Re-Tag the vSphere Integrated Containers Appliance

vSphere Integrated Containers Registry implements Docker content trust to sign images. As such, the vSphere Integrated Containers appliance requires a specific VM tag to identify it as a content trust source.

In some cases, you might need to re-tag the appliance VM, for example if the tag has been accidentally deleted, or if the tagging of the VM failed during the first initialization of the appliance. If the tagging of the VM failed during initialization, you see the error Failed to locate VIC Appliance. Please check the vCenter Server provided and try again in the appliance welcome page.


  1. In the Hosts and Clusters view of the vSphere Client right-click the OVA VM and select Tags & Custom Attributes > Remove Tag.
  2. Check that the ProductVM tag is present in the list of tags and click Cancel.
  3. If the ProductVM tag is missing, in a browser, follow the procedure in Reinitialize the vSphere Integrated Containers Appliance to re-tag the appliance.
  4. After initialization, check in the vSphere Client that the ProductVM tag is present.

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