com.vmware.vcenter.vm package


com.vmware.vcenter.vm.guest_client module

The com.vmware.vcenter.vm.guest_client module provides classes for dealing with the guest operating system. This includes information about the state of local file systems and network interfaces and methods to manipulate the guest file system and processes.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.guest_client.Identity(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Identity class provides methods for retrieving guest operating system identification information. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7

class Info(name=None, family=None, full_name=None, host_name=None, ip_address=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Identity.Info class contains information describing the guest operating system identification. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.


Return information about the guest. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7

Parameters:vm (str) – Identifier of the virtual machine. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:Identity.Info
Returns:guest identification information.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if VMware Tools is not running.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if VMware Tools has not provided any values.
class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.guest_client.LocalFilesystem(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The LocalFilesystem class provides methods for retrieving information about the guest operating system local file systems. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7

class Info(capacity=None, free_space=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The LocalFilesystem.Info class contains information about a local file system configured in the guest operating system. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.


Returns details of the local file systems in the guest operating system. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7

Parameters:vm (str) – Identifier of the virtual machine. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:dict of str and LocalFilesystem.Info
Returns:Information about the local file systems configured in the guest operating system.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if VMware Tools is not running.
class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.guest_client.Power(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Power class provides methods for managing the guest operating system power state of a virtual machine. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7

class Info(state=None, operations_ready=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

Information about the guest operating system power state. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class State(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

Possible guest power states. This enumeration was added in vSphere API 6.7


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.


The guest OS is not running. This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7


The guest OS is resetting. This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7

RUNNING = State(string='RUNNING')

The guest OS is running. This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7


The guest OS is shutting down. This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7

STANDBY = State(string='STANDBY')

The guest OS is in standby. This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7


The guest OS power state is unknown. This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7


Returns information about the guest operating system power state. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7

Parameters:vm (str) – Identifier of the virtual machine. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:Power.Info
Returns:Guest OS powerstate information.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.

Issues a request to the guest operating system asking it to perform a reboot. This request returns immediately and does not wait for the guest operating system to complete the operation. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7

Parameters:vm (str) – Identifier of the virtual machine. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if VMware Tools is not running.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is performing another operation.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unsupported if the virtual machine does not support being powered on (e.g. marked as a template, serving as a fault-tolerance secondary virtual machine).

Issues a request to the guest operating system asking it to perform a clean shutdown of all services. This request returns immediately and does not wait for the guest operating system to complete the operation. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7

Parameters:vm (str) – Identifier of the virtual machine. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual machine is not powered on.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if VMware Tools is not running.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is suspended.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is performing another operation.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unsupported if the virtual machine does not support being powered on (e.g. marked as a template, serving as a fault-tolerance secondary virtual machine).

Issues a request to the guest operating system asking it to perform a suspend operation. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7

Parameters:vm (str) – Identifier of the virtual machine. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual machine is suspended.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if VMware Tools is not running.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is performing another operation.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unsupported if the virtual machine does not support being powered on (e.g. marked as a template, serving as a fault-tolerance secondary virtual machine).
class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.guest_client.StubFactory(stub_config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubFactoryBase

com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client module

The com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client module provides classes for managing the virtual hardware configuration and state of a virtual machine. This includes methods for reading and manipulating virtual device configuration and for querying the runtime state of the devices.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Boot(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Boot class provides methods for configuring the settings used when booting a virtual machine.

class CreateSpec(type=None, efi_legacy_boot=None, network_protocol=None, delay=None, retry=None, retry_delay=None, enter_setup_mode=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Boot.CreateSpec class describes settings used when booting a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class Info(type=None, efi_legacy_boot=None, network_protocol=None, delay=None, retry=None, retry_delay=None, enter_setup_mode=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Boot.Info class contains information about the virtual machine boot process.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class NetworkProtocol(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Boot.NetworkProtocol class defines the valid network boot protocols supported when booting a virtual machine with Boot.Type.EFI firmware over the network.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

IPV4 = NetworkProtocol(string='IPV4')

PXE or Apple NetBoot over IPv4.

IPV6 = NetworkProtocol(string='IPV6')

PXE over IPv6.

class Type(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Boot.Type class defines the valid firmware types for a virtual machine.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

BIOS = Type(string='BIOS')

Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) firmware.

