Class EnumParameterBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • EnumParameterBuilder

        EnumParameterBuilder(String key)
    • Method Detail

      • getLabel

         final String getLabel()

        Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI. Defaults to the key.

      • setLabel

         final Unit setLabel(String label)

        Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI. Defaults to the key.

      • getDescription

         final String getDescription()

        More in-depth explanation of the parameter. Displayed as a tooltip in the VMware Aria Operations UI.

      • setDescription

         final Unit setDescription(String description)

        More in-depth explanation of the parameter. Displayed as a tooltip in the VMware Aria Operations UI.

      • getRequired

         final Boolean getRequired()

        True if user is required to provide this parameter. Defaults to True.

      • setRequired

         final Unit setRequired(Boolean required)

        True if user is required to provide this parameter. Defaults to True.

      • getAdvanced

         final Boolean getAdvanced()

        True if the parameter should be collapsed by default. Defaults to False.

      • setAdvanced

         final Unit setAdvanced(Boolean advanced)

        True if the parameter should be collapsed by default. Defaults to False.

      • getKey

         final String getKey()

        Used to identify the parameter.

      • withOption

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withOption(String key, String label)

        Adds an option to the Enum Parameter

        key - The key of the Enum
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
      • withDefaultOption

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withDefaultOption(String key, String label)

        Adds an option to the Enum Parameter, and sets it as the default option. This should only be called once per parameter. If it is called multiple times, the default will be set to the value of the last call.

        key - The key of the Enum
        label - Label that is displayed in the VMware Aria Operations UI.
      • withDefaultOption

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit withDefaultOption(String key)

        Adds an option to the Enum Parameter, and sets it as the default option. This should only be called once per parameter. If it is called multiple times, the default will be set to the value of the last call.

        key - The key of the Enum