Server Appliance.
    curl -k https://upgraded_vic_appliance_address:9443/files/vic_1.2.x.tar.gz -o vic_1.2.x.tar.gz
    NOTE: Update vic_1.2.x to the appropriate version in the command above and in the next step.
  3. Unpack the vSphere Integrated Containers binaries.
    tar -zxf vic_1.2.x.tar.gz
  4. Navigate to /vic/ui/VCSA, run the upgrade script, and follow the prompts.
    cd vic/ui/VCSA
    1. Enter the IP address of the vCenter Server instance.
    2. Enter the user name and password for the vCenter Server administrator account.
    3. Enter yes if the vCenter Server certificate thumbprint is legitimate, and wait for the install process to finish.
    4. (Optional) If the version that you try to install is same or older than the one already installed, enter yes to force reinstall and wait for the process to finish.
  5. When the installation finishes, stop and restart the services of your management clients.
    1. Restart the HTML5 vSphere Client service.
      service-control --stop vsphere-ui
      service-control --start vsphere-ui
    2. Restart the Flex-based vSphere Web Client service.
      service-control --stop vsphere-client
      service-control --start vsphere-client

What to Do Next

Log in to the management clients, go to the vSphere Integrated Containers view, and verify that the version number reflects the upgrade.

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