Virtual Container Host Security

Virtual container hosts (VCHs) authenticate connections from Docker API clients by using server and client TLS certificates. For information about how VCHs and Docker use certificates, see Virtual Container Host Certificate Requirements.

When you deploy a VCH, you can use all automatically generated certificates, all custom certificates, or a combination of both.

NOTE: The Create Virtual Container Host wizard in the vSphere Client does not support automatically generated CA or client certificates. To use automatically generated CA and client certificates, you must use the vic-machine CLI utility to deploy VCHs.

The following table provides a summary of the configurations that vSphere Integrated Containers Engine supports, and whether you can implement those configurations in the Create Virtual Container Host wizard in the vSphere Client.

Configuration Available in vSphere Client? Examples
Auto-generated server certificate + auto-generated CA + auto-generated client certificate No Example
Auto-generated server certificate + custom CA Yes Example
Custom server certificate + custom CA Yes Example
Custom server certificate + auto-generated CA + auto-generated client certificate No Example
Auto-generated server certificate + no client verification Yes Example
Custom server certificate + no client verification Yes Example
No server or client certificate verification No Example

The following topics describe how to achieve all of the configurations listed in the table above, by using either the Create Virtual Container Host wizard or the vic-machine CLI, or both.

The Examples column in the table provides direct links to the relevant example in these topics.

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