Unrestricted Access to the Docker API

To deploy a VCH that does not restrict access to the Docker API but still encrypts communication between clients and the VCH, use the --no-tlsverify option. To completely disable TLS authentication and encryption, use the --no-tls option.

vic-machine Options

The --no-tls option is exposed in the vic-machine create help if you run vic-machine create --extended-help, or vic-machine create -x.


Short name: --kv

The --no-tlsverify option prevents the use of CAs for client authentication. You still require a server certificate if you use --no-tlsverify. You can supply a custom server certificate by using the --tls-server-cert and --tls-server-key options. If you specify --no-tlsverify but do not use --tls-server-cert and --tls-server-key to supply a custom server certificate, vic-machine create generates a self-signed server certificate. If you specify --no-tlsverify there is no access control, however connections remain encrypted.

When you specify the --no-tlsverify option, vic-machine create performs the following actions during the deployment of the VCH.

  • Generates a self-signed server certificate if you do not specify --tls-server-cert and --tls-server-key.
  • Creates a folder with the same name as the VCH in the location in which you run vic-machine create.
  • Creates an environment file named vch_name.env in that folder, that contains the DOCKER_HOST=vch_address environment variable, that you can provide to container developers to use to set up their Docker client environment.

If you deploy a VCH with the --no-tlsverify option, container developers run Docker commands with the --tls option, and the DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY environment variable must not be set. Note that setting DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY to 0 or false has no effect. For more information about how to connect Docker clients to VCHs, see Configure the Docker Client for Use with vSphere Integrated Containers.


The --no-tlsverify option takes no arguments.



Short name: -k

Disables TLS authentication of connections between the Docker client and the VCH. VCHs use neither client nor server certificates.

Set the no-tls option if you do not require TLS authentication between the VCH and the Docker client, for example for testing purposes. Any Docker client can connect to the VCH if you disable TLS authentication and connections are not encrypted.

If you use the no-tls option, container developers connect Docker clients to the VCH via the HTTP port, 2375, instead of via the HTTPS port, 2376.


The --no-tls option takes no arguments.


Example vic-machine Commands

Disable Client Authentication and Use Auto-Generated Server Certificates

You use the --no-tlsverify option with no other TLS options to disable client authentication and auto-generate a server certificate.

This example deploys a VCH with the following configuration:

  • Specifies the user name, password, image store, cluster, bridge network, and name for the VCH.
  • Specifies --no-tlsverify to disable client authentication.
vic-machine-operating_system create
--target 'Administrator@vsphere.local':password@vcenter_server_address/dc1
--compute-resource cluster1
--image-store datastore1
--bridge-network vch1-bridge
--name vch1
--thumbprint certificate_thumbprint

Disable Client Authentication and Use Custom Server Certificates

You use the --tls-server-cert, --tls-server-key, and --no-tlsverify options to use a custom X.509 server certificate and key and disable client authentication.

This example deploys a VCH with the following configuration:

  • Specifies the user name, password, image store, cluster, bridge network, and name for the VCH.
  • Provides the paths relative to the current location of the *.pem files for the custom server certificate and key files.
  • Specifies --no-tlsverify option to disable client authentication.
vic-machine-operating_system create
--target 'Administrator@vsphere.local':password@vcenter_server_address/dc1
--compute-resource cluster1
--image-store datastore1
--bridge-network vch1-bridge
--name vch1
--thumbprint certificate_thumbprint
--tls-server-cert ../some/relative/path/certificate_file.pem
--tls-server-key ../some/relative/path/key_file.pem

Disable Client and Server Authentication

You use the --no-tls option with no other TLS options to disable client and server authentication.

This example deploys a VCH with the following configuration:

  • Specifies the user name, password, image store, cluster, bridge network, and name for the VCH.
  • Specifies --no-tls to disable client and server authentication.
vic-machine-operating_system create
--target 'Administrator@vsphere.local':password@vcenter_server_address/dc1
--compute-resource cluster1
--image-store datastore1
--bridge-network vch1-bridge
--name vch1
--thumbprint certificate_thumbprint

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