Install the vSphere Integrated Containers Engine Plug-In on vCenter Server For Windows by Using a Web Server

If your vCenter Server instance runs on Windows, you can use a Web server to host the vSphere Web Client plug-in for vSphere Integrated Containers Engine.


  • You deployed at least one virtual container host (VCH) to a vCenter Server instance that runs on Windows.
  • You are running a Web server that your vCenter Server instance can access.
  • You must use a Windows system to run the script to install the plug-in on a vCenter Server that runs on Windows. If you used a Linux or Mac OS system to deploy the VCH, download and unpack the vSphere Integrated Containers Engine package on a Windows system. For example, download the package to the system on which vCenter Server is running.
  • If you deployed the VCH to a vCenter Server 6.5 instance, use the Flash-based vSphere Web Client to view the vSphere Web Client plug-in for vSphere Integrated Containers Engine. vSphere Integrated Containers Engine does not currently provide a plug-in for the new HTML5 vSphere Client.


  1. On the Windows system on which you have downloaded and unpacked vSphere Integrated Containers Engine, navigate to the folder that contains the vic-machine utility and open the ui folder.
  2. Upload the plug-in bundle to your Web server.
  3. On the vic-machine system, open the vic_unpack_dir\vic\ui\vCenterForWindows\configs file in a text editor.
  4. Enter the IPv4 address or FQDN of the vCenter Server instance on which to install the plug-in.
    SET target_vcenter_ip=vcenter_server_address
  5. Enter the path to the folder on your Web server that contains the file.
    SET vic_ui_host_url="vicui_zip_location"
  6. (Optional) If you used an HTTPS address in vic_ui_host_url, provide the SHA-1 thumbprint of the Web server.
    SET vic_ui_host_thumbprint="thumbprint"
    NOTE: Use colon delimitation in the thumbprint. Do not use space delimitation.
  7. Save and close the configs file.
  8. Open a command prompt, navigate to vic_unpack_dir\vic\ui\vCenterForWindows, and run the installer.
  9. Enter the user name and password for the vCenter Server administrator account.
  10. When installation finishes, if you are logged into the vSphere Web Client, log out then log back in again.

What to Do Next Check that the deployment has succeeded by following the procedure in Verify the Deployment of the vSphere Integrated Containers Engine Plug-In.