Class VsipCounters.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class VsipCounters.Builder
    extends java.lang.Object
    Builder class for VsipCounters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
        Constructor with parameters for the required properties of VsipCounters.
    • Method Detail

      • setAlgHandlerDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setAlgHandlerDrops​(java.lang.Long algHandlerDrops)
        alg handler error. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        algHandlerDrops - New value for the property.
      • setBadOffsetDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setBadOffsetDrops​(java.lang.Long badOffsetDrops)
        bad-offset. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        badOffsetDrops - New value for the property.
      • setBadTimestampDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setBadTimestampDrops​(java.lang.Long badTimestampDrops)
        bad-timestamp. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        badTimestampDrops - New value for the property.
      • setCongestionDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setCongestionDrops​(java.lang.Long congestionDrops)
        congestion. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        congestionDrops - New value for the property.
      • setFragmentDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setFragmentDrops​(java.lang.Long fragmentDrops)
        fragment. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        fragmentDrops - New value for the property.
      • setHandshakeErrorDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setHandshakeErrorDrops​(java.lang.Long handshakeErrorDrops)
        3wh error. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        handshakeErrorDrops - New value for the property.
      • setIcmpErrPktDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setIcmpErrPktDrops​(java.lang.Long icmpErrPktDrops)
        icmp errpkt drop. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        icmpErrPktDrops - New value for the property.
      • setIcmpErrorDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setIcmpErrorDrops​(java.lang.Long icmpErrorDrops)
        icmp error. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        icmpErrorDrops - New value for the property.
      • setIcmpFloodOverlimitDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setIcmpFloodOverlimitDrops​(java.lang.Long icmpFloodOverlimitDrops)
        ICMP flood overlimit. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        icmpFloodOverlimitDrops - New value for the property.
      • setIgnoredOffloadedFpdrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setIgnoredOffloadedFpdrops​(java.lang.Long ignoredOffloadedFpdrops)
        Ignored offloaded FP. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        ignoredOffloadedFpdrops - New value for the property.
      • setIgnoredOffloadedSpdrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setIgnoredOffloadedSpdrops​(java.lang.Long ignoredOffloadedSpdrops)
        Ignored offloaded SP format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        ignoredOffloadedSpdrops - New value for the property.
      • setIpOptionDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setIpOptionDrops​(java.lang.Long ipOptionDrops)
        ip-option. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        ipOptionDrops - New value for the property.
      • setL7AlertDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setL7AlertDrops​(java.lang.Long l7AlertDrops)
        L7 alert. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        l7AlertDrops - New value for the property.
      • setL7AttrErrorDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setL7AttrErrorDrops​(java.lang.Long l7AttrErrorDrops)
        L7 attr error. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        l7AttrErrorDrops - New value for the property.
      • setL7PendingMisc

        public VsipCounters.Builder setL7PendingMisc​(java.lang.Long l7PendingMisc)
        L7 pending. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        l7PendingMisc - New value for the property.
      • setLbRejectDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setLbRejectDrops​(java.lang.Long lbRejectDrops)
        LB Reject. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        lbRejectDrops - New value for the property.
      • setMatchDropRuleRxDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setMatchDropRuleRxDrops​(java.lang.Long matchDropRuleRxDrops)
        Rx pkts dropped by hitting drop/reject rule. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        matchDropRuleRxDrops - New value for the property.
      • setMatchDropRuleTxDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setMatchDropRuleTxDrops​(java.lang.Long matchDropRuleTxDrops)
        Tx pkts dropped by hitting drop/reject rule. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        matchDropRuleTxDrops - New value for the property.
      • setMemoryDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setMemoryDrops​(java.lang.Long memoryDrops)
        memory. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        memoryDrops - New value for the property.
      • setNormalizeDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setNormalizeDrops​(java.lang.Long normalizeDrops)
        normalize. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        normalizeDrops - New value for the property.
      • setOtherFloodOverlimitDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setOtherFloodOverlimitDrops​(java.lang.Long otherFloodOverlimitDrops)
        OTHER flood overlimit. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        otherFloodOverlimitDrops - New value for the property.
      • setPktsFragQueuedV4Misc

        public VsipCounters.Builder setPktsFragQueuedV4Misc​(java.lang.Long pktsFragQueuedV4Misc)
        pkts-frag-queued-v4. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        pktsFragQueuedV4Misc - New value for the property.
      • setPktsFragQueuedV6Misc