EFI = Type(string='EFI')

Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) firmware.

class UpdateSpec(type=None, efi_legacy_boot=None, network_protocol=None, delay=None, retry=None, retry_delay=None, enter_setup_mode=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Boot.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to the settings used when booting a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.


Returns the boot-related settings of a virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:Boot.Info
Returns:Boot-related settings of the virtual machine.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, spec)

Updates the boot-related settings of a virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Boot.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the boot-related settings of the virtual machine.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if one of the provided settings is not permitted; for example, specifying a negative value for delay.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Cdrom(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Cdrom class provides methods for configuring the virtual CD-ROM devices of a virtual machine.

class BackingInfo(type=None, iso_file=None, host_device=None, auto_detect=None, device_access_type=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Cdrom.BackingInfo class contains information about the physical resource backing a virtual CD-ROM device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingSpec(type=None, iso_file=None, host_device=None, device_access_type=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Cdrom.BackingSpec class provides a specification of the physical resource backing a virtual CD-ROM device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Cdrom.BackingType class defines the valid backing types for a virtual CD-ROM device.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.


Virtual CD-ROM device is backed by a device on the client that is connected to the virtual machine console.

HOST_DEVICE = BackingType(string='HOST_DEVICE')

Virtual CD-ROM device is backed by a device on the host where the virtual machine is running.

ISO_FILE = BackingType(string='ISO_FILE')

Virtual CD-ROM device is backed by an ISO file.

class CreateSpec(type=None, ide=None, sata=None, backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Cdrom.CreateSpec class provides a specification for the configuration of a newly-created virtual CD-ROM device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class DeviceAccessType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Cdrom.DeviceAccessType class defines the valid device access types for a physical device packing of a virtual CD-ROM device.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

EMULATION = DeviceAccessType(string='EMULATION')

ATAPI or SCSI device emulation.

PASSTHRU = DeviceAccessType(string='PASSTHRU')

Raw passthru device access.


Raw passthru device access, with exclusive access to the device.

class HostBusAdapterType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Cdrom.HostBusAdapterType class defines the valid types of host bus adapters that may be used for attaching a Cdrom to a virtual machine.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

IDE = HostBusAdapterType(string='IDE')

Cdrom is attached to an IDE adapter.

SATA = HostBusAdapterType(string='SATA')

Cdrom is attached to a SATA adapter.

class Info(type=None, label=None, ide=None, sata=None, backing=None, state=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Cdrom.Info class contains information about a virtual CD-ROM device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

RESOURCE_TYPE = 'com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom'

Resource type for the virtual CD-ROM device.

class Summary(cdrom=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Cdrom.Summary class contains commonly used information about a virtual CD-ROM device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Cdrom.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the configuration of a virtual CD-ROM device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

connect(vm, cdrom)

Connects a virtual CD-ROM device of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Cdrom.update() method may be used to configure the virtual CD-ROM device to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • cdrom (str) – Virtual CD-ROM device identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual CD-ROM device is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual CD-ROM device is already connected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

create(vm, spec)

Adds a virtual CD-ROM device to the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Cdrom.CreateSpec) – Specification for the new virtual CD-ROM device.
Return type:



Virtual CD-ROM device identifier. The return value will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reported that the CD-ROM device was created but was unable to confirm the creation because the identifier of the new device could not be determined.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is suspended or if the virtual machine is powered on and virtual CD-ROM type is IDE.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.UnableToAllocateResource if the specified storage address is unavailable; for example, if the SCSI adapter requested does not exist.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInUse if the specified storage address is in use.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if the specified storage address is out of bounds.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unsupported if the guest operating system of the virtual machine is not supported and spec includes None attributes that default to guest-specific values.

delete(vm, cdrom)

Removes a virtual CD-ROM device from the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • cdrom (str) – Virtual CD-ROM device identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual CD-ROM device is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is suspended or if the virtual machine is powered on and virtual CD-ROM type is IDE.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

disconnect(vm, cdrom)

Disconnects a virtual CD-ROM device of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the CD-ROM device is not connected to its backing resource.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Cdrom.update() method may be used to configure the virtual CD-ROM device to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • cdrom (str) – Virtual CD-ROM device identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual CD-ROM device is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual CD-ROM device is already disconnected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

get(vm, cdrom)

Returns information about a virtual CD-ROM device.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • cdrom (str) – Virtual CD-ROM device identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom.
Return type:



Information about the specified virtual CD-ROM device.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual CD-ROM device is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


Returns commonly used information about the virtual CD-ROM devices belonging to the virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:list of Cdrom.Summary
Returns:List of commonly used information about virtual CD-ROM devices.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, cdrom, spec)

Updates the configuration of a virtual CD-ROM device.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • cdrom (str) – Virtual CD-ROM device identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Cdrom.
  • spec (Cdrom.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the virtual CD-ROM device.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual CD-ROM device is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if one or more of the attributes specified in the spec parameter cannot be modified due to the current power state of the virtual machine or the connection state of the virtual CD-ROM device.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.ConnectionCreateSpec(start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The ConnectionCreateSpec class provides a specification for the configuration of a newly-created removable device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.ConnectionInfo(state=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The ConnectionInfo class provides information about the state and configuration of a removable virtual device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.ConnectionState(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The ConnectionState class defines the valid states for a removable device that is configured to be connected.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

CONNECTED = ConnectionState(string='CONNECTED')

The device is connected and working correctly.

NOT_CONNECTED = ConnectionState(string='NOT_CONNECTED')

The device is not connected.


Device connection failed due to a recoverable error; for example, the virtual device backing is currently in use by another virtual machine.

UNKNOWN = ConnectionState(string='UNKNOWN')

The device status is unknown.


Device connection failed due to an unrecoverable error; for example, the virtual device backing does not exist.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.ConnectionUpdateSpec(start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The ConnectionUpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the configuration of a removable virtual device.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Cpu(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Cpu class provides methods for configuring the CPU settings of a virtual machine.

class Info(count=None, cores_per_socket=None, hot_add_enabled=None, hot_remove_enabled=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Cpu.Info class contains CPU-related information about a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(count=None, cores_per_socket=None, hot_add_enabled=None, hot_remove_enabled=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Cpu.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the CPU-related settings of a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.


Returns the CPU-related settings of a virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:Cpu.Info
Returns:CPU-related settings of the virtual machine.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, spec)

Updates the CPU-related settings of a virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Cpu.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the CPU-related settings of the virtual machine.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if one of the provided settings is not permitted; for example, specifying a negative value for count.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if hotAddEnabled or hotRemoveEnabled is specified and the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if count is specified and is greater than count, hotAddEnabled is false, and the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if count is specified and is less than count, hotRemoveEnabled is false, and the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Disk(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Disk class provides methods for configuring the virtual disks of a virtual machine. A virtual disk has a backing such as a VMDK file. The backing has an independent lifecycle from the virtual machine when it is detached from the virtual machine. The Disk.create() method provides the ability to create a new virtual disk. When creating a virtual disk, a new VMDK file may be created or an existing VMDK file may used as a backing. Once a VMDK file is associated with a virtual machine, its lifecycle will be bound to the virtual machine. In other words, it will be deleted when the virtual machine is deleted. The Disk.delete() method provides the ability to detach a VMDK file from the virtual machine. The Disk.delete() method does not delete the VMDK file that backs the virtual disk. Once detached, the VMDK file will not be destroyed when the virtual machine to which it was associated is deleted.

class BackingInfo(type=None, vmdk_file=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Disk.BackingInfo class contains information about the physical resource backing a virtual disk.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingSpec(type=None, vmdk_file=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Disk.BackingSpec class provides a specification of the physical resource backing a virtual disk.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Disk.BackingType class defines the valid backing types for a virtual disk.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

VMDK_FILE = BackingType(string='VMDK_FILE')

Virtual disk is backed by a VMDK file.

class CreateSpec(type=None, ide=None, scsi=None, sata=None, backing=None, new_vmdk=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Disk.CreateSpec class provides a specification for the configuration of a newly-created virtual disk.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class HostBusAdapterType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Disk.HostBusAdapterType class defines the valid types of host bus adapters that may be used for attaching a virtual storage device to a virtual machine.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

IDE = HostBusAdapterType(string='IDE')

Disk is attached to an IDE adapter.

SATA = HostBusAdapterType(string='SATA')

Disk is attached to a SATA adapter.

