Some Users Cannot Access vSphere Integrated Containers Services

Attempts to connect to the Web-based services of the vSphere Integrated Containers appliance fail for certain users but not for others. The appliance and its services are running correctly.


The appliance and its services are running correctly. Some users can access the Getting Started page, file server, and vSphere Integrated Containers Management Portal, and Demo VCH Installer Wizard without problems, but for other users the connections fail.


Some users are attempting to access the Getting Started page, file server, vSphere Integrated Containers Management Portal, and Demo VCH Installer Wizard from client systems that have IP addresses in the range

vSphere Integrated Containers appliance use the networks internally. The routing table in the appliance contains routes for these subnets, which causes issues if users attempt to access vSphere Integrated Containers services from an address for which the appliance has a directly connected route. Attempts to connect to the appliance from client systems with IP addresses in the range fail because the appliance routes return traffic to itself instead of to the client system.


Access the Getting Started page, file server, vSphere Integrated Containers Management Portal, and Demo VCH Installer Wizard from client systems with IP addresses that are not in the subnets.

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