Common vic-machine Options

This section describes the options that are common to all vic-machine commands. The common options that vic-machine requires relate to the vSphere environment in which you deployed the virtual container host (VCH), and to the VCH itself.

Wrap any option arguments that include spaces or special characters in quotes. For information about option arguments that might require quotes, see Specifying Option Arguments.

You can set environment variables for the --target, --user, --password, and --thumbprint options. For information about setting environment variables, see Set Environment Variables for Common vic-machine Options.


Short name: None

The vSphere Managed Object Reference, or moref, of the VCH, for example vm-100. You obtain the ID of a VCH by running vic-machine ls. If you specify the id option in vic-machine commands, you do not need to specify the --name or --compute-resource options. This option is not used by vic-machine create or vic-machine version.

--id vch_id


Short name: -t

The IPv4 address, fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or URL of the ESXi host or vCenter Server instance on which you deployed the VCH. This option is always mandatory. You specify this option in the same way as you specify the vic-machine create --target option.


Short name: -u

The ESXi host or vCenter Server user account with which to run the vic-machine command. The user account that you specify in --user must have vSphere administrator privileges. You specify this option in the same way as you specify vic-machine create --user.


Short name: -p

The password for the user account on the vCenter Server on which you deployed the VCH, or the password for the ESXi host if you deployed directly to an ESXi host. You specify this option in the same way as you specify vic-machine create --password.


Short name: None

The thumbprint of the vCenter Server or ESXi host certificate. You specify this option in the same way as you specify vic-machine create --thumbprint.


Short name: -r

The relative path to the host, cluster, or resource pool in which you deployed the VCH. You specify this option in the same way as you specify vic-machine create --compute-resource.

NOTE: If you specify the id option in vic-machine commands, you do not need to specify the compute-resource option.


Short name: -n

The name of the VCH. This option is mandatory if the VCH has a name other than the default name, virtual-container-host, or if you do not use the id option. You specify this option in the same way as you specify vic-machine create --name.


Short name: none

The timeout period for performing operations on the VCH. Specify a value in the format XmYs if the default timeout is insufficient.

--timeout 5m0s

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