Source code for com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication_client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved.

# vAPI stub file for package com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.

The ``com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication_client`` module provides classes
that expose authentication information for operation elements across all the
service elements. 

To calculate the effective authentication information for an operation element,
you should first see if there is an authentication scheme specified for the
operation element. If it is not specified, then authentication scheme for the
service element that contains this operation element is used. If it is not
specified for the service element as well, then the authentication scheme for
the package element that contains this service element is used.


__author__ = 'VMware, Inc.'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import sys

from vmware.vapi.bindings import type
from vmware.vapi.bindings.converter import TypeConverter
from vmware.vapi.bindings.enum import Enum
from vmware.vapi.bindings.error import VapiError
from vmware.vapi.bindings.struct import VapiStruct
from vmware.vapi.bindings.stub import VapiInterface, ApiInterfaceStub
from vmware.vapi.bindings.common import raise_core_exception
from import UnionValidator, HasFieldsOfValidator
from vmware.vapi.exception import CoreException
import com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client
import com.vmware.vapi.metadata_client

[docs]class AuthenticationInfo(VapiStruct): """ The ``AuthenticationInfo`` class describes the authentication information. Authentication information could be specified for a package element, service elenent or an operation element. Using the authentication scheme information, a client invoking an API call from any class can figure out what kind of credentials are needed for that API call. .. tip:: The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names. """ _validator_list = [ UnionValidator( 'scheme_type', { 'SESSION_AWARE' : [('session_manager', True)], 'SESSIONLESS' : [], } ), ] def __init__(self, scheme_type=None, session_manager=None, scheme=None, ): """ :type scheme_type: :class:`AuthenticationInfo.SchemeType` :param scheme_type: The type of the authentication scheme. :type session_manager: :class:`str` :param session_manager: In a session aware authentication scheme, a session manager is required that supports ``create``, ``delete`` and ``keepAlive`` methods. The fully qualified class name of the session manager is provided in :attr:`AuthenticationInfo.session_manager` attribute. This class is responsible for handling sessions. This attribute is optional and it is only relevant when the value of ``schemeType`` is :attr:`AuthenticationInfo.SchemeType.SESSION_AWARE`. :type scheme: :class:`str` :param scheme: String identifier of the authentication scheme. Following are the supported authentication schemes by the infrastructure: * The identifier ```` for SAML holder of key token based authentication mechanism. * The identifier ```` for SAML bearer token based authentication mechanism. * The identifier ```` for session based authentication mechanism. * The identifier ```` for username and password based authentication mechanism. """ self.scheme_type = scheme_type self.session_manager = session_manager self.scheme = scheme VapiStruct.__init__(self)
[docs] class SchemeType(Enum): """ The ``AuthenticationInfo.SchemeType`` class provides class attributes for the set of valid authentication scheme types. .. note:: This class represents an enumerated type in the interface language definition. The class contains class attributes which represent the values in the current version of the enumerated type. Newer versions of the enumerated type may contain new values. To use new values of the enumerated type in communication with a server that supports the newer version of the API, you instantiate this class. See :ref:`enumerated type description page <enumeration_description>`. """ SESSIONLESS = None """ Indicates that the scheme is a session less authentication scheme, the user is authenticated on every method. There is no explicit session establishment. """ SESSION_AWARE = None """ Indicates that the scheme is a session aware authentication scheme. It requires an explicit login before executing a method and logout when a session terminates. A class might choose to have a session aware scheme if it wants to associate some state corresponding to the user until the user logs out or if it wants to mitigate the cost of authenticating the user on every method. """ def __init__(self, string): """ :type string: :class:`str` :param string: String value for the :class:`SchemeType` instance. """ Enum.__init__(string)
SchemeType._set_values([ SchemeType('SESSIONLESS'), SchemeType('SESSION_AWARE'), ]) SchemeType._set_binding_type(type.EnumType( 'com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.authentication_info.scheme_type', SchemeType))
AuthenticationInfo._set_binding_type(type.StructType( 'com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.authentication_info', { 'scheme_type': type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'AuthenticationInfo.SchemeType'), 'session_manager': type.OptionalType(type.StringType()), 'scheme': type.StringType(), }, AuthenticationInfo, False, None))
[docs]class ComponentData(VapiStruct): """ The ``ComponentData`` class contains the authentication information of the component along with its fingerprint. .. tip:: The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names. """ def __init__(self, info=None, fingerprint=None, ): """ :type info: :class:`ComponentInfo` :param info: Authentication information of the component. This includes information about all the modules in the component. :type fingerprint: :class:`str` :param fingerprint: Fingerprint of the metadata of the component. Authentication information could change when there is an infrastructure update. Since the data present in :attr:`` could be quite large, ``fingerprint`` provides a convenient way to check if the data for a particular component is updated. You should store the fingerprint associated with a component. After an update, by invoking the :func:`Component.fingerprint` method, you can retrieve the new fingerprint for the component. If the new fingerprint and the previously stored fingerprint do not match, clients can then use the :func:`Component.get` to retrieve the new authentication information for the component. """ = info self.fingerprint = fingerprint VapiStruct.__init__(self)
