Source code for

SSO Security Helper

__author__ = 'VMware, Inc.'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2011-2014 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved. -- VMware Confidential'

from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import datetime
import decimal
import logging
from lxml import etree
from OpenSSL import crypto
import re
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

from vmware.vapi.bindings.datetime_helper import DateTimeConverter
from vmware.vapi.core import SecurityContext
from import (
    DecimalEncoder, canonicalize_double)
from vmware.vapi.lib.constants import (
from vmware.vapi.protocol.common.lib import RequestProcessor
from vmware.vapi.settings import config

key_regex = re.compile(r'-----BEGIN [A-Z ]*PRIVATE KEY-----\n')
PRIVATE_KEY = 'privateKey'
SAML_TOKEN = 'samlToken'
SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = 'signatureAlgorithm'
TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp'
EXPIRES = 'expires'
CREATED = 'created'
SIGNATURE = 'signature'
DIGEST = 'value'
AUTHENTICATED = 'requestAuthenticated'
STS_URL_PROP = 'stsurl'
CERTIFICATE_PROP = 'certificate'
PRIVATE_KEY_PROP = 'privatekey'
SECTION = __name__
# Algorithm Header Parameter Values for JWS based on the following link
algorithm_map = {
    'RS256': 'sha256',
    'RS384': 'sha384',
    'RS512': 'sha512',

