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mp-test hangs on 'Building Adapter'

If this is the first time testing an Adapter, most likely the build process is active but taking a long time to complete. There are several sub-steps that are performed:

  • Downloads the base image(s)
  • Download and install any dependencies
  • Compiles the Adapter code (if required by the language)
  • Assembles the resulting container

Depending on the size of the base image(s), and the download speed of your internet connection, it can take some time build the Adapter image the first time. Subsequent builds should be much faster as the intermediate steps are cached. See below for approximate image sizes.

Language Stage Image Compressed Size
Python Compilation N/A N/A
Python Execution base-adapter:python-1.0.0 54 MiB
Java Compilation gradle:8.3.0-jdk17 341 MiB
Java Execution base-adapter:java-1.0.0 212 MiB

mp-test returns '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR'

Internal server errors can happen for various reasons; however, the most common cause is an unhandled exception or syntax error in the adapter's code. Check the server logs for clues about the issue. Sometimes, the problem may be detected using mp-test and going over the terminal output.

Collection returns 'No collection result was found'

mp-test runs a series of validations test after a collection; if the collection has no results, then each validation step will report the result as missing. When a collection result is missing, it usually means an error occurred during a collection, but the Adapter handled the error. When the Adapter handles an error, the response contains an error message; The console displays the error message. For example:

def collect(adapter_instance: AdapterInstance) -> CollectResult:
  result = CollectResult()
    raise Exception("oops!")

  except Exception as e:
    logger.error("Unexpected collection error")
    result.with_error(f"Unexpected collection error: '{e}'")
    return result
public CollectRestuls collect(AdapterInstance adapterInstance) {
  CollectResult result = new CollectResult();
    throw new Exception("oops!");

  } catch ( Exception  e) {
    result.with_error("Unexpected collection error: " + "'" + e.getMessage() + "'");

  return result

will output

Building adapter [Finished]
Waiting for adapter to start [Finished]
Running Collect [Finished]
Collection Failed: Unexpected collection error: 'oops!'

Avg CPU %                     | Avg Memory Usage %         | Memory Limit | Network I/O         | Block I/O
21.1 % (0.0% / 21.1% / 42.2%) | 4.0 % (4.0% / 4.0% / 4.0%) | 1.0 GiB      | 3.24 KiB / 6.67 KiB | 0.0 B / 0.0 B

Collection completed in 0.45 seconds.

No collection result was found.
No collection result was found.
All validation logs written to '/Users/user/management-pack/test-management-pack/logs/validation.log'

As seen above, the Exception is mentioned as the reason for the collection error, and the No collection result was found message is also shown. Using the collection error message along with the adapter.log can help trace the cause of the issue.

As of version 1.0.0, all connection-related elements from the project config file have been migrated to a new project connections JSON file(connections.json). As part of this change, both mp-test and mp-build will offer to migrate connection-related elements to the connections.json file when present in the config.json file (The new connections.json file is automatically added to the project's .gitignore to prevent sensitive information from being committed). Moving all the connection-related information away from the config.json file allows users to include their project configuration file in version control, making using the same container_repository for the project easier.

  • mp-build and mp-init do not remove config.json from .gitignore, so users who want to share the project's config.json file must remove it manually.
  • If connections.json exists, the user will not be prompted.


For additional issues regarding mp-test and docker, see the Docker page.