Class MetricAttribute

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getDataType()
      Boolean isProperty()
      • Methods inherited from class com.vmware.aria.operations.definition.Attribute

        getDashboardOrder, getJson, getKey, getLabel, getUnit, isDiscrete, isImpact, isKeyAttribute, isKpi, isRate
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key, String label, SdkUnit unit, Boolean isRate, Boolean isDiscrete, Boolean isKpi, Boolean isImpact, Boolean isKeyAttribute, Integer dashboardOrder)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        unit - Specifies what unit this metric is returned in.
        isRate - Declares this attribute as a rate (e.g., kilobytes per second).
        isDiscrete - Declares that this attribute's range of values is discrete (integer) rather than continuous (floating point).
        isKpi - If set, threshold breaches for this metric will be used in the calculation of the object's 'Self - Health Score' metric, which can affect the 'Anomalies' Badge.
        isImpact - If set, this attribute will never be the 'root cause' of an issue.
        isKeyAttribute - True if the attribute should be shown in some object summary widgets in the UI.
        dashboardOrder - Determines the order parameters will be displayed in the UI.
      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key, String label, SdkUnit unit, Boolean isRate, Boolean isDiscrete, Boolean isKpi, Boolean isImpact, Boolean isKeyAttribute)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        unit - Specifies what unit this metric is returned in.
        isRate - Declares this attribute as a rate (e.g., kilobytes per second).
        isDiscrete - Declares that this attribute's range of values is discrete (integer) rather than continuous (floating point).
        isKpi - If set, threshold breaches for this metric will be used in the calculation of the object's 'Self - Health Score' metric, which can affect the 'Anomalies' Badge.
        isImpact - If set, this attribute will never be the 'root cause' of an issue.
        isKeyAttribute - True if the attribute should be shown in some object summary widgets in the UI.
      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key, String label, SdkUnit unit, Boolean isRate, Boolean isDiscrete, Boolean isKpi, Boolean isImpact)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        unit - Specifies what unit this metric is returned in.
        isRate - Declares this attribute as a rate (e.g., kilobytes per second).
        isDiscrete - Declares that this attribute's range of values is discrete (integer) rather than continuous (floating point).
        isKpi - If set, threshold breaches for this metric will be used in the calculation of the object's 'Self - Health Score' metric, which can affect the 'Anomalies' Badge.
        isImpact - If set, this attribute will never be the 'root cause' of an issue.
      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key, String label, SdkUnit unit, Boolean isRate, Boolean isDiscrete, Boolean isKpi)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        unit - Specifies what unit this metric is returned in.
        isRate - Declares this attribute as a rate (e.g., kilobytes per second).
        isDiscrete - Declares that this attribute's range of values is discrete (integer) rather than continuous (floating point).
        isKpi - If set, threshold breaches for this metric will be used in the calculation of the object's 'Self - Health Score' metric, which can affect the 'Anomalies' Badge.
      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key, String label, SdkUnit unit, Boolean isRate, Boolean isDiscrete)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        unit - Specifies what unit this metric is returned in.
        isRate - Declares this attribute as a rate (e.g., kilobytes per second).
        isDiscrete - Declares that this attribute's range of values is discrete (integer) rather than continuous (floating point).
      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key, String label, SdkUnit unit, Boolean isRate)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        unit - Specifies what unit this metric is returned in.
        isRate - Declares this attribute as a rate (e.g., kilobytes per second).
      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key, String label, SdkUnit unit)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        unit - Specifies what unit this metric is returned in.
      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key, String label)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
      • MetricAttribute

        MetricAttribute(String key)
        key - Used to identify the parameter.