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def setup_saml_token_processors(): """ If SAML token based authentication scheme is used, this operation should be invoked by the client to setup the request processors that does the request signing using the token. """ if not config.cfg.has_section( 'vmware.vapi.protocol.client.msg.json_connector'): config.cfg.add_section('vmware.vapi.protocol.client.msg.json_connector') config.cfg.set('vmware.vapi.protocol.client.msg.json_connector', 'processors', '')
[docs]def create_saml_bearer_security_context(token): """ Create a security context for SAML bearer token based authentication scheme :type token: :class:`str` :param token: SAML Token """ return SecurityContext({SCHEME_ID: SAML_BEARER_SCHEME_ID, SAML_TOKEN: token})
[docs]def create_saml_security_context(token, private_key): """ Create a security context for SAML token based authentication scheme :type token: :class:`str` :param token: SAML Token :type private_key: :class:`str` :param private_key: Absolute file path of the private key of the user :rtype: :class:`vmware.vapi.core.SecurityContext` :return: Newly created security context """ private_key_data = None with open(private_key, 'r') as fp: private_key_data = return SecurityContext({SCHEME_ID: SAML_SCHEME_ID, PRIVATE_KEY: private_key_data, SAML_TOKEN: token, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM: DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_TYPE})
[docs]class JSONCanonicalEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Custom JSON Encoder class to canonicalize dictionary and list objects """
[docs] def encode(self, o): """ Encode a given python object :type o: :class:`object` :param o: Python object :rtype: :class:`str` :return: JSON string in canonicalized form """ if isinstance(o, dict): # Remove non-significant whitespace characters # Keys are sorted lexicographically using UCS code # point values sorted_keys = sorted(o.keys()) sorted_items = ['%s:%s' % (self.encode(key), self.encode(o[key])) for key in sorted_keys] string = ','.join(sorted_items) return '{%s}' % string elif isinstance(o, list): # Arrays must preserve the initial ordering # Remove non-significant whitespace characters string = ','.join([self.encode(item) for item in o]) return '[%s]' % string elif isinstance(o, decimal.Decimal): return canonicalize_double(o) else: return json.JSONEncoder.encode(self, o)
[docs]class JSONCanonicalizer(object): """ This class is responsible for transforming JSON messages into their canonical representation. The canonical form is defined by the following rules: 1. Non-significant(1) whitespace characters MUST NOT be used 2. Non-significant(1) line endings MUST NOT be used 3. Entries (set of name/value pairs) in JSON objects MUST be sorted lexicographically(2) by their names based on UCS codepoint values 4. Arrays MUST preserve their initial ordering Link to the IEFT proposal: """ @staticmethod
[docs] def canonicalize(input_message): """ Canonicalize the input message :type input_message: :class:`str` :param input_message: Input message :rtype: :class:`str` :return: Canonicalized message """ py_obj = json.loads(input_message, parse_float=decimal.Decimal) return JSONCanonicalEncoder().encode(py_obj)
[docs] def canonicalize_py_obj(py_obj): """ Canonicalize the input python object :type input_message: :class:`object` :param input_message: Input python object :rtype: :class:`str` :return: Canonicalized message """ return JSONCanonicalEncoder().encode(py_obj)
[docs]class JSONSSOSigner(RequestProcessor): """ This class is used for signing JSON request messages """
[docs] def process(self, input_message): """ Sign the input JSON request message. The message is signed using user's private key. The digest and saml token is then added to the security context block of the execution context. A timestamp is also added to guard against replay attacks Sample input security context: { 'schemeId': 'SAML_TOKEN', 'privateKey': <PRIVATE_KEY>, 'samlToken': <SAML_TOKEN>, 'signatureAlgorithm': <ALGORITHM>, } Security context block before signing: { 'schemeId': 'SAML_TOKEN', 'signatureAlgorithm': <ALGORITHM>, 'timestamp': { 'created': '2012-10-26T12:24:18.941Z', 'expires': '2012-10-26T12:44:18.941Z', } } Security context block after signing: { 'schemeId': 'SAML_TOKEN', 'signatureAlgorithm': <ALGORITHM>, 'signature': { 'samlToken': <SAML_TOKEN>, 'value': <DIGEST> } 'timestamp': { 'created': '2012-10-26T12:24:18.941Z', 'expires': '2012-10-26T12:44:18.941Z', } } """ if input_message is None: return # process only if the schemeId in the request matches the schemeId of # this signer if not SAML_SCHEME_ID in input_message: return input_message py_obj = json.loads(input_message, parse_float=decimal.Decimal) json_params = py_obj.get(PARAMS) # pylint: disable=E1103 ctx = json_params.get(EXECUTION_CONTEXT) sec_ctx = ctx.get(SECURITY_CONTEXT) private_key = sec_ctx.get(PRIVATE_KEY) saml_token = sec_ctx.get(SAML_TOKEN) jws_algorithm = sec_ctx.get(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM) algorithm = algorithm_map.get(jws_algorithm) new_sec_ctx = {} new_sec_ctx[SCHEME_ID] = sec_ctx.get(SCHEME_ID) new_sec_ctx[TIMESTAMP] = _generate_request_timestamp() new_sec_ctx[SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM] = jws_algorithm # Replace the old security context with the new one del ctx[SECURITY_CONTEXT] ctx[SECURITY_CONTEXT] = new_sec_ctx pkey = crypto.load_privatekey( crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, _prep_private_key(private_key)) canonical_message = JSONCanonicalizer.canonicalize_py_obj(py_obj) digest = b64encode(crypto.sign(pkey, canonical_message, algorithm)) new_sec_ctx[SIGNATURE] = {SAML_TOKEN: saml_token, DIGEST: digest} return json.dumps(py_obj, check_circular=False, separators=(',', ':'), cls=DecimalEncoder)
