Source code for vmware.vapi.provider.local

Local Api Provider

__author__ = 'VMware, Inc.'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2011-2013 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved. -- VMware Confidential'

import inspect
import logging
import traceback

from vmware.vapi.core import (
    ApiInterface, ApiProvider, MethodResult, MethodIdentifier,
from import (DataDefinition, StructDefinition)
from import Type
from vmware.vapi.lib.std import (
from import convert_data_def_to_data_value
from vmware.vapi.l10n.runtime import message_factory
from vmware.vapi.settings.sections import ENDPOINT
from vmware.vapi.bindings.skeleton import VapiInterface
from vmware.vapi.provider import introspection
from vmware.vapi.provider.lib import augment_method_result_with_errors

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LocalProvider(ApiProvider): """ LocalProvider is a local in-process implementation of the ApiProvider interface """ # XXX These error definitions should be eliminated when we figure out # where/how to get the error definitions used by the local provider _internal_server_error_def = make_std_error_def( 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.internal_server_error') _invalid_argument_def = make_std_error_def( 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.invalid_argument') _operation_not_found_def = make_std_error_def( 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.operation_not_found') def __init__(self, load_introspection=True): """ Initialize LocalProvider :type load_introspection: :class:`bool` :param load_introspection: If true, load introspection services """ ApiProvider.__init__(self) self._name = "LocalProvider" # key = service id, value = api interface self._service_map = {} self._introspector = introspection.LocalProviderIntrospector(self._name) if load_introspection: self.add_interface( self._introspector.get_introspection_services()) self._error_defs_to_augment = [ self._internal_server_error_def, self._invalid_argument_def, self._operation_not_found_def, ] # these are the errors that should be augmented # when `get` operation is invoked on # com.vmware.vapi.std.introspection.Operation self._error_values_to_augment = [ convert_data_def_to_data_value(error_def) for error_def in self._error_defs_to_augment ]
[docs] def register_by_properties(self, properties): """ Register set of interfaces using properties dictionary :type properties: :class:`ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser` :param properties: Configuration for this vAPI provider """ if properties.has_option(ENDPOINT, ''): self._name = properties.get(ENDPOINT, '') services = properties.get(ENDPOINT, 'local.interfaces') services = services.replace('\n', '').replace('\\', '').split(',') for service in services: service = service.strip() if service: # Get the service specific configuration from the properties service_cfg = {} if properties.has_section(service): service_cfg = dict(properties.items(service)) fn = "register_instance" try: module = __import__(service, globals(), locals(), [fn]) register_fn = getattr(module, fn) # XXX: Remove the if condition once all the implementations # have been updated to use the new cfg parameter if inspect.getargspec(register_fn).args: ifaces = register_fn(service_cfg) else: ifaces = register_fn() self.add_interface(ifaces) except Exception: stack_trace = traceback.format_exc() raise Exception('Could not add service %s due to %s' % (service, stack_trace))
[docs] def add_interface(self, ifaces): """ Register an interface with LocalProvider :type ifaces: :class:`list` of :class:`vmware.vapi.core.ApiInterface` :param ifaces: Interfaces to be registered """ if not isinstance(ifaces, list): ifaces = [ifaces] for iface in ifaces: # iface could be VapiInterface if bindings layer is registering # it's interfaces. In that case, extract the skeleton from # VapiInterface if isinstance(iface, VapiInterface): api_iface = iface.api_interface # In Dynamic providers, where ApiInterface is implemented directly # instead of using bindings, an instance of ApiInterface is passed elif isinstance(iface, ApiInterface): api_iface = iface else: raise Exception( 'Could not register the interface %s. It has to be either ' 'an instance of vmware.vapi.bindings.VapiInterface or ' 'an instance of vmware.vapi.core.ApiInterface' % str(iface.__class__)) service_id = api_iface.get_identifier().get_name() if service_id in self._service_map: raise Exception('Service already registered: %s' % service_id)'Registering service: %s', service_id) self._service_map[service_id] = api_iface if self._introspector: self._introspector.add_service(service_id, api_iface)
