Class IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.vmware.vapi.bindings.StaticStructure, com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure,

    public final class IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements, com.vmware.vapi.bindings.StaticStructure
    IPFIX collector profile list result for query with profile list parameters
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected __dynamicStructureFields  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T extends com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure>
      _convertTo​(java.lang.Class<T> clazz)  
      java.lang.String _getCanonicalName()  
      static java.lang.String _getCanonicalTypeName()
      Returns the canonical type name.
      static com.vmware.vapi.bindings.type.StructType _getClassType()
      WARNING: Internal method, subject to change in future versions. _getDataValue() _getDynamicField​(java.lang.String fieldName)  
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> _getDynamicFieldNames()  
      com.vmware.vapi.bindings.type.StructType _getType()  
      boolean _hasTypeNameOf​(java.lang.Class<? extends com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure> clazz)  
      static IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult _newInstance​( structValue)
      WARNING: Internal method, subject to change in future versions.
      Returns new instance of this binding class and injects the provided data value.
      WARNING: The returned object is not fully initialized.
      static IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult _newInstance2​( structValue)
      WARNING: Internal method, subject to change in future versions.
      Serves as a versioning mechanism.
      void _setDynamicField​(java.lang.String fieldName, fieldValue)  
      protected void _updateDataValue​( structValue)  
      void _validate()  
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)  
      java.lang.String getCursor()
      Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page) This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      java.util.List<ResourceLink> getLinks()
      The server will populate this field when returing the resource.
      java.lang.Long getResultCount()
      Count of results found (across all pages), set only on first page format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      java.util.List<IpfixCollectorUpmProfile> getResults()
      IPFIX Collector Profile List This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      java.lang.String getSchema()
      Schema for this resource This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      SelfResourceLink getSelf()  
      java.lang.Boolean getSortAscending()
      If true, results are sorted in ascending order This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      java.lang.String getSortBy()
      Field by which records are sorted This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      int hashCode()  
      void setCursor​(java.lang.String cursor)
      Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page) This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      void setLinks​(java.util.List<ResourceLink> links)
      The server will populate this field when returing the resource.
      void setResultCount​(java.lang.Long resultCount)
      Count of results found (across all pages), set only on first page format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      void setResults​(java.util.List<IpfixCollectorUpmProfile> results)
      IPFIX Collector Profile List This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      void setSchema​(java.lang.String schema)
      Schema for this resource This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      void setSelf​(SelfResourceLink self)  
      void setSortAscending​(java.lang.Boolean sortAscending)
      If true, results are sorted in ascending order This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      void setSortBy​(java.lang.String sortBy)
      Field by which records are sorted This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • __dynamicStructureFields

        protected __dynamicStructureFields
    • Constructor Detail

      • IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult

        public IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult()
        Default constructor.
      • IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult

        protected IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult​( __dynamicStructureFields)
    • Method Detail

      • getLinks

        public java.util.List<ResourceLink> getLinks()
        The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST. This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        The current value of the property.
      • setLinks

        public void setLinks​(java.util.List<ResourceLink> links)
        The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST. This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        links - New value for the property.
      • getSchema

        public java.lang.String getSchema()
        Schema for this resource This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        The current value of the property.
      • setSchema

        public void setSchema​(java.lang.String schema)
        Schema for this resource This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        schema - New value for the property.
      • getSelf

        public SelfResourceLink getSelf()
        The current value of the property.
      • setSelf

        public void setSelf​(SelfResourceLink self)
        self - New value for the property.
      • getCursor

        public java.lang.String getCursor()
        Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page) This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        The current value of the property.
      • setCursor

        public void setCursor​(java.lang.String cursor)
        Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page) This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        cursor - New value for the property.
      • getResultCount

        public java.lang.Long getResultCount()
        Count of results found (across all pages), set only on first page format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        The current value of the property.
      • setResultCount

        public void setResultCount​(java.lang.Long resultCount)
        Count of results found (across all pages), set only on first page format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        resultCount - New value for the property.
      • getSortAscending

        public java.lang.Boolean getSortAscending()
        If true, results are sorted in ascending order This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        The current value of the property.
      • setSortAscending

        public void setSortAscending​(java.lang.Boolean sortAscending)
        If true, results are sorted in ascending order This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        sortAscending - New value for the property.
      • getSortBy

        public java.lang.String getSortBy()
        Field by which records are sorted This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        The current value of the property.
      • setSortBy

        public void setSortBy​(java.lang.String sortBy)
        Field by which records are sorted This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        sortBy - New value for the property.
      • getResults

        public java.util.List<IpfixCollectorUpmProfile> getResults()
        IPFIX Collector Profile List This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        The current value of the property.
      • setResults

        public void setResults​(java.util.List<IpfixCollectorUpmProfile> results)
        IPFIX Collector Profile List This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        results - New value for the property.
      • _getType

        public com.vmware.vapi.bindings.type.StructType _getType()
        Specified by:
        _getType in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.StaticStructure
      • _getDataValue

        public _getDataValue()
        Specified by:
        _getDataValue in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure
      • _updateDataValue

        protected void _updateDataValue​( structValue)
      • _validate

        public void _validate()
        Specified by:
        _validate in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.StaticStructure
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Specified by:
        toString in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.StaticStructure
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • _hasTypeNameOf

        public boolean _hasTypeNameOf​(java.lang.Class<? extends com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure> clazz)
        Specified by:
        _hasTypeNameOf in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure
      • _convertTo

        public <T extends com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure> T _convertTo​(java.lang.Class<T> clazz)
        Specified by:
        _convertTo in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure
      • _setDynamicField

        public void _setDynamicField​(java.lang.String fieldName,
        Specified by:
        _setDynamicField in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.StaticStructure
      • _getDynamicField

        public _getDynamicField​(java.lang.String fieldName)
        Specified by:
        _getDynamicField in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.StaticStructure
      • _getDynamicFieldNames

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> _getDynamicFieldNames()
        Specified by:
        _getDynamicFieldNames in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.StaticStructure
      • _getClassType

        public static com.vmware.vapi.bindings.type.StructType _getClassType()
        WARNING: Internal method, subject to change in future versions.
        StructType instance representing the static bindings type for this Structure.
      • _getCanonicalName

        public java.lang.String _getCanonicalName()
        Specified by:
        _getCanonicalName in interface com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure
      • _getCanonicalTypeName

        public static java.lang.String _getCanonicalTypeName()
        Returns the canonical type name. See _getCanonicalName().
        canonical type name
      • _newInstance

        public static IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult _newInstance​( structValue)
        WARNING: Internal method, subject to change in future versions.
        Returns new instance of this binding class and injects the provided data value.
        WARNING: The returned object is not fully initialized.
        structValue - the source of the data contained in the binding object. Could contain more data than fields of this class can describe i.e. newer version of the binding object. Could be null.
        the static bindings StructType
      • _newInstance2

        public static IpfixCollectorUpmProfileListResult _newInstance2​( structValue)
        WARNING: Internal method, subject to change in future versions.
        Serves as a versioning mechanism.