Deploy a VCH to a Basic vCenter Server Cluster

This topic provides instructions for using vic-machine to deploy a virtual container host (VCH) in a very basic vCenter Server environment. This basic deployment allows you to test vSphere Integrated Containers Engine with vCenter Server before attempting a more complex deployment that corresponds to your real vSphere environment.

The vCenter Server instance to which you deploy the VCH must match the specifications listed in the prerequisites. This example vic-machine create command deploys a VCH by using the minimum vic-machine create options possible, for demonstration purposes.



  1. Open a terminal on the system on which you downloaded and unpacked the vSphere Integrated Containers Engine binary bundle.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the vic-machine utility:
  3. Run the vic-machine create command.

    In these examples, the user name is wrapped in quotes because it contains @.

    • Linux OS:
      $ vic-machine-linux create
      --target vcenter_server_address
      --user 'Administrator@vsphere.local'
      --password vcenter_server_password
      --bridge-network vic-bridge
      --image-store shared_datastore_name
      --thumbprint vcenter_server_certificate_thumbprint
    • Windows:
      $ vic-machine-windows create
      --target vcenter_server_address
      --user "Administrator@vsphere.local"
      --password vcenter_server_password
      --bridge-network vic-bridge
      --image-store shared_datastore_name
      --thumbprint vcenter_server_certificate_thumbprint
    • Mac OS:
      $ vic-machine-darwin create
      --target vcenter_server_address
      --user 'Administrator@vsphere.local'
      --password vcenter_server_password
      --bridge-network vic-bridge
      --image-store shared_datastore_name
      --thumbprint vcenter_server_certificate_thumbprint

The vic-machine create command in this example specifies the minimum information required to deploy a VCH to vCenter Server:

  • The address of the vCenter Server instance on which to deploy the VCH, in the --target option.
  • A vCenter Single Sign-On user and password for a vSphere administrator account, in the --user and --password options.
  • The port group named vic-bridge, for use as the container bridge network.
  • The name of the shared datastore to use as the image store, in which to store container images.
  • For simplicity, disables the verification of client certificates by specifying the --no-tlsverify option.
  • Specifies the thumbprint of the vCenter Server host certificate by specifying the --thumbprint option.

Because the vCenter Server instance only has one datacenter and one cluster, and uses the VM Network network, vic-machine create automatically detects and uses these resources.

This example vic-machine create command deploys a VCH with the default name virtual-container-host.


At the end of a successful deployment, vic-machine displays information about the new VCH:

Initialization of appliance successful
VCH Admin Portal:
Published ports can be reached at:
Docker environment variables:
Environment saved in virtual-container-host/virtual-container-host.env
Connect to docker:
docker -H vch_address:2376 --tls info
Installer completed successfully

What to Do Next

To test your VCH, see Verify the Deployment of a VCH.

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