SCSI = HostBusAdapterType(string='SCSI')

Disk is attached to a SCSI adapter.

class Info(label=None, type=None, ide=None, scsi=None, sata=None, backing=None, capacity=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Disk.Info class contains information about a virtual disk.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

RESOURCE_TYPE = 'com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Disk'

Resource type for the virtual disk.

class StoragePolicySpec(policy=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Disk.StoragePolicySpec class contains information about the storage policy be associated with a VMDK file. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class Summary(disk=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Disk.Summary class contains commonly used information about a virtual disk.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(backing=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Disk.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the configuration of a virtual disk.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class VmdkCreateSpec(name=None, capacity=None, storage_policy=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Disk.VmdkCreateSpec class provides a specification for creating a new VMDK file to be used as a backing for a virtual disk. The virtual disk will be stored in the same directory as the virtual machine’s configuration file.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

create(vm, spec)

Adds a virtual disk to the virtual machine. While adding the virtual disk, a new VMDK file may be created or an existing VMDK file may be used to back the virtual disk.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Disk.CreateSpec) – Specification for the new virtual disk.
Return type:



Virtual disk identifier. The return value will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Disk.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if system reported that the disk device was created but was unable to confirm the creation because the identifier of the new device could not be determined.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is suspended or if the virtual machine is powered on and virtual disk type is IDE.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.UnableToAllocateResource if the specified storage address is unavailable; for example, if the SCSI adapter requested does not exist.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInUse if the specified storage address is in use.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if the specified storage address is out of bounds or if the specified storage policy is invalid.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unsupported if the guest operating system of the virtual machine is not supported and spec includes None attributes that default to guest-specific values.

delete(vm, disk)

Removes a virtual disk from the virtual machine. This method does not destroy the VMDK file that backs the virtual disk. It only detaches the VMDK file from the virtual machine. Once detached, the VMDK file will not be destroyed when the virtual machine to which it was associated is deleted.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • disk (str) – Virtual disk identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Disk.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual disk is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is suspended or if the virtual machine is powered on and virtual disk type is IDE.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

get(vm, disk)

Returns information about a virtual disk.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • disk (str) – Virtual disk identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Disk.
Return type:



Information about the specified virtual disk.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual disk is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


Returns commonly used information about the virtual disks belonging to the virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:list of Disk.Summary
Returns:List of commonly used information about the virtual disks.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, disk, spec)

Updates the configuration of a virtual disk. An update method can be used to detach the existing VMDK file and attach another VMDK file to the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • disk (str) – Virtual disk identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Disk.
  • spec (Disk.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the virtual disk.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual disk is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if one or more of the attributes specified in the spec parameter cannot be modified due to the current power state of the virtual machine or the connection state of the virtual disk.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Ethernet(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Ethernet class provides methods for configuring the virtual Ethernet adapters of a virtual machine.

class BackingInfo(type=None, network=None, network_name=None, host_device=None, distributed_switch_uuid=None, distributed_port=None, connection_cookie=None, opaque_network_type=None, opaque_network_id=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Ethernet.BackingInfo class contains information about the physical resource backing a virtual Ethernet adapter.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingSpec(type=None, network=None, distributed_port=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Ethernet.BackingSpec class provides a specification of the physical resource that backs a virtual Ethernet adapter.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Ethernet.BackingType class defines the valid backing types for a virtual Ethernet adapter.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.


Distributed virtual switch backing.

HOST_DEVICE = BackingType(string='HOST_DEVICE')

Legacy host device network backing. Imported VMs may have virtual Ethernet adapters with this type of backing, but this type of backing cannot be used to create or to update a virtual Ethernet adapter.


Opaque network backing.


vSphere standard portgroup network backing.

class CreateSpec(type=None, upt_compatibility_enabled=None, mac_type=None, mac_address=None, pci_slot_number=None, wake_on_lan_enabled=None, backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Ethernet.CreateSpec class provides a specification for the configuration of a newly-created virtual Ethernet adapter.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class EmulationType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Ethernet.EmulationType class defines the valid emulation types for a virtual Ethernet adapter.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

E1000 = EmulationType(string='E1000')

E1000 ethernet adapter.

E1000E = EmulationType(string='E1000E')

E1000e ethernet adapter.

PCNET32 = EmulationType(string='PCNET32')

AMD Lance PCNet32 Ethernet adapter.

VMXNET = EmulationType(string='VMXNET')

VMware Vmxnet virtual Ethernet adapter.

VMXNET2 = EmulationType(string='VMXNET2')

VMware Vmxnet2 virtual Ethernet adapter.

