
Version 0.6

One-fits-all Internationalization Solution

Singleton Service Custom Log

How to use custom log configuration file in Singleton service

1.The custom log configuration sample

If you want to use custom log configuration file, you can change the configuration sample as following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="OFF">
<!-- Logging Properties -->
		<property name="application_name">Singleton</property>
		<property name="module_name">i18nManager</property>
		<property name="log_path">${sys:app.log.home:-./logs}/i18n</property>
       <!-- Console Appender configuration-->
		<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
			<ThresholdFilter level="trace" onMatch="ACCEPT"
					pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [${application_name}] [${module_name}] [%level] [%t]  %l - %msg%n"/>
        <!-- Info level log File Appenders configuration -->
		<RollingFile name="InfoFile"
			<ThresholdFilter level="info" onMatch="ACCEPT"
					pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [${application_name}] [${module_name}] [%level] [%t]  %l - %msg%n"/>
				<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="64 MB"/>
			<DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="nomax">
				<Delete basePath="${log_path}" maxDepth="1">
					<IfFileName glob="${application_name}-info-*.log"/>
                     <!-- Delete All older files except the last created 10 log files -->
					<IfAccumulatedFileCount exceeds="10"/>
                    <!-- Delete all files older than 7 days -->
                    <IfLastModified age="7d"/>
                    <!-- As long as the total log file size exceeds 1GB, the oldest log file in chronological order will be deleted -->
					<IfAccumulatedFileSize exceeds="3GB"/>
      <!-- Error level log File Appenders configuration -->
		<RollingFile name="ErrorFile"
			<ThresholdFilter level="error" onMatch="ACCEPT"
					pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} [${application_name}] [${module_name}] [%level] [%t]  %l - %msg%n"/>
				<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="64 MB"/>
			<DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="nomax">
				<Delete basePath="${log_path}" maxDepth="1">
					<IfFileName glob="${application_name}-error-*.log"/>
                  <!-- Delete All older files except the last created 5 log files -->
					<IfAccumulatedFileCount exceeds="5"/>              
                    <!-- Delete all files older than 7 days -->
                    <IfLastModified age="7d"/
                    <!-- As long as the total log file size exceeds 1GB, the oldest log file in chronological order will be deleted -->
					<IfAccumulatedFileSize exceeds="1GB"/>
		<Root level="debug">
			<appender-ref ref="Console"/>
			<appender-ref ref="InfoFile"/>
			<appender-ref ref="ErrorFile"/>

According your requirement, you can change the following item as following:

  • <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="64 MB"/> You can change the single log size
  • <IfAccumulatedFileCount exceeds="5"/> You can change delete strategy how many keep the last created logs file
  • <IfAccumulatedFileSize exceeds="1GB"/> You can define which total log files exceeds size, the oldest log file in chronological order will be deleted 

How to start the singleton service with custom log configuration file

You can use the following command start the singleton service:

java -jar singleton-xxx.jar --logging.config=file:./log4j2-spring.xml

The file:./log4j2-spring.xml is your log configuration location. You can use relative address or absolute address.

Last updated on 7 Mar 2023
Published on 7 Mar 2023
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