Source code for vmware.vapi.lib.connect

vAPI Connection factory

__author__ = 'VMware, Inc.'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2011-2014 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved. -- VMware Confidential'

import os

from six.moves import configparser
from vmware.vapi.protocol.client.rpc.provider_factory import RpcProviderFactory
from vmware.vapi.protocol.client.msg.connector_factory import ProtocolConnectorFactory
from vmware.vapi.settings import config

[docs]def check_file_exists(filename): """ Check if name is a file and exists :type :class:`str` :param file name """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise OSError(2, 'No such file', filename)
[docs]def get_connector(rpc_provider_name, msg_protocol, ssl_context=None, **kwargs): """ Create a connection to the vAPI Provider using the specified arguments :type rpc_provider_name: :class:`str` :param rpc_provider_name: The RPC provider to be used for the connection. Valid values are 'http', 'https' and 'requests' :type msg_protocol: :class:`str` :param msg_protocol: The message protocol to be used for the connection. Valid values are 'json'. :type ssl_context: :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context` :param ssl_context: SSL context to use for SSL connections :param kwargs: Additional arguments for the RPC provider :rtype: :class:`vmware.vapi.protocol.client.connector.Connector` :return: Connection to the vAPI provider """ #RPC provider rpc_provider_args = {} if rpc_provider_name in ('http', 'https'): # provider url rpc_provider_args['url'] = kwargs.get('url') rpc_provider_args['ssl_args'] = {'ssl_context': ssl_context} elif rpc_provider_name in ('requests'): for arg_name in ('url', 'session', 'timeout', 'pool_size'): rpc_provider_args[arg_name] = kwargs.get(arg_name) else: raise Exception('Invalid RPC Provider specified %s' % rpc_provider_name) # Accept additional configuration using a client config file if config.cfg is None: config.cfg = configparser.SafeConfigParser() config_file = kwargs.get('config') if config_file: check_file_exists(config_file) # Using SAML based authentication # If the configuration does not have SSO signer, add it use_saml_token = kwargs.get('use_saml_token', False) if (use_saml_token and not config.cfg.has_section( 'vmware.vapi.protocol.client.msg.json_connector')): config.cfg.add_section('vmware.vapi.protocol.client.msg.json_connector') config.cfg.set('vmware.vapi.protocol.client.msg.json_connector', 'processors', '') rpc_factory = RpcProviderFactory() rpc_provider = rpc_factory.get_rpc_provider(rpc_provider_name, **rpc_provider_args) # Msg protocol provider connector_factory = ProtocolConnectorFactory() connector = connector_factory.get_connector(msg_protocol, rpc_provider) return connector
[docs]def get_saml_hok_connector(rpc_provider_name, msg_protocol='json', ssl_context=None, **kwargs): """ Create a connection that uses SAML Hok based authentication to connect to a vAPI Provider :type rpc_provider_name: :class:`str` :param rpc_provider_name: The RPC provider to be used for the connection. Valid values are 'http', 'https' or 'requests' :type msg_protocol: :class:`str` :param msg_protocol: The message protocol to be used for the connection. Valid values are 'json'. :type ssl_context: :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context` :param ssl_context: SSL context to use for SSL connections :type kwargs: :class:`dict` of :class:`str` and :class:`object` :param kwargs: Additional arguments for the RPC provider :rtype: :class:`vmware.vapi.protocol.client.connector.Connector` :return: Connection to the vAPI provider """ return get_connector(rpc_provider_name, msg_protocol, ssl_context, use_saml_token=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_requests_connector(session, msg_protocol='json', url=None, timeout=None, pool_size=8): """ Create a connection that uses 'requests' library for http connections :type session: :class:`requests.Session` :param session: Session object :type msg_protocol: :class:`str` :param msg_protocol: Message protocol to be used for the connection. Valid values are 'json'. :type url: :class:`str` :param url: HTTP(S) URL to be used :type timeout: :class:`int` :param timeout: Request timeout :type pool_size: :class:`int` :param pool_size: Connection pool size to be used :rtype: :class:`vmware.vapi.protocol.client.connector.Connector` :return: Connection to the vAPI provider """ return get_connector('requests', msg_protocol, url=url, session=session, timeout=timeout, pool_size=pool_size)