ComponentData._set_binding_type(type.StructType( 'com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.component_data', { 'info': type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'ComponentInfo'), 'fingerprint': type.StringType(), }, ComponentData, False, None))
[docs]class ComponentInfo(VapiStruct): """ The ``ComponentInfo`` class contains authentication information of a component element. For an explanation of authentication information contained within component elements, see :class:`Component`. .. tip:: The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names. """ def __init__(self, packages=None, ): """ :type packages: :class:`dict` of :class:`str` and :class:`PackageInfo` :param packages: Authentication information of all the package elements. The key in the :class:`dict` is the identifier of the package element and the value in the :class:`dict` is the authentication information for the package element. For an explanation of authentication information containment within package elements, see :class:`Package`. When clients pass a value of this class as a parameter, the key in the attribute :class:`dict` must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.package``. When methods return a value of this class as a return value, the key in the attribute :class:`dict` will be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.package``. """ self.packages = packages VapiStruct.__init__(self)
ComponentInfo._set_binding_type(type.StructType( 'com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.component_info', { 'packages': type.MapType(type.IdType(), type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'PackageInfo')), }, ComponentInfo, False, None))
[docs]class OperationInfo(VapiStruct): """ The ``OperationInfo`` class contains authentication information of an operation element. .. tip:: The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names. """ def __init__(self, schemes=None, ): """ :type schemes: :class:`list` of :class:`AuthenticationInfo` :param schemes: List of authentication schemes used by an operation element. The authentication scheme specified on the service element corresponding to this operation element is ignored. """ self.schemes = schemes VapiStruct.__init__(self)
OperationInfo._set_binding_type(type.StructType( 'com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.operation_info', { 'schemes': type.ListType(type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'AuthenticationInfo')), }, OperationInfo, False, None))
[docs]class PackageInfo(VapiStruct): """ The ``PackageInfo`` class contains authentication information of a package element. For an explanation of authentication information contained within package elements, see :class:`Package`. .. tip:: The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names. """ def __init__(self, schemes=None, services=None, ): """ :type schemes: :class:`list` of :class:`AuthenticationInfo` :param schemes: List of authentication schemes to be used for all the operation elements contained in this package element. If a particular service or operation element has no explicit authentications defined in the authentication defintion file, these authentication schemes are used for authenticating the user. :type services: :class:`dict` of :class:`str` and :class:`ServiceInfo` :param services: Information about all service elements contained in this package element that contain authentication information. The key in the :class:`dict` is the identifier of the service element and the value in the :class:`dict` is the authentication information for the service element. For an explanation of authentication information containment within service elements, see :class:`Service`. When clients pass a value of this class as a parameter, the key in the attribute :class:`dict` must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.service``. When methods return a value of this class as a return value, the key in the attribute :class:`dict` will be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.service``. """ self.schemes = schemes = services VapiStruct.__init__(self)
PackageInfo._set_binding_type(type.StructType( 'com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.package_info', { 'schemes': type.ListType(type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'AuthenticationInfo')), 'services': type.MapType(type.IdType(), type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'ServiceInfo')), }, PackageInfo, False, None))
[docs]class ServiceInfo(VapiStruct): """ The ``ServiceInfo`` class contains authentication information of a service element. For an explanation of authentication information contained within service elements, see :class:`Service`. .. tip:: The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names. """ def __init__(self, schemes=None, operations=None, ): """ :type schemes: :class:`list` of :class:`AuthenticationInfo` :param schemes: List of authentication schemes to be used for all the operation elements contained in this service element. The authentication scheme specified on the package element corresponding to this service element is ignored. :type operations: :class:`dict` of :class:`str` and :class:`OperationInfo` :param operations: Information about all operation elements contained in this service element that contain authentication information. The key in the :class:`dict` is the identifier of the operation element and the value in the :class:`dict` is the authentication information for the operation element. For an explanation of containment of authentication information within operation elements, see :class:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.service_client.Operation`. When clients pass a value of this class as a parameter, the key in the attribute :class:`dict` must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.operation``. When methods return a value of this class as a return value, the key in the attribute :class:`dict` will be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.operation``. """ self.schemes = schemes self.operations = operations VapiStruct.__init__(self)