[docs]class JSONSSOVerifier(RequestProcessor): """ This class is used to verify the authenticity of the request message by verifying the digest present in the security context block. """
[docs] def process(self, input_message): """ Verify the input JSON message. For verification, we need 4 things: 1. algorithm: extracted from security context 2. certificate: public key of the principal embedded in the SAML token is used 3. digest: value field from signature block 4. canonical msg: signature block is removed from the request and the remaining part is canonicalized Sample input security context: { 'schemeId': 'SAML_TOKEN', 'signatureAlgorithm': <ALGORITHM>, 'signature': { 'samlToken': <SAML_TOKEN>, 'value': <DIGEST> } 'timestamp': { 'created': '2012-10-26T12:24:18.941Z', 'expires': '2012-10-26T12:44:18.941Z', } } :type input_message: :class:`str` :param input_message: Input JSON request message :rtype: :class:`str` :return: JSON request message after signature verification """ if not input_message: return if not SAML_SCHEME_ID in input_message: return input_message py_obj = json.loads(input_message, parse_float=decimal.Decimal) json_params = py_obj.get(PARAMS) # pylint: disable=E1103 execution_ctx = json_params.get(EXECUTION_CONTEXT) sec_ctx = execution_ctx.get(SECURITY_CONTEXT) signature = sec_ctx.get(SIGNATURE) del sec_ctx[SIGNATURE] digest = b64decode(signature.get(DIGEST)) jws_algorithm = sec_ctx.get(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM) algorithm = algorithm_map.get(jws_algorithm) saml_token = signature.get(SAML_TOKEN) certificate = _extract_certificate(saml_token) pubkey = crypto.load_certificate( crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, _prep_certificate(certificate)) canonical_message = JSONCanonicalizer.canonicalize_py_obj(py_obj) crypto.verify(pubkey, digest, canonical_message, algorithm) sec_ctx[SAML_TOKEN] = saml_token sec_ctx[AUTHENTICATED] = True sec_ctx[SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM] = jws_algorithm return json.dumps(py_obj, check_circular=False, separators=(',', ':'), cls=DecimalEncoder)
def _extract_element(xml, element_name, namespace): """ An internal method provided to extract an element from the given XML. :type xml: :class:`str` :param xml: The XML string from which the element will be extracted. :type element_name: :class:`str` :param element_name: The element that needs to be extracted from the XML. :type namespace: :class:`dict` :param namespace: A dict containing the namespace of the element to be extracted. :rtype: etree element. :return: The extracted element. """ assert(len(namespace) == 1) result = xml.xpath("//%s:%s" % (list(namespace.keys())[0], element_name), namespaces=namespace) if result: return result[0] else: raise KeyError("%s does not seem to be present in the XML." % element_name) def _prep_private_key(private_key): """ Append proper prefix and suffix text to a private key. There is no standard way for storing certificates. OpenSSL expects the demarcation text. This method makes sure that the text the markers are present. :type text: :class:`str` :param text: The private key of the service user. :rtype: :class:`str` :return: Normalized private key. """ if not return """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- %s -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----""" % private_key return private_key def _prep_certificate(certificate): """ Append proper prefix and suffix text to a certificate. There is no standard way for storing certificates. OpenSSL expects the demarcation text. This method makes sure that the text the markers are present. :type text: :class:`str` :param text: The certificate of the service user. :rtype: :class:`str` :return: Normalized certificate """ if not certificate.startswith('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'): return """-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- %s -----END CERTIFICATE-----""" % certificate return certificate def _extract_certificate(hok_token): """ Extract Certificate of the principal from Holder of Key SAML token :type hok_token: :class:`str` :param hok_token: Holder of key SAML token :rtype: :class:`str` :return: Certificate of the principal """ xml = etree.fromstring(hok_token) subject = _extract_element( xml, 'SubjectConfirmationData', {'saml2': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion'}) xml_certificate = subject.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[0].getchildren()[0] return xml_certificate.text.replace('\\n', '\n') def _generate_request_timestamp(): """ Generate a timestamp for the request. This will be embedded in the security context of the request to protect it against replay attacks :rtype: :class:`dict` :return: Timestamp block that can be inserted in security context """ created_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() offset = datetime.timedelta(minutes=REQUEST_VALIDITY) created = DateTimeConverter.convert_from_datetime(created_dt) expires = DateTimeConverter.convert_from_datetime(created_dt + offset) return {EXPIRES: expires, CREATED: created}