@staticmethod def _validate_error(error_value, method_definition): """ Validate the error_value is allowed to be reported by the method described by method_definition. :type error_value: :class:`` :param error_value: Error value to validate :type method_definition: :class:`vmware.vapi.core.MethodDefinition` :param method_definition: definition of the method to validate against. :rtype: :class:`vmware.vapi.message.Message` or None :return: the messages describing the validation failure or None if validation succeeded """ error_def = method_definition.get_error_definition( if error_def is None: method_id = method_definition.get_identifier() logger.error("Method %s reported the error %s which is not in " + "MethodDefinition", method_id.get_name(), message = message_factory.get_message( 'vapi.method.status.errors.invalid',, str(method_id.get_name())) return [message] messages = error_def.validate(error_value) return messages def _invoke_int(self, service_id, operation_id, input_value, ctx): """ Internal implementation of InvokeMethod :type service_id: :class:`str` :param service_id: Service identifier :type operation_id: :class:`str` :param operation_id: Operation identifier :type ctx: :class:`vmware.vapi.core.ExecutionContext` :param ctx: Execution context for this method :type input_value: :class:`` :param input_value: Method input parameters :rtype: :class:`vmware.vapi.core.MethodResult` :return: Result of the method invocation """ # Step 0: Verify input types if (input_value and not (input_value.type == Type.STRUCTURE)): logger.error("Invalid inputs") error_value = make_error_value_from_msg_id( self._invalid_argument_def, 'vapi.method.input.invalid') return MethodResult(error=error_value) iface_id = InterfaceIdentifier(service_id) method_id = MethodIdentifier(iface_id, operation_id) # Step 1: Get method definition iface = self._service_map.get(service_id) if not iface: logger.error('Could not find service: %s', service_id) error_value = make_error_value_from_msg_id( self._operation_not_found_def, 'vapi.method.input.invalid.interface', service_id) return MethodResult(error=error_value) method_def = iface.get_method_definition(method_id) if not method_def: logger.error("Could not find method %s", method_id.get_name()) error_value = make_error_value_from_msg_id( self._operation_not_found_def, 'vapi.method.input.invalid.method', method_id.get_name()) return MethodResult(error=error_value) input_def = method_def.get_input_definition() if not isinstance(input_def, StructDefinition): error_value = make_error_value_from_msg_id( self._internal_server_error_def, 'vapi.method.input.invalid.definition') return MethodResult(error=error_value) output_def = method_def.get_output_definition() if not isinstance(output_def, DataDefinition): error_value = make_error_value_from_msg_id( self._internal_server_error_def, 'vapi.method.output.invalid.definition') return MethodResult(error=error_value) # Step 2: Validate input with input def input_def.complete_value(input_value) messages = input_def.validate(input_value) if messages: logger.error("Input validation failed for method %s", method_id.get_name()) error_value = make_error_value_from_msgs( self._invalid_argument_def, *messages) return MethodResult(error=error_value) # Step 3: Execute method method_result = iface.invoke(ctx, method_id, input_value) # Step 4: Validate output with output def or error against errors set if method_result.success(): messages = output_def.validate(method_result.output) if messages: logger.error("Output validation failed for method %s", method_id.get_name()) error_value = make_error_value_from_msgs( self._internal_server_error_def, *messages) return MethodResult(error=error_value) else: error_value = method_result.error messages = self._validate_error(error_value, method_def) if messages: new_error_value = make_error_value_from_error_value_and_msgs( self._internal_server_error_def, error_value, *messages) return MethodResult(error=new_error_value) return method_result
[docs] def invoke(self, service_id, operation_id, input_value, ctx):"Started: Service: %s, Operation: %s, Ctx: %s", service_id, operation_id, ctx) try: method_result = self._invoke_int( service_id, operation_id, input_value, ctx) if method_result.success(): method_result = augment_method_result_with_errors( service_id, operation_id, method_result, self._error_values_to_augment) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Error in invoking %s in %s - %s", service_id, operation_id, e) error_value = make_error_value_from_msg_id( self._internal_server_error_def, 'vapi.method.invoke.exception', str(e)) method_result = MethodResult(error=error_value)"Finished: Service: %s. Operation %s, Ctx: %s", service_id, operation_id, ctx) return method_result # Singleton LocalProvider instance
_local_provider = LocalProvider()
[docs]def get_provider(): """ Returns the singleton LocalProvider instance :rtype: :class:`LocalProvider` :return: LocalProvider instance """ return _local_provider