ServiceInfo._set_binding_type(type.StructType( 'com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.service_info', { 'schemes': type.ListType(type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'AuthenticationInfo')), 'operations': type.MapType(type.IdType(), type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'OperationInfo')), }, ServiceInfo, False, None))
[docs]class Component(VapiInterface): """ The ``Component`` class provides methods to retrieve authentication information of a component element. A component element is said to contain authentication information if any one of package elements contained in it has authentication information. """ RESOURCE_TYPE = "com.vmware.vapi.component" """ Resource type for component. """ def __init__(self, config): """ :type config: :class:`vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubConfiguration` :param config: Configuration to be used for creating the stub. """ VapiInterface.__init__(self, config, _ComponentStub)
[docs] def list(self): """ Returns the identifiers for the component elements that have authentication information. :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :return: The list of identifiers for the component elements that have authentication information. The return value will contain identifiers for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.component``. """ return self._invoke('list', None)
[docs] def get(self, component_id, ): """ Retrieves authentication information about the component element corresponding to ``component_id``. The :class:`ComponentData` contains the authentication information about the component element and it's fingerprint. It contains information about all the package elements that belong to this component element. :type component_id: :class:`str` :param component_id: Identifier of the component element. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.component``. :rtype: :class:`ComponentData` :return: The :class:`ComponentData` instance that corresponds to ``component_id`` :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the component element associated with ``component_id`` does not have any authentication information. """ return self._invoke('get', { 'component_id': component_id, })
[docs] def fingerprint(self, component_id, ): """ Retrieves the fingerprint computed from the authentication metadata of the component element corresponding to ``component_id``. The fingerprint provides clients an efficient way to check if the metadata for a particular component has been modified on the server. The client can do this by comparing the result of this operation with the fingerprint returned in the result of :func:`Component.get`. :type component_id: :class:`str` :param component_id: Identifier of the component element. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.component``. :rtype: :class:`str` :return: The fingerprint computed from the authentication metadata of the component. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the component element associated with ``component_id`` does not have any authentication information. """ return self._invoke('fingerprint', { 'component_id': component_id, })
[docs]class Package(VapiInterface): """ The ``Package`` class provides methods to retrieve authentication information of a package element. A package element is said to contain authentication information if there is a default authentication assigned to all service elements contained in the package element or if one of the service element contained in this package element has authentication information. """ RESOURCE_TYPE = "com.vmware.vapi.package" """ Resource type for package. """ def __init__(self, config): """ :type config: :class:`vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubConfiguration` :param config: Configuration to be used for creating the stub. """ VapiInterface.__init__(self, config, _PackageStub)
[docs] def list(self): """ Returns the identifiers for the package elements that have authentication information. :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :return: The list of identifiers for the package elements that have authentication information. The return value will contain identifiers for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.package``. """ return self._invoke('list', None)
[docs] def get(self, package_id, ): """ Retrieves authentication information about the package element corresponding to ``package_id``. :type package_id: :class:`str` :param package_id: Identifier of the package element. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.package``. :rtype: :class:`PackageInfo` :return: The :class:`PackageInfo` instance that corresponds to ``package_id`` :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the package element associated with ``package_id`` does not have any authentication information. """ return self._invoke('get', { 'package_id': package_id, })
[docs]class Service(VapiInterface): """ The ``Service`` class provides methods to retrieve authentication information of a service element. A service element is said to contain authentication information if there is a default authentication assigned to all operation elements contained in a service element or if one of the operation elements contained in this service element has authentication information. """ RESOURCE_TYPE = "com.vmware.vapi.service" """ Resource type for service. """ def __init__(self, config): """ :type config: :class:`vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubConfiguration` :param config: Configuration to be used for creating the stub. """ VapiInterface.__init__(self, config, _ServiceStub)
[docs] def list(self): """ Returns the identifiers for the service elements that have authentication information. :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :return: The list of identifiers for the service elements that have authentication information. The return value will contain identifiers for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.service``. """ return self._invoke('list', None)