VMXNET3 = EmulationType(string='VMXNET3')

VMware Vmxnet3 virtual Ethernet adapter.

class Info(label=None, type=None, upt_compatibility_enabled=None, mac_type=None, mac_address=None, pci_slot_number=None, wake_on_lan_enabled=None, backing=None, state=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Ethernet.Info class contains information about a virtual Ethernet adapter.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class MacAddressType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Ethernet.MacAddressType class defines the valid MAC address origins for a virtual Ethernet adapter.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

ASSIGNED = MacAddressType(string='ASSIGNED')

MAC address is assigned by vCenter Server.

GENERATED = MacAddressType(string='GENERATED')

MAC address is generated automatically.

MANUAL = MacAddressType(string='MANUAL')

MAC address is assigned statically.

RESOURCE_TYPE = 'com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet'

Resource type for the virtual Ethernet adapter.

class Summary(nic=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Ethernet.Summary class contains commonly used information about a virtual Ethernet adapter.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(upt_compatibility_enabled=None, mac_type=None, mac_address=None, wake_on_lan_enabled=None, backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Ethernet.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the configuration of a virtual Ethernet adapter.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

connect(vm, nic)

Connects a virtual Ethernet adapter of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Ethernet.update() method may be used to configure the virtual Ethernet adapter to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • nic (str) – Virtual Ethernet adapter identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual Ethernet adapter is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual Ethernet adapter is already connected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

create(vm, spec)

Adds a virtual Ethernet adapter to the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Ethernet.CreateSpec) – Specification for the new virtual Ethernet adapter.
Return type:



Virtual Ethernet adapter identifier. The return value will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reported that the Ethernet adapter was created but was unable to confirm the creation because the identifier of the new adapter could not be determined.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or network backing is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.UnableToAllocateResource if the virtual machine already has the maximum number of supported Ethernet adapters.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if the specified PCI address is out of bounds, HOST_DEVICE is specified as the type, or a backing cannot be found in the case that backing is left None.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unsupported if the guest operating system of the virtual machine is not supported and spec includes None attributes that default to guest-specific values.

delete(vm, nic)

Removes a virtual Ethernet adapter from the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • nic (str) – Virtual Ethernet adapter identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual Ethernet adapter is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

disconnect(vm, nic)

Disconnects a virtual Ethernet adapter of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the Ethernet adapter is not connected to its backing resource.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Ethernet.update() method may be used to configure the virtual Ethernet adapter to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • nic (str) – Virtual Ethernet adapter identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual Ethernet adapter is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual Ethernet adapter is already disconnected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

get(vm, nic)

Returns information about a virtual Ethernet adapter.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • nic (str) – Virtual Ethernet adapter identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet.
Return type:



Information about the specified virtual Ethernet adapter.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual Ethernet adapter is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


Returns commonly used information about the virtual Ethernet adapters belonging to the virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:list of Ethernet.Summary
Returns:List of commonly used information about virtual Ethernet adapters.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, nic, spec)

Updates the configuration of a virtual Ethernet adapter.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • nic (str) – Virtual Ethernet adapter identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Ethernet.
  • spec (Ethernet.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the virtual Ethernet adapter.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if HOST_DEVICE is specified as the type.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine, virtual Ethernet adapter, or backing network is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Floppy(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Floppy class provides methods for configuring the virtual floppy drives of a virtual machine.

class BackingInfo(type=None, image_file=None, host_device=None, auto_detect=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Floppy.BackingInfo class contains information about the physical resource backing a virtual floppy drive.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingSpec(type=None, image_file=None, host_device=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Floppy.BackingSpec class provides a specification of the physical resource backing a virtual floppy drive.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Floppy.BackingType class defines the valid backing types for a virtual floppy drive.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.


Virtual floppy drive is backed by a device on the client that is connected to the virtual machine console.

HOST_DEVICE = BackingType(string='HOST_DEVICE')

Virtual floppy drive is backed by a device on the host where the virtual machine is running.

