Examining the Packages in the SPECS Directory on Github

The SPECS directory of the GitHub website for Photon OS contains all the packages that can appear in Photon OS repositories. The following is the path to the SPECS directory:


To see the version of a package, in the SPECS directory, click the name of the subdirectory of the package that you want to examine, and then click the .spec filename in the subdirectory.

For example, python3.spec appears as follows::

%global VER 3.11
%global with_gdb_hooks 1

Summary:        A high-level scripting language
Name:           python3
Version:        3.11.0
Release:        6%{?dist}
License:        PSF
URL:            http://www.python.org
Group:          System Environment/Programming
Vendor:         VMware, Inc.
Distribution:   Photon
Last modified November 8, 2023: Update downloading-photon.md (3799256)