Hello World Kernel Module
This example shows how to build a package that provides a hello world kernel module. To build the package, you need to run the script with hello-world.spec
as an argument, where hello-world.spec
is the RPM specification file.
You can find the source file at the following location:
To generate the output in the spec-file folder, run the following command:
./photon/tools/scripts/build_spec.sh ./photon/tools/examples/build_spec/kernel_module_example/hello-world.spec
The following are the contents of the hello-world.spec
%define linux_esx_ver 6.1.10
Summary: Hello World Linux module
Name: hello-world
Version: 1.0
Release: 1%{?dist}
License: GPLv2
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Vendor: VMware, Inc.
Distribution: Photon
Source0: hello-world.tar.gz
BuildRequires: linux-esx-devel = %{linux_esx_ver}
BuildRequires: kmod
Requires: linux-esx = %{linux_esx_ver}
Example of building linux module for Photon OS
%autosetup -n hello-world
make -C `echo /usr/src/linux-headers-%{linux_esx_ver}*` M=`pwd` VERBOSE=1 modules %{?_smp_mflags}
make -C `echo /usr/src/linux-headers-%{linux_esx_ver}*` M=`pwd` INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{buildroot} modules_install %{?_smp_mflags}
# fix permissins to generate non empty debuginfo
find %{buildroot}/lib/modules -name '*.ko' -print0 | xargs -0 chmod u+x
/sbin/depmod -a
Build Logs
The following logs indicate the steps that the script performs internally:
0. Build Script Version: 1.1
1. Create sandbox
Use local build template image OK
2. Prepare build environment
Create source folder OK
Copy sources from ./photon/tools/examples/build_spec/kernel_module_example OK
install createrepo OK
createrepo OK
Create local repo in sandbox OK
makecache OK
3. Build Binary and Source Package
Run rpmbuild OK
4. Destroy sandbox
Stop container OK
Remove container OK
Build completed. RPMS are in './photon/tools/examples/build_spec/kernel_module_example/stage' folder
You can verify the generated output with the following commands:
- Command to install the RPM:
rpm -ivh ./photon/tools/examples/build_spec/kernel_module_example/stage/RPMS/x86_64/hello-world-1.0-1.ph5.x86_64.rpm
- Command to install the kernel module:
modprobe hello-world
- Command to verify the installed kernel module:
dmesg | grep "Hello World"
Last modified August 1, 2024: Merge pull request #1562 from naltanov/photon-hugo (a784a46)