[docs] def get(self, service_id, ): """ Retrieves authentication information about the service element corresponding to ``service_id``. :type service_id: :class:`str` :param service_id: Identifier of the service element. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.service``. :rtype: :class:`ServiceInfo` :return: The :class:`ServiceInfo` instance that corresponds to ``service_id`` :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the service element associated with ``service_id`` does not have any authentication information. """ return self._invoke('get', { 'service_id': service_id, })
[docs]class Source(VapiInterface): """ The ``Source`` class provides methods to manage the sources of authentication metadata information. The interface definition language infrastructure provides tools to generate various kinds of metadata in JSON format from the interface definition files and additional properties files. One of the generated files contains authentication information. The generated file can be registered as a source of metadata. The authentication file contains all the data present in the interface definition files. Each authentication file contains data about one component element. When a authentication file is added as a source, each source contributes only one component element's metadata. Authentication metadata can also be discovered from a remote server that supports the authentication metadata classes (see :mod:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication_client`). Since multiple components can be registered with a single metadata server, when a remote server is registered as a source, that source can contribute more than one component. """ RESOURCE_TYPE = "com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source" """ Resource type for metadata source. """ def __init__(self, config): """ :type config: :class:`vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubConfiguration` :param config: Configuration to be used for creating the stub. """ VapiInterface.__init__(self, config, _SourceStub)
[docs] class Info(VapiStruct): """ The ``Source.Info`` class contains the metadata source information. .. tip:: The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names. """ _validator_list = [ UnionValidator( 'type', { 'FILE' : [('filepath', True)], 'REMOTE' : [('address', True)], } ), ] def __init__(self, description=None, type=None, filepath=None, address=None, ): """ :type description: :class:`str` :param description: English language human readable description of the source. :type type: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata_client.SourceType` :param type: Type of the metadata source. :type filepath: :class:`str` :param filepath: Absolute file path of the authentication metadata file that has the authentication information about one component element. The ``filePath`` is the path to the file in the server's filesystem. This attribute is optional and it is only relevant when the value of ``type`` is null. :type address: :class:`str` :param address: Connection information for the remote server. This must be in the format http(s)://IP:port/namespace. The remote server must support the classes in the :mod:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication_client` module. It must expose authentication information of one or more components. This attribute is optional and it is only relevant when the value of ``type`` is null. """ self.description = description self.type = type self.filepath = filepath self.address = address VapiStruct.__init__(self)
Info._set_binding_type(type.StructType( '', { 'description': type.StringType(), 'type': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.metadata_client, 'SourceType'), 'filepath': type.OptionalType(type.StringType()), 'address': type.OptionalType(type.URIType()), }, Info, False, None))
[docs] class CreateSpec(VapiStruct): """ The ``Source.CreateSpec`` class contains the registration information of a authentication source. .. tip:: The arguments are used to initialize data attributes with the same names. """ _validator_list = [ UnionValidator( 'type', { 'FILE' : [('filepath', True)], 'REMOTE' : [('address', True)], } ), ] def __init__(self, description=None, type=None, filepath=None, address=None, ): """ :type description: :class:`str` :param description: English language human readable description of the source. :type type: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata_client.SourceType` :param type: Type of the metadata source. :type filepath: :class:`str` :param filepath: Absolute file path of the metamodel metadata file that has the metamodel information about one component element. This attribute is optional and it is only relevant when the value of ``type`` is :attr:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata_client.SourceType.FILE`. :type address: :class:`str` :param address: Connection information of the remote server. This should be of the format http(s)://IP:port/namespace. The remote server should contain the classes in :mod:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata.metamodel_client` module. It could expose metamodel information of one or more components. This attribute is optional and it is only relevant when the value of ``type`` is :attr:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata_client.SourceType.REMOTE`. """ self.description = description self.type = type self.filepath = filepath self.address = address VapiStruct.__init__(self)
CreateSpec._set_binding_type(type.StructType( 'com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source.create_spec', { 'description': type.StringType(), 'type': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.metadata_client, 'SourceType'), 'filepath': type.OptionalType(type.StringType()), 'address': type.OptionalType(type.URIType()), }, CreateSpec, False, None))
