Source code for vmware.vapi.lib.ssl

SSL Context factories

__author__ = 'VMware, Inc.'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved. -- VMware Confidential'

import logging
from OpenSSL import SSL, crypto

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ClientContextFactory(object): # pylint: disable=R0922 """ Context factory base class. This class should be used to set the SSL options """
[docs] def get_context(self): """ Returns the SSL context """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class DefaultClientContextFactory(ClientContextFactory): """ Default SSL context class. This chooses some default options for SSL context. Clients can retrieve the context. To modify the context and set some options directly. Create a class like below and set the options. Pass this to the get_connector function class CustomClientContextFactory(DefaultClientContextFactory): def getContext(self): ctx = DefaultClientContextFactory.getContext(self) # modify ctx return ctx """ def __init__(self, certificate=None, private_key=None, ca_certs=None, ca_certs_dir=None): """ Initialize DefaultClientContextFactory :type certificate: :class:`str` :param certificate: File path of the certificate :type private_key: :class:`str` :param private_key: File path of the private key :type ca_certs: :class:`str` :param ca_certs: File path of ca certificates :type ca_certs_dir: :class:`str` :param ca_certs_dir: Directory prepared using the c_rehash tool included with OpenSSL """ def callback_fn(conn, cert, errno, depth, result): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Callback to handle the cert validation :type conn: :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Connection` :param conn: OpenSSL connection that triggered the verification :type cert: :class:`OpenSSL.crypto.X509` :param cert: Certificate that is being validated :type errno: :class:`int` :param errno: An integer containing the error number (0 in case no error) of the error detected. Error descriptions here: :type depth: :class:`int` :param depth: An integer indicating the depth of the certificate being validated. If it is 0 then it means it is the given certificate is the one being validated, in other case is one of the chain of certificates :type result: :class:`int` :param result: An integer that indicates whether the validation of the certificate currently being validated (the one in the second argument) passed or not the validation. A value of 1 is a successful validation and 0 an unsuccessful one. :rtype: :class:`bool` :return: True if the verification passes, False otherwise """ logger.debug( 'Verifying SSL certificate at depth %s, subject %s, issuer %s', depth, repr(cert.get_subject()), repr(cert.get_issuer())) if errno: try: fn = crypto.X509_verify_cert_error_string errmsg = ':%s' % fn(errno) except AttributeError: errmsg = '' logger.error('verify error %s: %s', errno, errmsg) return False return True self._context = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_METHOD) # Disable the insecure SSLv2 connections # More background here: self._context.set_options(SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2) self._context.set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_PEER, callback_fn) if certificate: self._context.use_certificate_file(certificate) if private_key: self._context.use_privatekey_file(private_key) if ca_certs or ca_certs_dir: try: self._context.load_verify_locations( ca_certs.encode('utf-8'), ca_certs_dir) except TypeError: self._context.load_verify_locations( ca_certs, ca_certs_dir)
[docs] def get_context(self): """ Returns the SSL context :rtype: :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context` :return: SSL context """ return self._context