GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setAllowChangingVdrMacInUse(java.lang.Boolean allowChangingVdrMacInUse) |
When this flag is set to true, it is allowed to change the VDR MAC being used by
existing transport nodes in a NSX system.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setArpLimitPerGateway(java.lang.Long arpLimitPerGateway) |
Global configuration of maximum number of ARP entries per transport node at each
Tier0/Tier1 gateway.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setChildren(java.util.List<com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure> children) |
Subtree for this type within policy tree containing nested elements.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setCreateTime(java.lang.Long createTime) |
Timestamp of resource creation format: int64
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setCreateUser(java.lang.String createUser) |
ID of the user who created this resource
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setDescription(java.lang.String description) |
Description of this resource
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName) |
Defaults to ID if not set
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setExternalGatewayBfd(ExternalGatewayBfdConfig externalGatewayBfd) |
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setFips(FIPSGlobalConfig fips) |
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setGlobalReplicationModeEnabled(java.lang.Boolean globalReplicationModeEnabled) |
When this flag is set true, certain types of BUM packets will be sent to all
VTEPs in the global VTEP table, ignoring the logical switching span.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setId(java.lang.String id) |
Unique identifier of this resource
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setIsInherited(java.lang.Boolean isInherited) |
if True, meaning that this is a copy version of GM if False, meaning that this
is a local version on LM
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setL3ForwardingMode(java.lang.String l3ForwardingMode) |
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setLastModifiedTime(java.lang.Long lastModifiedTime) |
Timestamp of last modification format: int64
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setLastModifiedUser(java.lang.String lastModifiedUser) |
ID of the user who last modified this resource
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setLbEcmp(java.lang.Boolean lbEcmp) |
Flag to activate/deactivate ECMP load balancing.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setLinks(java.util.List<ResourceLink> links) |
The server will populate this field when returing the resource.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setMarkedForDelete(java.lang.Boolean markedForDelete) |
Intent objects are not directly deleted from the system when a delete is invoked
on them.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setMtu(java.lang.Long mtu) |
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) specifies the size of the largest packet that a
network protocol can transmit.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setOperationCollectors(java.util.List<com.vmware.vapi.bindings.Structure> operationCollectors) |
This property is a part of OpsGlobalConfig object.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setOriginSiteId(java.lang.String originSiteId) |
This is a UUID generated by the system for knowing which site owns an object.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setOverridden(java.lang.Boolean overridden) |
Global intent objects cannot be modified by the user.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setOwnerId(java.lang.String ownerId) |
This is a UUID generated by the system for knowing who owns this object.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setParentPath(java.lang.String parentPath) |
Path of its parent
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setPath(java.lang.String path) |
Absolute path of this object
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setPhysicalUplinkMtu(java.lang.Long physicalUplinkMtu) |
This is the global default MTU for all the physical uplinks in a NSX domain.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setProtection(java.lang.String protection) |
Protection status is one of the following: PROTECTED - the client who retrieved
the entity is not allowed to modify it.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setRealizationId(java.lang.String realizationId) |
This is a UUID generated by the system for realizing the entity object.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setRelativePath(java.lang.String relativePath) |
Path relative from its parent
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setRemotePath(java.lang.String remotePath) |
This is the path of the object on the local managers when queried on the NSX+
service, and path of the object on NSX+ service when queried from the local
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setRemoteTunnelPhysicalMtu(java.lang.Long remoteTunnelPhysicalMtu) |
This is the global default MTU for all the physical remote tunnel endpoints in
an NSX domain.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setResourceType(java.lang.String resourceType) |
The type of this resource.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setRevision(java.lang.Long revision) |
The _revision property describes the current revision of the resource.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setSchema(java.lang.String schema) |
Schema for this resource
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setSelf(SelfResourceLink self) |
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setSiteInfos(java.util.List<SiteInfo> siteInfos) |
Information related to sites applicable for given config.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setSystemOwned(java.lang.Boolean systemOwned) |
Indicates system owned resource
This property may be present in responses from the server, but if it is present
in a request to server it will be ignored.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setTags(java.util.List<Tag> tags) |
Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setTepGroupConfig(TepGroupConfig tepGroupConfig) |
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setUniqueId(java.lang.String uniqueId) |
This is a UUID generated by the GM/LM to uniquely identify entities in a
federated environment.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setUplinkMtuThreshold(java.lang.Long uplinkMtuThreshold) |
This value defines the upper threshold for the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
value that can be configured at a physical uplink level or a logical routing
uplink level in a NSX domain.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setVdrMac(java.lang.String vdrMac) |
This is the global default MAC address for all VDRs in all transport nodes in a
NSX system.
GlobalConfig.Builder |
GlobalConfig.Builder.setVdrMacNested(java.lang.String vdrMacNested) |
This is the global default MAC address for all VDRs in all transport nodes in a
NSX system nested in another NSX system.