[docs] def create(self, source_id, spec, ): """ Creates a new metadata source. Once the server validates the registration information of the metadata source, the authentication metadata is retrieved from the source. This populates elements in all the classes defined in :mod:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication_client` module. :type source_id: :class:`str` :param source_id: metadata source identifier. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source``. :type spec: :class:`Source.CreateSpec` :param spec: create specification. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyExists` if the metadata source identifier is already registered with the infrastructure. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument` if the type of the source specified in null is invalid. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument` if the file specified in null is not a valid JSON file or if the format of the authentication metadata in the JSON file is invalid. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument` if the URI specified in null is unreachable or if there is a transport protocol or message protocol mismatch between the client and the server or if the remote server do not have classes present in :mod:`com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication_client` module. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the file specified in null does not exist. """ return self._invoke('create', { 'source_id': source_id, 'spec': spec, })
[docs] def delete(self, source_id, ): """ Deletes an existing authentication metadata source from the infrastructure. :type source_id: :class:`str` :param source_id: Identifier of the metadata source. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source``. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the metadata source identifier is not found. """ return self._invoke('delete', { 'source_id': source_id, })
[docs] def get(self, source_id, ): """ Retrieves information about the metadata source corresponding to ``source_id``. :type source_id: :class:`str` :param source_id: Identifier of the metadata source. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source``. :rtype: :class:`Source.Info` :return: The :class:`Source.Info` instance that corresponds to ``source_id`` :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the metadata source associated with ``source_id`` is not found. """ return self._invoke('get', { 'source_id': source_id, })
[docs] def list(self): """ Returns the identifiers of the metadata sources currently registered with the infrastructure. :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :return: The list of identifiers for metadata sources currently registered. The return value will contain identifiers for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source``. """ return self._invoke('list', None)
[docs] def reload(self, source_id=None, ): """ Reloads the authentication metadata from all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source if ``source_id`` is specified. :type source_id: :class:`str` or ``None`` :param source_id: Identifier of the metadata source. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source``. If unspecified, all the metadata sources are reloaded. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the metadata source associated with ``source_id`` is not found. """ return self._invoke('reload', { 'source_id': source_id, })
[docs] def fingerprint(self, source_id=None, ): """ Returns the aggregate fingerprint of metadata from all the metadata sources or from a particular metadata source if ``source_id`` is specified. :type source_id: :class:`str` or ``None`` :param source_id: Identifier of the metadata source. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source``. If unspecified, the fingerprint of all the metadata sources is returned. :rtype: :class:`str` :return: Aggregate fingerprint of all the metadata sources or of a particular metadata source. :raise: :class:`com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotFound` if the metadata source associated with ``source_id`` is not found. """ return self._invoke('fingerprint', { 'source_id': source_id, })
class _ComponentStub(ApiInterfaceStub): def __init__(self, config): # properties for list operation list_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', {}) list_error_dict = {} list_input_validator_list = [ ] list_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for get operation get_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'component_id': type.IdType(resource_types='com.vmware.vapi.component'), }) get_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } get_input_validator_list = [ ] get_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for fingerprint operation fingerprint_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'component_id': type.IdType(resource_types='com.vmware.vapi.component'), }) fingerprint_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } fingerprint_input_validator_list = [ ] fingerprint_output_validator_list = [ ] operations = { 'list': { 'input_type': list_input_type, 'output_type': type.ListType(type.IdType()), 'errors': list_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': list_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': list_output_validator_list, }, 'get': { 'input_type': get_input_type, 'output_type': type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'ComponentData'), 'errors': get_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': get_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': get_output_validator_list, }, 'fingerprint': { 'input_type': fingerprint_input_type, 'output_type': type.StringType(), 'errors': fingerprint_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': fingerprint_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': fingerprint_output_validator_list, }, } ApiInterfaceStub.