Source code for vmware.vapi.lib.visitor
Visitor helper class
__author__ = 'VMware, Inc.'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.'
from vmware.vapi.lib.converter import Converter
[docs]class VapiVisitor(object):
Convenience class for visitors used in vAPI Python runtime
def __init__(self, suffix=None):
Initialize VapiVisitor
:type suffix: :class:`str`
:param suffix: The suffix string that should be removed from
class name during the dispatch
self._suffix = suffix
self._cache = {}
[docs] def visit(self, value):
Dispatch the call to the appropriate method based
on the type of the input argument
:type value: :class:`object`
:param value: The object to be used for dispatch
class_name = value.__class__.__name__
method = self._cache.get(class_name)
if not method:
type_name = class_name
if self._suffix and type_name.endswith(self._suffix):
type_name = type_name[:-len(self._suffix)]
type_name = Converter.capwords_to_underscore(type_name)
method = getattr(self, 'visit_' + type_name)
self._cache[class_name] = method
return method(value)