
To configure photon-mgmtd, use the mgmt.toml file located in the following directory: /etc/photon-mgmt/

You can set values for the following keys in the [System] section:

LogLevel= Specifies the log level. The key takes one of the following: values: Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal and Panic. Default is info.

UseAuthentication= Specifies whether a user needs authentication. This is a boolean key and takes the following values: true, false. Default is true.

You can set values for the following keys in the [Network] section:

Listen= Specifies the IP address and port that the REST API server listens to. When enabled, the default is

ListenUnixSocket= Specifies whether you want the server to listen on a unix domain socket /run/photon-mgmt/mgmt.sock. This is a boolean key and takes the following values: true, false. Default is true.

Note: When you enable both ListenUnixSocket= and Listen=, server listens on the unix domain socket by default.

❯ sudo cat /etc/photon-mgmt/mgmt.toml


❯ sudo systemctl status photon-mgmtd.service
● photon-mgmtd.service - A REST API based configuration management microservice gateway
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/photon-mgmtd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-01-06 16:32:19 IST; 4s ago
   Main PID: 230041 (photon-mgmtd)
      Tasks: 6 (limit: 15473)
     Memory: 2.9M
        CPU: 7ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/photon-mgmtd.service
             └─230041 /usr/bin/photon-mgmtd

Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus systemd[1]: photon-mgmtd.service: Passing 0 fds to service
Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus systemd[1]: photon-mgmtd.service: About to execute /usr/bin/photon-mgmtd
Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus systemd[1]: photon-mgmtd.service: Forked /usr/bin/photon-mgmtd as 230041
Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus systemd[1]: photon-mgmtd.service: Changed failed -> running
Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus systemd[1]: photon-mgmtd.service: Job 56328 photon-mgmtd.service/start finished, result=done
Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus systemd[1]: Started photon-mgmtd.service - A REST API based configuration management microservice gateway.
Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus systemd[230041]: photon-mgmtd.service: Executing: /usr/bin/photon-mgmtd
Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus photon-mgmtd[230041]: time="2022-01-06T16:32:19+05:30" level=info msg="photon-mgmtd: v0.1 (built go1.18beta1)"
Jan 06 16:32:19 Zeus photon-mgmtd[230041]: time="2022-01-06T16:32:19+05:30" level=info msg="Starting photon-mgmtd... Listening on unix domain socket='/run/photon-mgmt/mgmt.sock' in HTTP mode pid=103575">

How to Configure Users?

Unix domain socket

When you add users to the photon-mgmt group, they can access the unix socket. Use the following command to add a user: # usermod -a -G photon-mgmt exampleusername

Last modified November 8, 2023: Update (3799256)