IMAGE_FILE = BackingType(string='IMAGE_FILE')

Virtual floppy drive is backed by an image file.

class CreateSpec(backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Floppy.CreateSpec class provides a specification for the configuration of a newly-created virtual floppy drive.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class Info(label=None, backing=None, state=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Floppy.Info class contains information about a virtual floppy drive.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

RESOURCE_TYPE = 'com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy'

Resource type for the virtual floppy drive device.

class Summary(floppy=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Floppy.Summary class contains commonly used information about a virtual floppy drive.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Floppy.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the configuration of a virtual floppy drive.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

connect(vm, floppy)

Connects a virtual floppy drive of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Floppy.update() method may be used to configure the virtual floppy drive to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • floppy (str) – Virtual floppy drive identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual floppy drive is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual floppy drive is already connected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

create(vm, spec)

Adds a virtual floppy drive to the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Floppy.CreateSpec) – Specification for the new virtual floppy drive.
Return type:



Virtual floppy drive identifier. The return value will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reported that the floppy device was created but was unable to confirm the creation because the identifier of the new device could not be determined.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.UnableToAllocateResource if the virtual machine already has the maximum number of supported floppy drives.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

delete(vm, floppy)

Removes a virtual floppy drive from the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • floppy (str) – Virtual floppy drive identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual floppy drive is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

disconnect(vm, floppy)

Disconnects a virtual floppy drive of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the floppy drive is not connected to its backing resource.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Floppy.update() method may be used to configure the virtual floppy floppy to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • floppy (str) – Virtual floppy drive identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual floppy drive is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual floppy drive is already disconnected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

get(vm, floppy)

Returns information about a virtual floppy drive.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • floppy (str) – Virtual floppy drive identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy.
Return type:



Information about the specified virtual floppy drive.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual floppy drive is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


Returns commonly used information about the virtual floppy drives belonging to the virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:list of Floppy.Summary
Returns:List of commonly used information about virtual floppy drives.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, floppy, spec)

Updates the configuration of a virtual floppy drive.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • floppy (str) – Virtual floppy drive identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.Floppy.
  • spec (Floppy.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the virtual floppy drive.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual floppy drive is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if one or more of the attributes specified in the spec parameter cannot be modified due to the current power state of the virtual machine or the connection state of the virtual floppy drive.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.IdeAddressInfo(primary=None, master=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The IdeAddressInfo class contains information about the address of a virtual device that is attached to a virtual IDE adapter of a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.IdeAddressSpec(primary=None, master=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The IdeAddressSpec class contains information for specifying the address of a virtual device that is attached to a virtual IDE adapter of a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Memory(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Memory class provides methods for configuring the memory settings of a virtual machine.

class Info(size_mib=None, hot_add_enabled=None, hot_add_increment_size_mib=None, hot_add_limit_mib=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Memory.Info class contains memory-related information about a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(size_mib=None, hot_add_enabled=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Memory.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the memory-related settings of a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.


Returns the memory-related settings of a virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:Memory.Info
Returns:Memory-related settings of the virtual machine.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, spec)

Updates the memory-related settings of a virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Memory.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the memory-related settings of the virtual machine.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if one of the provided settings is not permitted; for example, specifying a negative value for sizeMiB.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if hotAddEnabled is specified and the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if sizeMiB is specified, hotAddEnabled is false, and the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Parallel(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Parallel class provides methods for configuring the virtual parallel ports of a virtual machine.

class BackingInfo(type=None, file=None, host_device=None, auto_detect=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Parallel.BackingInfo class contains information about the physical resource backing a virtual parallel port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingSpec(type=None, file=None, host_device=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Parallel.BackingSpec class provides a specification of the physical resource backing a virtual parallel port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Parallel.BackingType class defines the valid backing types for a virtual parallel port.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

FILE = BackingType(string='FILE')

Virtual parallel port is backed by a file.

HOST_DEVICE = BackingType(string='HOST_DEVICE')

Virtual parallel port is backed by a device on the host where the virtual machine is running.

class CreateSpec(backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Parallel.CreateSpec class provides a specification for the configuration of a newly-created virtual parallel port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class Info(label=None, backing=None, state=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Parallel.Info class contains information about a virtual parallel port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

RESOURCE_TYPE = 'com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort'

Resource type for the virtual parallel port.

class Summary(port=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Parallel.Summary class contains commonly used information about a virtual parallel port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Parallel.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the configuration of a virtual parallel port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

connect(vm, port)

Connects a virtual parallel port of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Parallel.update() method may be used to configure the virtual parallel port to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual parallel port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual parallel port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual parallel port is already connected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

create(vm, spec)

Adds a virtual parallel port to the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Parallel.CreateSpec) – Specification for the new virtual parallel port.
Return type:



Virtual parallel port identifier. The return value will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reported that the parallel port device was created but was unable to confirm the creation because the identifier of the new device could not be determined.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.UnableToAllocateResource if the virtual machine already has the maximum number of supported parallel ports.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

delete(vm, port)

Removes a virtual parallel port from the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual parallel port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual parallel port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

disconnect(vm, port)

Disconnects a virtual parallel port of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the parallel port is not connected to its backing.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Parallel.update() method may be used to configure the virtual parallel port to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual parallel port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual parallel port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual parallel port is already disconnected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

get(vm, port)

Returns information about a virtual parallel port.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual parallel port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort.
Return type:



Information about the specified virtual parallel port.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual parallel port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


Returns commonly used information about the virtual parallel ports belonging to the virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:list of Parallel.Summary
Returns:List of commonly used information about virtual parallel ports.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, port, spec)

Updates the configuration of a virtual parallel port.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual parallel port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.ParallelPort.
  • spec (Parallel.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the virtual parallel port.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual parallel port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if one or more of the attributes specified in the spec parameter cannot be modified due to the current power state of the virtual machine or the connection state of the virtual parallel port.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.SataAddressInfo(bus=None, unit=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The SataAddressInfo class contains information about the address of a virtual device that is attached to a virtual SATA adapter of a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.SataAddressSpec(bus=None, unit=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The SataAddressSpec class contains information for specifying the address of a virtual device that is attached to a virtual SATA adapter of a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.ScsiAddressInfo(bus=None, unit=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The ScsiAddressInfo class contains information about the address of a virtual device that is attached to a virtual SCSI adapter of a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.ScsiAddressSpec(bus=None, unit=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The ScsiAddressSpec class contains information for specifying the address of a virtual device that is attached to a virtual SCSI adapter of a virtual machine.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.Serial(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Serial class provides methods for configuring the virtual serial ports of a virtual machine.

class BackingInfo(type=None, file=None, host_device=None, auto_detect=None, pipe=None, no_rx_loss=None, network_location=None, proxy=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Serial.BackingInfo class contains information about the physical resource backing a virtual serial port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingSpec(type=None, file=None, host_device=None, pipe=None, no_rx_loss=None, network_location=None, proxy=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Serial.BackingSpec class provides a specification of the physical resource backing a virtual serial port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class BackingType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Serial.BackingType class defines the valid backing types for a virtual serial port.


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.

FILE = BackingType(string='FILE')

Virtual serial port is backed by a file.

HOST_DEVICE = BackingType(string='HOST_DEVICE')

Virtual serial port is backed by a device on the host where the virtual machine is running.


Virtual serial port is backed by a network client. This backing may be used to create a network-accessible serial port on the virtual machine, initiating a connection to a remote system.


Virtual serial port is backed by a network server. This backing may be used to create a network-accessible serial port on the virtual machine, accepting a connection from a remote system.

PIPE_CLIENT = BackingType(string='PIPE_CLIENT')

Virtual serial port is backed by a named pipe client. The virtual machine will connect to the named pipe provided by a host application or another virtual machine on the same host. This is useful for capturing debugging information sent through the virtual serial port.

PIPE_SERVER = BackingType(string='PIPE_SERVER')

Virtual serial port is backed by a named pipe server. The virtual machine will accept a connection from a host application or another virtual machine on the same host. This is useful for capturing debugging information sent through the virtual serial port.

class CreateSpec(yield_on_poll=None, backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Serial.CreateSpec class provides a specification for the configuration of a newly-created virtual serial port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class Info(label=None, yield_on_poll=None, backing=None, state=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Serial.Info class contains information about a virtual serial port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

RESOURCE_TYPE = 'com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort'

Resource type for the virtual serial port device.

class Summary(port=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Serial.Summary class contains commonly used information about a virtual serial port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(yield_on_poll=None, backing=None, start_connected=None, allow_guest_control=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Serial.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the configuration of a virtual serial port.


