Class ObjectType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ObjectType
    extends GroupType

    Create a new object type definition

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private final JsonObject json
      private final String key
      private final String label
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      JsonObject getJson()
      String getKey() A key used to identify the object type
      final String getLabel() Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
      final ObjectType defineStringIdentifier(String key, String label, Boolean required, Boolean isPartOfUniqueness, String default) Create a new string identifier and apply it to this object type definition.
      final ObjectType defineIntIdentifier(String key, String label, Boolean required, Boolean isPartOfUniqueness, Integer default) Create a new integer identifier and apply it to this object type definition.
      final ObjectType defineEnumIdentifier(String key, List<EnumParameter.EnumValue> values, String label, Boolean required, Boolean isPartOfUniqueness, String default) Create a new enum identifier and apply it to this object type definition.
      final Unit addIdentifiers(Iterable<Parameter> identifiers)
      final Unit addIdentifier(Parameter identifier) Add an identifier to this object type.
      • Methods inherited from class com.vmware.aria.operations.definition.GroupType

        addAttribute, addAttributes, addGroup, addGroups, defineGroup, defineGroup, defineInstancedGroup, defineInstancedGroup, defineInstancedGroup, defineMetric, defineMetric, defineMetric, defineMetric, defineMetric, defineMetric, defineMetric, defineMetric, defineMetric, defineNumericProperty, defineNumericProperty, defineNumericProperty, defineNumericProperty, defineNumericProperty, defineNumericProperty, defineNumericProperty, defineNumericProperty, defineNumericProperty, defineStringProperty, defineStringProperty, defineStringProperty, defineStringProperty, defineStringProperty, defineStringProperty
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectType

        ObjectType(String key)
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

         String getKey()

        A key used to identify the object type

      • getLabel

         final String getLabel()

        Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI. Defaults to the key.

      • defineStringIdentifier

         final ObjectType defineStringIdentifier(String key, String label, Boolean required, Boolean isPartOfUniqueness, String default)

        Create a new string identifier and apply it to this object type definition. All identifiers marked as 'part of uniqueness' are used to determine object identification. If none exist, the object name will be used for identification.

        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        required - True if this parameter is required.
        isPartOfUniqueness - True if the parameter should be used for object identification.
        default - The default value of the parameter.

        The created String Identifier.

      • defineIntIdentifier

         final ObjectType defineIntIdentifier(String key, String label, Boolean required, Boolean isPartOfUniqueness, Integer default)

        Create a new integer identifier and apply it to this object type definition. All identifiers marked as 'part of uniqueness' are used to determine object identification. If none exist, the object name will be used for identification.

        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        required - True if this parameter is required.
        isPartOfUniqueness - True if the parameter should be used for object identification.
        default - The default value of the parameter.

        The created Integer Identifier.

      • defineEnumIdentifier

         final ObjectType defineEnumIdentifier(String key, List<EnumParameter.EnumValue> values, String label, Boolean required, Boolean isPartOfUniqueness, String default)

        Create a new enum identifier and apply it to this object type definition. All identifiers marked as 'part of uniqueness' are used to determine object identification. If none exist, the object name will be used for identification.

        key - Used to identify the parameter.
        values - A List containing all enum values.
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
        required - True if this parameter is required.
        isPartOfUniqueness - True if the parameter should be used for object identification.
        default - The default value of the parameter.

        The created Integer Identifier.

      • addIdentifier

         final Unit addIdentifier(Parameter identifier)

        Add an identifier to this object type. All 'identifying' identifiers are used to determine object uniqueness. If no 'identifying' identifiers exist, they object name will be used for uniqueness.

        identifier - The identifier to add to the object type definition.