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Purpose of this SDK

This SDK provides tools and libraries to aid in developing Management Packs for VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) Operations.

VCF Operations is a monitoring, management, and optimization tool for IT operations. For more information see VCF Operations.

What is a Management Pack

Management Packs provide data to the monitoring capabilities of VCF Operations. VCF Operations ships with a number of built-in Management Packs, such as the vCenter Management Pack.

A Management Pack is distributed as a single file with the extension .pak. Inside this file are a number of components, divided into three categories:

  • Adapter: The adapter is code that VCF Operations runs on a collector (currently limited to Cloud Proxies). The adapter is responsible for connecting to a target, creating objects with metrics, properties, and events, and adding relationships between objects.
  • Metadata: There are several pieces of metadata included in a Management Pack. These tell VCF Operations about the objects, metrics, properties, events, that the adapter can collect, as well as information about the Management Pack such as the name and version.
  • Content: Optionally included in a Management Pack are pieces of content, which help the user understand and organize the data that the adapter collects. For example: dashboards, reports, symptoms and alerts, traversals, and policies.



This SDK contains three main tools for developing Management Packs.

  • mp-init Creates a new project. This creates the correct project directory structure for use with the other tools, and includes a template/sample adapter and metadata that can be modified (used as a starting point) or overwritten with new code.
  • mp-test Creates a containerized adapter from the project, runs the container locally, and simulates the VCF Operations environment and API calls. The various entry points of the adapter can be called, and the output is validated against the VCF Operations API and the current metadata. This tool enables rapid development by reducing the cycle time compared to installing and running on VCF Operations for validation.
  • mp-build Creates a containerized adapter from the project, and bundles the adapter along with any metadata and content into a Management Pack. The resulting pak file can be installed on VCF Operations (installation on VCF Operations Cloud is not yet supported). After the Management Pack has been validated on VCF Operations, the pak file is also used for distribution.


The current release supports Python and Java languages. At the heart of each adapter is a container image with an an HTTP server. The SDK includes a base image containing a server implemented in Python which calls out to user-supplied adapter code. In addition, there is a image for Java which includes the same Python HTTP server but also includes a Java 17 runtime. While the Python server is able to call an executable written in any language, only Python and Java projects are supported by the mp-init tool. However, because the mp-test and mp-build tools are language-agnostic, and depend only on the correct project file structure and a working Dockerfile that implements the collector framework, it is possible (but beyond the scope of this documentation) to use the SDK to write an adapter using other languages.


The SDK includes a Python library that simplifies communication with VCF Operations, and provides a model for easily creating objects, adding properties, metrics, and events to objects, and creating relationships between objects.

Similar libraries for Java and PowerShell are planned.