Container VM Configuration

The vic-machine create utility provides options customize the settings with which it creates container VMs.

vic-machine Options

You can set a naming convention on container VMs, change the location of the ISO from which container VMs boot, or adjust the base image size for container VMs.


Short name: --cnc

Enforce a naming convention for container VMs, that applies a prefix to the names of all container VMs that run in a VCH. Applying a naming convention to container VMs facilitates organizational requirements such as chargeback. The container naming convention applies to the display name of the container VM that appears in the vSphere Client, not to the container name that Docker uses.

You specify the container naming convention by providing a prefix to apply to container names, and adding -{name} or -{id} to specify whether to use the container name or the container ID for the second part of the container VM display name. If you specify -{name}, the container VM display names use either the name that Docker generates, or a name that the container developer specifies in docker run --name when they run the container.


--container-name-convention cVM_name_prefix-{name}
--container-name-convention cVM_name_prefix-{id}


Short name: --bi

The path to the ISO image from which to boot container VMs. Set this option if you have moved the bootstrap.iso file to a folder that is not the folder that contains the vic-machine binary or is not the folder from which you are running vic-machine. Include the name of the ISO file in the path.

NOTE: Do not use the --bootstrap-iso option to point vic-machine to a --bootstrap-iso file that is of a different version to the version of vic-machine that you are running.


--bootstrap-iso path_to_ISO_file/bootstrap.iso


Short name: None

The size of the base image from which to create other images. You should not normally need to use this option. Specify the size in GB or MB. The default size is 8GB. Images are thin-provisioned, so they do not usually consume 8GB of space. For information about container base images, see Create a base image in the Docker documentation.


--base-image-size 4GB


Short name: --cs

The container-store option is not enabled. Container VM files are stored in the datastore that you designate as the image store.

Example vic-machine Commands

Set a Container Name Convention

This example deploys a VCH with the following configuration:

  • Provides the vCenter Single Sign-On user name and password for a vSphere administrator account in the --target option. The user name is wrapped in quotes, because it contains the @ character.
  • Deploys a VCH named vch1 to the cluster cluster1 in datacenter dc1.
  • Uses an existing port group named vch1-bridge for the bridge network.
  • Designates datastore1 as the image store.
  • Specifies --container-name-convention so that the vCenter Server display names of all container VMs that run in this VCH include the prefix vch1-container followed by the container name.
vic-machine-operating_system create
--target 'Administrator@vsphere.local':password@vcenter_server_address/dc1
--compute-resource cluster1
--image-store datastore1
--bridge-network vch1-bridge
--name vch1
--thumbprint certificate_thumbprint
--container-name-convention vch1-container-{name}

Boot Container VMs from an ISO in a Non-Default Location

If you moved the bootstrap.iso file to a location that is not the folder that contains the vic-machine binary, you must point vic-machine to the ISO file.

This example deploys a VCH with the following configuration:

  • Provides the vCenter Single Sign-On user name and password for a vSphere administrator account in the --target option. The user name is wrapped in quotes, because it contains the @ character.
  • Deploys a VCH named vch1 to the cluster cluster1 in datacenter dc1.
  • Uses an existing port group named vch1-bridge for the bridge network.
  • Designates datastore1 as the image store.
  • Specifies --bootstrap-iso to direct vic-machine to the location in which you stored the appliance.iso file.
vic-machine-operating_system create
--target 'Administrator@vsphere.local':password@vcenter_server_address/dc1
--compute-resource cluster1
--image-store datastore1
--bridge-network vch1-bridge
--name vch1
--thumbprint certificate_thumbprint
--bootstrap-iso path_to_iso/bootstrap.iso

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