        public VsipCounters.Builder setPktsFragQueuedV6Misc​(java.lang.Long pktsFragQueuedV6Misc)
        pkts-frag-queued-v6. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        pktsFragQueuedV6Misc - New value for the property.
      • setProtoCksumDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setProtoCksumDrops​(java.lang.Long protoCksumDrops)
        proto-cksum. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        protoCksumDrops - New value for the property.
      • setRxIpv4DropPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setRxIpv4DropPkts​(java.lang.Long rxIpv4DropPkts)
        Received IPv4 drop packets format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        rxIpv4DropPkts - New value for the property.
      • setRxIpv4PassPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setRxIpv4PassPkts​(java.lang.Long rxIpv4PassPkts)
        Received IPv4 pass packets format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        rxIpv4PassPkts - New value for the property.
      • setRxIpv4RejectPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setRxIpv4RejectPkts​(java.lang.Long rxIpv4RejectPkts)
        Received IPv4 reject packets. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        rxIpv4RejectPkts - New value for the property.
      • setRxIpv6DropPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setRxIpv6DropPkts​(java.lang.Long rxIpv6DropPkts)
        Received IPv6 drop packets. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        rxIpv6DropPkts - New value for the property.
      • setRxIpv6PassPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setRxIpv6PassPkts​(java.lang.Long rxIpv6PassPkts)
        Received IPv6 pass packets format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        rxIpv6PassPkts - New value for the property.
      • setRxIpv6RejectPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setRxIpv6RejectPkts​(java.lang.Long rxIpv6RejectPkts)
        Received IPv6 reject packets. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        rxIpv6RejectPkts - New value for the property.
      • setRxL2DropPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setRxL2DropPkts​(java.lang.Long rxL2DropPkts)
        Received layer 2 drop packets. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        rxL2DropPkts - New value for the property.
      • setSeqnoBadAckDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSeqnoBadAckDrops​(java.lang.Long seqnoBadAckDrops)
        seqno bad ack format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        seqnoBadAckDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSeqnoGtMaxAckDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSeqnoGtMaxAckDrops​(java.lang.Long seqnoGtMaxAckDrops)
        seqno gt maxack format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        seqnoGtMaxAckDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSeqnoLtMinackDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSeqnoLtMinackDrops​(java.lang.Long seqnoLtMinackDrops)
        seqno lt minack format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        seqnoLtMinackDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSeqnoOldAckDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSeqnoOldAckDrops​(java.lang.Long seqnoOldAckDrops)
        seqno old ack format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        seqnoOldAckDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSeqnoOldRetransDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSeqnoOldRetransDrops​(java.lang.Long seqnoOldRetransDrops)
        seqno old retrans. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        seqnoOldRetransDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSeqnoOutsideWindowDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSeqnoOutsideWindowDrops​(java.lang.Long seqnoOutsideWindowDrops)
        seqno outside window. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        seqnoOutsideWindowDrops - New value for the property.
      • setShortDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setShortDrops​(java.lang.Long shortDrops)
        short. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        shortDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSpoofGuardDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSpoofGuardDrops​(java.lang.Long spoofGuardDrops)
        spoofguard. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        spoofGuardDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSrcLimitMisc

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSrcLimitMisc​(java.lang.Long srcLimitMisc)
        src-limit. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        srcLimitMisc - New value for the property.
      • setStateInsertDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setStateInsertDrops​(java.lang.Long stateInsertDrops)
        state-insert. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        stateInsertDrops - New value for the property.
      • setStateLimitDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setStateLimitDrops​(java.lang.Long stateLimitDrops)
        state-limit. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        stateLimitDrops - New value for the property.
      • setStateMismatchDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setStateMismatchDrops​(java.lang.Long stateMismatchDrops)
        state-mismatch. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        stateMismatchDrops - New value for the property.
      • setStrictNoSynDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setStrictNoSynDrops​(java.lang.Long strictNoSynDrops)
        strict no syn. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        strictNoSynDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSynExpectedDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSynExpectedDrops​(java.lang.Long synExpectedDrops)
        SYN Expected. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        synExpectedDrops - New value for the property.
      • setSynProxyDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setSynProxyDrops​(java.lang.Long synProxyDrops)
        synproxy. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        synProxyDrops - New value for the property.
      • setTcpFloodOverlimitDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setTcpFloodOverlimitDrops​(java.lang.Long tcpFloodOverlimitDrops)
        TCP flood overlimit. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        tcpFloodOverlimitDrops - New value for the property.
      • setTxIpv4DropPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setTxIpv4DropPkts​(java.lang.Long txIpv4DropPkts)
        Sent IPv4 drop packets format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        txIpv4DropPkts - New value for the property.
      • setTxIpv4PassPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setTxIpv4PassPkts​(java.lang.Long txIpv4PassPkts)
        Sent IPv4 pass packets format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        txIpv4PassPkts - New value for the property.
      • setTxIpv4RejectPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setTxIpv4RejectPkts​(java.lang.Long txIpv4RejectPkts)
        Sent IPv4 reject packets. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        txIpv4RejectPkts - New value for the property.
      • setTxIpv6DropPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setTxIpv6DropPkts​(java.lang.Long txIpv6DropPkts)
        Sent IPv6 drop packets. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        txIpv6DropPkts - New value for the property.
      • setTxIpv6PassPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setTxIpv6PassPkts​(java.lang.Long txIpv6PassPkts)
        Sent IPv6 pass packets format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        txIpv6PassPkts - New value for the property.
      • setTxIpv6RejectPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setTxIpv6RejectPkts​(java.lang.Long txIpv6RejectPkts)
        Sent IPv6 reject packets. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        txIpv6RejectPkts - New value for the property.
      • setTxL2DropPkts

        public VsipCounters.Builder setTxL2DropPkts​(java.lang.Long txL2DropPkts)
        Sent layer 2 drop packets. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        txL2DropPkts - New value for the property.
      • setUdpFloodOverlimitDrops

        public VsipCounters.Builder setUdpFloodOverlimitDrops​(java.lang.Long udpFloodOverlimitDrops)
        UDP flood overlimit. format: int64 This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present in a request to server it will be ignored.
        udpFloodOverlimitDrops - New value for the property.