Class Object

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Object

    Represents an Object (resource) in VMware Aria Operations.

    Contains Metrics, Properties, Events, and relationships to other Objects. Each Object is identified by a unique Key.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Object

        Object(String adapterType, String objectType, String name, List<Identifier> identifiers)
        Represents an Object (resource) in VMware Aria Operations.
        adapterType - The adapter type of the object
        objectType - The type of the object
        name - The name of the object
        identifiers - An optional list of Identifiers for the object
      • Object

        Object(String adapterType, String objectType, String name)
        Represents an Object (resource) in VMware Aria Operations.
        adapterType - The adapter type of the object
        objectType - The type of the object
        name - The name of the object
      • Object

        Object(Key key)
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

         final Key getKey()

        A Key that uniquely identifies this Object.

      • withMetric

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withMetric(String key, Double value, Long timestamp)

        Creates a single Metric (data point) and adds it to this Object

        key - The key identifying the Metric
        value - The value of the data point
        timestamp - The timestamp (in milliseconds since the Epoch) the data point was collected (defaults to now).
      • withMetric

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withMetric(String key, Double value)

        Creates a single Metric (data point) and adds it to this Object

        key - The key identifying the Metric
        value - The value of the data point
      • getMetric

         final Set<Metric> getMetric(String key)

        Gets all Metrics for a given Metric key.

        key - Metric key of the metrics to return.

        A Set of all metrics matching the given key.

      • getMetricValues

         final List<Double> getMetricValues(String key)

        Gets all datapoints for a given Metric key.

        key - Metric key of the Metric to return.

        A List of the metric values matching the given key in chronological order.

      • getLastMetricValue

         final Double getLastMetricValue(String key)

        Gets the most recent datapoint for a given Metric key.

        key - Metric key of the metric to return.

        The latest value of the metric, or null if no metric exists with the given key..

      • withProperty

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withProperty(String key, String value, Long timestamp)

        Creates a single StringProperty (data point) and adds it to this Object

        key - The key identifying the Property
        value - The value of the data point
        timestamp - The timestamp (in milliseconds since the Epoch) the data point was collected (defaults to now).
      • withProperty

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withProperty(String key, String value)

        Creates a single StringProperty (data point) and adds it to this Object

        key - The key identifying the Property
        value - The value of the data point
      • withProperty

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withProperty(String key, Double value, Long timestamp)

        Creates a single NumericProperty (data point) and adds it to this Object

        key - The key identifying the Property
        value - The value of the data point
        timestamp - The timestamp (in milliseconds since the Epoch) the data point was collected (defaults to now).
      • withProperty

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withProperty(String key, Double value)

        Creates a single NumericProperty (data point) and adds it to this Object

        key - The key identifying the Property
        value - The value of the data point
      • getProperty

         final Set<Property> getProperty(String key)

        Gets all Properties for a given Property key.

        key - Property key of the metrics to return.

        A Set of all properties matching the given key.

      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message, Criticality criticality, String faultKey, Boolean autoCancel, Long startDate, Long updateDate, Long cancelDate, Integer watchWaitCycle, Integer cancelWaitCycle)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
        criticality - The criticality or severity of the event.
        faultKey - A metric/property key that this event is related to.
        autoCancel - If True, VMware Aria Operations should automatically cancel an event when it stops being sent.
        startDate - If set, overrides the start date of the event.
        updateDate - If set, indicates that the event has been updated by the target at the indicated time.
        cancelDate - If 'autoCancel' is set to False, use the cancelDate to indicate that the event should be cancelled.
        watchWaitCycle - The number of times this event must be present in a collection before VMware Aria Operations surfaces it in the UI.
        cancelWaitCycle - If 'autoCancel' is set to true, sets the number of times this event must be absent in a collection before Aria Operations removes it from the UI.
      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message, Criticality criticality, String faultKey, Boolean autoCancel, Long startDate, Long updateDate, Long cancelDate, Integer watchWaitCycle)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
        criticality - The criticality or severity of the event.
        faultKey - A metric/property key that this event is related to.
        autoCancel - If True, VMware Aria Operations should automatically cancel an event when it stops being sent.
        startDate - If set, overrides the start date of the event.
        updateDate - If set, indicates that the event has been updated by the target at the indicated time.
        cancelDate - If 'autoCancel' is set to False, use the cancelDate to indicate that the event should be cancelled.
        watchWaitCycle - The number of times this event must be present in a collection before VMware Aria Operations surfaces it in the UI.
      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message, Criticality criticality, String faultKey, Boolean autoCancel, Long startDate, Long updateDate, Long cancelDate)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
        criticality - The criticality or severity of the event.
        faultKey - A metric/property key that this event is related to.
        autoCancel - If True, VMware Aria Operations should automatically cancel an event when it stops being sent.
        startDate - If set, overrides the start date of the event.
        updateDate - If set, indicates that the event has been updated by the target at the indicated time.
        cancelDate - If 'autoCancel' is set to False, use the cancelDate to indicate that the event should be cancelled.
      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message, Criticality criticality, String faultKey, Boolean autoCancel, Long startDate, Long updateDate)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
        criticality - The criticality or severity of the event.
        faultKey - A metric/property key that this event is related to.
        autoCancel - If True, VMware Aria Operations should automatically cancel an event when it stops being sent.
        startDate - If set, overrides the start date of the event.
        updateDate - If set, indicates that the event has been updated by the target at the indicated time.
      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message, Criticality criticality, String faultKey, Boolean autoCancel, Long startDate)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
        criticality - The criticality or severity of the event.
        faultKey - A metric/property key that this event is related to.
        autoCancel - If True, VMware Aria Operations should automatically cancel an event when it stops being sent.
        startDate - If set, overrides the start date of the event.
      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message, Criticality criticality, String faultKey, Boolean autoCancel)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
        criticality - The criticality or severity of the event.
        faultKey - A metric/property key that this event is related to.
        autoCancel - If True, VMware Aria Operations should automatically cancel an event when it stops being sent.
      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message, Criticality criticality, String faultKey)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
        criticality - The criticality or severity of the event.
        faultKey - A metric/property key that this event is related to.
      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message, Criticality criticality)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
        criticality - The criticality or severity of the event.
      • withEvent

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withEvent(String message)

        Creates a new Event and adds it to this Object.

        message - The message describes and identifies an event.
      • addParent

         final Unit addParent(Object parent)

        Adds a parent Object to this Object.

        This Object will also be added as a child to the parent.

        Relationships cycles are not permitted.

        parent - The parent Object
      • addParents

         final Unit addParents(Iterable<Object> parents)

        Adds a collection of parent Objects to this Object.

        This Object will also be added as a child to each of the parents.

        Relationship cycles are not permitted.

        parents - A collection of parent Objects.
      • getParents

         final Set<Key> getParents()

        a Set of all Object Keys that are parents of this object.

      • addChild

         final Unit addChild(Object child)

        Adds a child Object to this Object.

        This Object will also be added as a parent to the child.

        Relationships cycles are not permitted.

        child - The parent Object
      • addChildren

         final Unit addChildren(Iterable<Object> children)

        Adds a collection of child Objects to this Object.

        This Object will also be added as a parent to each of the children.

        Relationship cycles are not permitted.

        children - A collection of child Objects.
      • getChildren

         final Set<Key> getChildren()

        a Set of all Object Keys that are children of this object.