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

connect(vm, port)

Connects a virtual serial port of a powered-on virtual machine to its backing. Connecting the virtual device makes the backing accessible from the perspective of the guest operating system.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Serial.update() method may be used to configure the virtual serial port to start in the connected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual serial port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual serial port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual serial port is already connected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

create(vm, spec)

Adds a virtual serial port to the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Serial.CreateSpec) – Specification for the new virtual serial port.
Return type:



Virtual serial port identifier. The return value will be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reported that the serial port device was created but was unable to confirm the creation because the identifier of the new device could not be determined.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.UnableToAllocateResource if the virtual machine already has the maximum number of supported serial ports.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

delete(vm, port)

Removes a virtual serial port from the virtual machine.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual serial port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual serial port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered off.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

disconnect(vm, port)

Disconnects a virtual serial port of a powered-on virtual machine from its backing. The virtual device is still present and its backing configuration is unchanged, but from the perspective of the guest operating system, the serial port is not connected to its backing.

For a powered-off virtual machine, the Serial.update() method may be used to configure the virtual serial port to start in the disconnected state when the virtual machine is powered on.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual serial port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual serial port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyInDesiredState if the virtual serial port is already disconnected.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the virtual machine is not powered on.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

get(vm, port)

Returns information about a virtual serial port.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual serial port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort.
Return type:



Information about the specified virtual serial port.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual serial port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.


Returns commonly used information about the virtual serial ports belonging to the virtual machine.

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:list of Serial.Summary
Returns:List of commonly used information about virtual serial ports.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine is not found.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.
update(vm, port, spec)

Updates the configuration of a virtual serial port.

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • port (str) – Virtual serial port identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware.SerialPort.
  • spec (Serial.UpdateSpec) – Specification for updating the virtual serial port.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound if the virtual machine or virtual serial port is not found.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if one or more of the attributes specified in the spec parameter cannot be modified due to the current power state of the virtual machine or the connection state of the virtual serial port.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required privileges.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.hardware_client.StubFactory(stub_config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubFactoryBase

com.vmware.vcenter.vm.storage_client module

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.storage_client.Policy(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Policy class provides methods to configure the storage policies associated with the virtual machine home and/or its virtual disks. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7

class DiskPolicySpec(type=None, policy=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Policy.DiskPolicySpec class provides a specification for the storage policy to be associated with the virtual disks. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class PolicyType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Policy.DiskPolicySpec class defines the choices for how to specify the policy to be associated with a virtual disk. This enumeration was added in vSphere API 6.7


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.


Use the default storage policy of the datastore. This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7


Use the specified policy (see Policy.DiskPolicySpec.policy). This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7

class Info(vm_home=None, disks=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Policy.Info class contains information about the storage policies associated with virtual machine’s home directory and virtual hard disks. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class UpdateSpec(vm_home=None, disks=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Policy.UpdateSpec class describes the updates to be made to the storage policies associated with the virtual machine home and/or its virtual disks. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class VmHomePolicySpec(type=None, policy=None)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.struct.VapiStruct

The Policy.VmHomePolicySpec class provides a specification for the storage policy to be associated with the virtual machine home’s directory. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7


The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names.

class PolicyType(string)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.enum.Enum

The Policy.VmHomePolicySpec.PolicyType class defines the choices for how to specify the policy to be associated with the virtual machine home’s directory. This enumeration was added in vSphere API 6.7


This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See enumerated type description page.


Use the default storage policy of the datastore. This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7


Use the specified policy (see Policy.VmHomePolicySpec.policy). This class attribute was added in vSphere API 6.7


Returns Information about Storage Policy associated with a virtual machine’s home directory and/or its virtual hard disks. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7

Parameters:vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
Return type:Policy.Info
Returns:Overview of Storage Policy associated with a virtual machine’s home directory and/or its associated virtual hard disks.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine’s configuration state cannot be accessed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user does not have the required privileges.
update(vm, spec)

Updates the storage policy configuration of a virtual machine and/or its associated virtual hard disks. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7

  • vm (str) – Virtual machine identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: VirtualMachine.
  • spec (Policy.UpdateSpec) – Storage Policy Specification for updating the virtual machine and virtual disks.

com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Error if the system reports an error while responding to the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ServiceUnavailable if the system is unable to communicate with a service to complete the request.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the user is not authenticated.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthorized if the user doesn’t have the required priveleges.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if the storage policy specified is invalid.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceBusy if the virtual machine or disk is busy performing another operation.


com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.ResourceInaccessible if the virtual machine or disk’s configuration state cannot be accessed.

class com.vmware.vcenter.vm.storage_client.StubFactory(stub_config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubFactoryBase