Firewall nftables Management

Use pmctl command to manage the firewall nftables. The following section lists the command that you can use to manage the nftables.

Add nftable

To add an nftable, use the following command in pmctl:

pmctl network add-nft-table name <TABLE> family <FAMILY>


>pmctl network add-nft-table name test99 family inet

Delete nftable

To delete an nftable, use the following command in pmctl:

pmctl network delete-nft-table name <TABLE> family <FAMILY>


>pmctl network delete-nft-table name test99 family inet

Show nftable

To show an nftable, use the following command in pmctl:

pmctl network show-nft-table name <TABLE> family <FAMILY>


>pmctl network show-nft-table name test99 family inet

Show all nftables

To show all the nftables, use the following command in pmctl:

>pmctl network show-nft-table

Add nftable chain

To add an nftable chain, use the following command in pmctl:

pmctl network add-nft-chain name <CHAIN> table <TABLE> family <FAMILY> hook <HOOK> priority <PRIORITY> type <TYPE> policy <POLICY>


>pmctl network add-nft-chain name chain1 table test99 family inet hook input priority 300 type filter policy drop

Delete nft chain

To delete an nftable chain, use the following command in pmctl:

pmctl network delete-nft-chain name <CHAIN> table <TABLE> family <FAMILY>


>pmctl network delete-nft-chain name chain1 table test99 family inet

Show nft chain

To show an nftable chain, use the following command in pmctl:

pmctl network show-nft-chain name <CHAIN> table <TABLE> family <FAMILY>


>pmctl network show-nft-chain name chain1 table test99 family inet

Show all nft chain

To show all nftable chains, use the following command in pmctl:

>pmctl network show-nft-chain

Save all nftables

To save all nftables, use the following command in pmctl:

>pmctl network nft-save

Run nft commands

To run the nftables command, use the following command in pmctl:

pmctl network nft-run <COMMAND>


>pmctl network nft-run nft add table inet test99

>pmctl network nft-run nft add chain inet test99 my_chain '{ type filter hook input priority 0; }'

>pmctl network nft-run nft add rule inet test99 my_chain tcp dport {telnet, http, https} accept

>pmctl network nft-run nft delete rule inet test99 my_chain handle 3

>pmctl network nft-run nft delete chain inet test99 my_chain

>pmctl network nft-run nft delete table inet test99
Last modified November 8, 2023: Update (3799256)