__init__(self, iface_name='com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.component', config=config, operations=operations) class _PackageStub(ApiInterfaceStub): def __init__(self, config): # properties for list operation list_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', {}) list_error_dict = {} list_input_validator_list = [ ] list_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for get operation get_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'package_id': type.IdType(resource_types='com.vmware.vapi.package'), }) get_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } get_input_validator_list = [ ] get_output_validator_list = [ ] operations = { 'list': { 'input_type': list_input_type, 'output_type': type.ListType(type.IdType()), 'errors': list_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': list_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': list_output_validator_list, }, 'get': { 'input_type': get_input_type, 'output_type': type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'PackageInfo'), 'errors': get_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': get_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': get_output_validator_list, }, } ApiInterfaceStub.__init__(self, iface_name='com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.package', config=config, operations=operations) class _ServiceStub(ApiInterfaceStub): def __init__(self, config): # properties for list operation list_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', {}) list_error_dict = {} list_input_validator_list = [ ] list_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for get operation get_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'service_id': type.IdType(resource_types='com.vmware.vapi.service'), }) get_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } get_input_validator_list = [ ] get_output_validator_list = [ ] operations = { 'list': { 'input_type': list_input_type, 'output_type': type.ListType(type.IdType()), 'errors': list_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': list_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': list_output_validator_list, }, 'get': { 'input_type': get_input_type, 'output_type': type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'ServiceInfo'), 'errors': get_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': get_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': get_output_validator_list, }, } ApiInterfaceStub.__init__(self, iface_name='com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.service', config=config, operations=operations) class _SourceStub(ApiInterfaceStub): def __init__(self, config): # properties for create operation create_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'source_id': type.IdType(resource_types='com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source'), 'spec': type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'Source.CreateSpec'), }) create_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.already_exists': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'AlreadyExists'), 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.invalid_argument': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'InvalidArgument'), 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } create_input_validator_list = [ ] create_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for delete operation delete_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'source_id': type.IdType(resource_types='com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source'), }) delete_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } delete_input_validator_list = [ ] delete_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for get operation get_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'source_id': type.IdType(resource_types='com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source'), }) get_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } get_input_validator_list = [ ] get_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for list operation list_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', {}) list_error_dict = {} list_input_validator_list = [ ] list_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for reload operation reload_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'source_id': type.OptionalType(type.IdType()), }) reload_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } reload_input_validator_list = [ ] reload_output_validator_list = [ ] # properties for fingerprint operation fingerprint_input_type = type.StructType('operation-input', { 'source_id': type.OptionalType(type.IdType()), }) fingerprint_error_dict = { 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.not_found': type.ReferenceType(com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client, 'NotFound'), } fingerprint_input_validator_list = [ ] fingerprint_output_validator_list = [ ] operations = { 'create': { 'input_type': create_input_type, 'output_type': type.VoidType(), 'errors': create_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': create_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': create_output_validator_list, }, 'delete': { 'input_type': delete_input_type, 'output_type': type.VoidType(), 'errors': delete_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': delete_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': delete_output_validator_list, }, 'get': { 'input_type': get_input_type, 'output_type': type.ReferenceType(sys.modules[__name__], 'Source.Info'), 'errors': get_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': get_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': get_output_validator_list, }, 'list': { 'input_type': list_input_type, 'output_type': type.ListType(type.IdType()), 'errors': list_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': list_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': list_output_validator_list, }, 'reload': { 'input_type': reload_input_type, 'output_type': type.VoidType(), 'errors': reload_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': reload_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': reload_output_validator_list, }, 'fingerprint': { 'input_type': fingerprint_input_type, 'output_type': type.StringType(), 'errors': fingerprint_error_dict, 'input_validator_list': fingerprint_input_validator_list, 'output_validator_list': fingerprint_output_validator_list, }, } ApiInterfaceStub.__init__(self, iface_name='com.vmware.vapi.metadata.authentication.source', config=config, operations=operations)