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Package Management in Photon OS with 'tdnf'

Photon OS manages packages with an open source, yum-compatible package manager called tdnf, for Tiny Dandified Yum. Tdnf keeps the operating system as small as possible while preserving yum’s robust package-management capabilities.

1 - Introduction to 'tdnf'

On Photon OS, tdnf is the default package manager for installing new packages. It is a C implementation of the DNF package manager without Python dependencies.

Tdnf appears in the minimal and full versions of Photon OS.

Tdnf implements a subset of the dnf commands as listed in the dnf guide.

2 - Configuration Files and Repositories

The main configuration files reside in /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf. The configuration file appears as follows:

cat /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf

The cache files for data and metadata reside in /var/cache/tdnf.

The following repositories appear in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with .repo file extensions:

ls /etc/yum.repos.d/

You can list the the repositories by using the tdnf repolist command. Tdnf filters the results with enabled, disabled, and all. Running the command without specifying an argument returns the enabled repositories:

tdnf repolist
repo id             repo name                               status
photon-updates      VMware Photon Linux 2.0(x86_64)Updates  enabled
photon-extras       VMware Photon Extras 2.0(x86_64)        enabled
photon              VMware Photon Linux 2.0(x86_64)         enabled

The photon-iso.repo, however, does not appear in the list of repositories because it is unavailable on the virtual machine from which these examples are taken. The photon-iso.repo is the default repository and it points to /media/cdrom. The photon-iso.repo appears as follows:

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/photon-iso.repo
name=VMWare Photon Linux 2.0(x86_64)

The local cache is populated with data from the repository:

ls -l /var/cache/tdnf/photon
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 18 22:52 repodata
d-wxr----t 3 root root 4096 May  3 22:51 rpms

You can clear the cache to help troubleshoot a problem, but doing so might slow the performance of tdnf until the cache becomes repopulated with data. To clear the cache, use the following command:

tdnf clean all
Cleaning repos: photon photon-extras photon-updates lightwave
Cleaning up everything

The command purges the repository data from the cache:

ls -l /var/cache/tdnf/photon
total 4
d-wxr----t 3 root root 4096 May  3 22:51 rpms

3 - Adding a New Repository

On Photon OS, you can add a new repository from which tdnf installs packages. To add a new repository, you create a repository configuration file with a .repo extension and place it in /etc/yum.repos.d. The repository can be on either the Internet or a local server containing your in-house applications.

Be careful if you add a repository that is on the Internet. Installing packages from untrusted or unverified sources might put the security, stability, or compatibility of your system at risk. It might also make your system harder to maintain.

On Photon OS, the existing repositories appear in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory:

ls /etc/yum.repos.d/

To view the format and information that a new repository configuration file should contain, see one of the .repo files. The following is an example:

name=VMware Photon Linux $releasever ($basearch)

You can configure multiple repositories in one repository configuration file. Configuration for each of the repositories must have a separate section and ID.

The repository settings details are as follows:

  • The minimal information needed to establish a repository is an ID and human-readable name of the repository and its base URL. The ID, which appears in square brackets, must be one word that is unique among the system’s repositories; `.

  • The username setting specifies a username for the repository, if required.

  • The password setting sets a password for the repository, if required.

  • The baseurl is a URL for the repository’s repodata directory. For a repository on a local server that can be accessed directly or mounted as a file system, the base URL can be a file referenced by file://. Example:


    You can also use the following protocols: http: https: ftp: ftps: file: You can add multiple URLs separated by commas. If download fails for one URL, the next URL is used. The URL can contain the variables $releasever and $basearch, which refers to the current release of the distribution (for example, 5.0) and the architecture (for example, x86_64 or aarch64).

  • You can use the metalink file to set hashes and priorities for URLs. To use the metalink feature, the tdnf-metalink plugin must be installed and loaded. A sample metalink file is as follows:

    cat metalink

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <metalink version="3.0" xmlns="" type="dynamic" pubdate="Wed, 05 Feb 2020 08:14:56 GMT" generator="mirrormanager" xmlns:mm0="">
      <file name="repomd.xml">
    <hash type="sha1">478437547dac9f5a73fe905d2ed2a0a5b153ef46</hash>
    <hash type="sha512">6c6fbfba288ec90905a8d2220a0bfd2a50e835b7faaefedb6978df6ca59c5bce25cc1ddd33023e305b20bcffc702ee2bd61d0855f4f1b2fd7c8f5109e428a764</hash>
       <resources maxconnections="1">
    <url protocol="http" type="http" location="IN" preference=“100”></url>

    In the metalink file, provide the preference for each url, so tdnf first tries to sync the repository data from the mirror which has the highest preference. If it fails for any reason, tdnf will use the next mirror URL.

    Note: Ensure that the shasum for respomd.xml in all the mirrors should be same.

  • The metadata_expire setting specifies the expiry time limit for the downloaded metadata in seconds. After the set limit expires, metadata is refreshed on the next action that requires them. The default value is 172800 seconds.

  • The priority setting specifies the priority of the repositories.

  • The gpgcheck setting specifies whether to check the GPG signature. The default value is true. If you enable this setting, set the gpgkey.

  • The repo_gpgcheck setting allows tdnf to verify the signature of a repository metadata before downloading the repository artifacts. When repo_gpgcheck is set to 1 in the tdnf.conf file, all repositories are checked for the metadata signatures. The default value is 0. To use the repo_gpgcheck feature, the tdnf repogpgcheck plugin must be installed and enabled. If a repository has repo_gpgcheck enabled,a repomd.xml.asc file is downloaded and the API equivalent of gpg --verify repomd.xml.asc repomd.xml is done. If repomd.xml.asc is missing, repository is deactivated. If repomd.xml.asc fails to verify, the repository is deactivated. The public key for verification must be manually installed for the initial implementation.

    Note: Ensure that you have installed libgcrypt for this implementation.

  • The gpgkey setting furnishes the URL for the repository’s ASCII-armored GPG key file. tdnf uses the GPG key to verify a package if its key has not been imported into the RPM database.

    The repository configuration also supports public keys that are remote for the gpgkey option. So, the URLs starting with http, https, or ftp can be used for gpgkey.

    For example: gpgkey=

  • You can use the enabled setting to enable the repository. The default value is false. You can override this setting with --disablerepo, --enablerepo, and --repoid options on the command line.

  • The skip_if_unavailable setting instructs tdnf to continue running if the repository goes offline.

  • The retries setting in the repository configuration specifies the number of retries when downloading a file throws an error. The default is 10.

  • The timeout setting specifies the number of seconds that a download is allowed to take or 0 for no limit. Note that this is an absolute value and may interrupt large file downloads.

  • The minrate setting specifies the limit below which if the download rate falls, tdnf aborts the download. The default value is 0 (no limit).

  • The maxrate setting specifies the maximum download rate (throttle). The default value is 0 (no limit).

  • You can use the skip metadata download settings to skip the download of metadata files for repositories with a lot of packages. When you skip the download of the metadata files, it improves the download time of the packages and the processing time of refreshing the cache.

    The following list describes the benefits and drawbacks of the skip metadata settings:

    • skip_md_filelists: The skip_md_filelists=1 setting deactivates the download of the complete list of files in all packages. The setting improves the download and processing time but affects the repoquery queries for files. The default value is 0.

    • skip_md_other: The skip_md_other=1 setting deactivates the download of miscellaneous data like the changelog data of packages. The setting improves the download and processing time but affects the repoquery queries for changelogs. The default value is 0.

    • skip_md_updateinfo: The skip_md_updateinfo=1 setting deactivates the download of the update info data. The setting improves the download and processing time but affects the output of the updateinfo command. The default value is 0.

  • Other options and variables can appear in the repository file. The variables that are used with some of the options can reduce future changes to the repository configuration files. There are variables to replace the value of the version of the package and to replace the base architecture. For more information, see the man page for yum.conf on the full version of Photon OS: man yum.conf

The following is an example of how to add a new repository for a local server that tdnf polls for packages:

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/apps.repo << "EOF"
name=Local In-House Applications(x86_64)

Because this new repository resides on a local server, make sure the Photon OS machine can connect to it by mounting it.

After establishing a new repository, you must run the following command to update the cached binary metadata for the repositories that tdnf polls:

tdnf makecache
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)Updates'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Extras 1.0(x86_64)'
Refreshing metadata for: 'Local In-House Applications(x86_64)'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)'
Metadata cache created.

You can also specify the SSL Certificate details in the following settings:

  • sslcacert: Use a string value.
  • sslclientcert: Use a string value.
  • sslclientkey: Use a string value.
  • sslverify: Specify whether to perform the SSL verification. The default value is true.

4 - Mount the Photon ISO Image for the Photon-ISO Repository

Photon OS comes with a preconfigured repository called photon-iso that resides in \etc\yum.repos.d. If you receive an access error message when working with the photon-iso repository, it is probably because you do not have the Photon OS ISO mounted. Mount the ISO and the run the following command to update the metadata for all known repositories, including photon-iso:

mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
tdnf makecache

Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)Updates'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Extras 1.0(x86_64)'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)'
Metadata cache created.

5 - Adding the Dev Repository to Get New Packages from the GitHub Dev Branch

To try out new packages or the latest versions of existing packages as they are merged into the dev branch of the Photon OS GitHub site, add the dev repository to your repository list.

Perform th following steps:

  1. On your Photon OS machine, run the following command as root to create a repository configuration file named photon-dev.repo, place it in /etc/yum.repos.d, and concatenate the repository information into the file:
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/photon-dev.repo << "EOF" 
    name=VMware Photon Linux Dev(x86_64)
  1. After establishing a new repository, run the following command to update the cached binary metadata for the repositories that tdnf polls:
tdnf makecache

6 - tdnf-automatic

tdnf-automatic is an alternative Command Line Interface (CLI) to tdnf upgrade/tdnf update with specific features so that it is suitable to be executed automatically and regularly from systemd timers, cron jobs, and so on.

The operation of the tool is usually controlled by the configuration file or the function-specific timer units. The command only accepts a single optional argument pointing to the config file, and some control arguments intended for use by the services that back the timer units. If no configuration file is passed from the command line,then /etc/tdnf/automatic.conf is used.

The tool synchronizes package metadata as needed and then checks for the updates available for the given system and then either exits or shows available updates or downloads and installs the packages.

The outcome of the operation is then reported through stdio.

The systemd timer unit tdnf-automatic.timer behaves as the configuration file specifies whether to download and apply updates. Some other timer units are provided which override the configuration file with some standard behaviors:

* tdnf-automatic-notifyonly

* tdnf-automatic-install

Irrespective of the configuration file settings, the first only notifies of available updates. The second one downloads and installs the updates.

Run tdnf-automatic

You can select one that most closely fits your needs, customize /etc/tdnf/automatic.conf for any specific behaviors, and enable the timer unit.

For example: systemctl enable –now tdnf-automatic-notifyonly.timer

Configuration file format

The configuration file is separated into two sections. This basically gives info on what can be put in /etc/tdnf/automatic.conf. ‘automatic.conf’ is a configuration INI file.


tdnf-automatic help:

tdnf-automatic [{-c|--conf config-file}(optional)] [{-i|--install}] [{-n|--notify}] [{-h|--help}] [{-v|--version}]

-c, --conftdnf-automatic configuration file (Optional argument)

-i, --installOverride automatic.conf apply_updates and install updates

-n, --notifyShow available updates

-h, --helpShow this help message

-v, --versionShow tdnf-automatic version information


To set the mode of the operation of the program:

  • apply_updates (boolean, default: no) Whether packages comprising the available updates should be applied by tdnf-automatic.timer, i.e. installed via RPM. Note that the other timer units override this setting.

  • show_updates (boolean, default: yes) To just receive updates use tdnf-automatic-notifyonly.timer

  • network_online_timeout (time in seconds, default: 60) Maximum time tdnf-automatic will wait until the system is online. 0 means that network availability detection will be skipped.

  • random_sleep (time in seconds, default: 0) Maximum random delay before downloading. Note that, by default, the systemd timers also apply a random delay of up to 1 hour.

  • upgrade_type (either one of all or security. default: all) Looks at the kind of upgrades. all signals looking for all available updates. security indicates only those with an issued security advisory.

  • tdnf_conf (string, default: /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf) Configurations to override default tdnf configuration.


To select how the results should be reported:

  • emit_to_stdio (boolean, default: yes) Report the results through stdio. If no, no report will be shown.

  • system_name (string, default: hostname of the given system) How the system is called in the reports.

  • emit_to_file (string, absolute path of file) If we want to capture the logs in a file

7 - Install Packages from CLI

You can install the packages from the command line. The package can be a file or a URL. The dependencies are installed automatically.

For example:

  • Using a URL:

      tdnf install
      open-vm-tools-11.2.5-1.ph5.x86_64.rpm 763014   100%
      attrx86_642.4.48-1.ph5  photon  88.65k 90778
      nss x86_643.57-2.ph5photon  1.69M 1768005
      open-vm-tools   x86_6411.2.5-1.ph5  @cmdline2.65M 2779392
      Total installed size:  91.57M 96019175
      nss-libsx86_643.57-2.ph5photon  2.48M 2601790
      util-linux-libs x86_642.36-2.ph5photon752.75k 770816
      pcre-libs   x86_648.44-2.ph5photon275.60k 282216
      Total installed size:   3.49M 3654822
      Is this ok [y/N]: 
  • Using a file:

      tdnf install ../lsof-4.91-1.ph5.x86_64.rpm 
      libtirpcx86_641.2.6-1.ph5   photon193.56k 198209
      lsofx86_644.91-1.ph5@cmdline  196.10k 200810
      Total installed size: 389.67k 399019

8 - SSL Options

Photon OS offers support for the SSL Options.

You can set the following SSL options in the repository configuration file:

  • sslverify When downloading using https, this option helps to verify the SSL certificate of the server. You can set it to 0 or 1. The default is 1.

  • sslcacert You can use this option to set the path to a certificate file to verify the server.

  • sslclientcert You can use this option to set the path to a client certificate file.

  • sslclientkey You can set this path to the client key file.

9 - Standard Syntax for tdnf Commands

The standard syntax for tdnf commands is the same as that for DNF and is as follows:

tdnf [options] <command> [<arguments>...]

You can view help information by using the following commands:

tdnf --help
tdnf -h

9.1 - tdnf Commands

autoremove [pkg-spec]: This command removes a package with its dependencies. This is similar to the erase/remove command. You can use this command to remove the packages that are no longer needed regardless of the clean_requirements_on_remove option.

autoremove without any arguments removes all automatically installed packages that are no longer required.

check: Checks for problems in installed and available packages for all enabled repositories. The command has no arguments. You can use --enablerepo and --disablerepo to control the repos used. Supported in Photon OS 2.0 (only).

check-local: This command resolves dependencies by using the local RPMs to help check RPMs for quality assurance before publishing them. To check RPMs with this command, you must create a local directory and place your RPMs in it. The command, which includes no options, takes the path to the local directory containing the RPMs as its argument. The command does not recursively parse directories. It checks the RPMs only in the directory that you specify. For example, after creating a directory named /tmp/myrpms and placing your RPMs in it, you can run the following command to check them:

tdnf check-local /tmp/myrpms
Checking all packages from: /tmp/myrpms
Found 10 packages
Check completed without issues

check-update: This command checks for updates to packages. It takes no arguments. The tdnf list updates command performs the same function. Here is an example of the check update command:

tdnf check-update
rpm-devel.x86_64 	4.11.2-8.ph1 	photon
yum.noarch      	3.4.3-3.ph1 	photon

clean: This command cleans up temporary files, data, and metadata. It takes the argument all. Example:

tdnf clean all
Cleaning repos: photon photon-extras photon-updates
Cleaning up everything

You can use this command to clean all configured repositories.

You can also use the following sub-commands or arguments to clean specific files:

metadata: This sub-command cleans up downloaded metadata from the repositories.

dbcache: This sub-command cleans up metadata generated from libsolv

packages: This sub-command removes downloaded packages from the cache.

keys: This sub-command removes downloaded keys from the cache.

expire-cache: This sub-command removes the cache expiry marker. This triggers a download of metadata on the next action that needs them.

distro-sync: This command synchronizes the machine’s RPMs with the latest version of all the packages in the repository. The following is an abridged example:

tdnf distro-sync

zookeeper                             x86_64        3.4.8-2.ph1               3.38 M
yum                                   noarch        3.4.3-3.ph1               4.18 M

Total installed size: 113.01 M

zlib-devel                            x86_64        1.2.8-2.ph1             244.25 k
zlib                                  x86_64        1.2.8-2.ph1             103.93 k
yum-metadata-parser                   x86_64        1.1.4-1.ph1              57.10 k

Total installed size: 1.75 G

tftp                                  x86_64        5.2-3.ph1                32.99 k

Total installed size: 32.99 k
Is this ok [y/N]:

downgrade: This command downgrades the package that you specify as an argument to the next lower package version. The following is an example:

tdnf downgrade boost
boost                                 x86_64        1.56.0-2.ph1              8.20 M
Total installed size: 8.20 M
Is this ok [y/N]:y
boost                                  2591470    100%
Testing transaction
Running transaction

To downgrade to a version lower than the next one, you must specify it by name, epoch, version, and release, all properly hyphenated. The following is an example:

tdnf downgrade boost-1.56.0-2.ph1 

erase: This command removes the package that you specify as an argument.

To remove a package, run the following command:

tdnf erase pkgname

The following is an example:

tdnf erase vim
vim                                   x86_64        7.4-4.ph1                 1.94 M
Total installed size: 1.94 M
Is this ok [y/N]:

You can also erase multiple packages:

tdnf erase docker cloud-init

When you remove a package, by default, tdnf does not remove the dependencies that are no longer used if tdnf installed them as dependencies. To remove the dependencies, modify the clean_requirements_on_remove option in the /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf file to true, or use the autoremove command.

history: This command allows you to record every transaction (commands that install, update, or remove packages) in a database. You can roll back the transactions to a past state, or undo or redo a range of transactions.

There are five sub-commands or arguments that you can use with the history command:

history init/update: The sub-commands init or update initializes the history database. It is recommended that you use these commands right after tdnf is installed. If the database is not already initialized, any altering commands such as install or erase initializes the database.

If the database is already initialized, the commands have no effect unless an application such as an RPM command adds or removes any packages after the last recorded transaction.

history list: This command lists the history of transactions. Note that this result is similar when you use the history command without an argument or sub-command.

The following example shows the use of the command:

# tdnf history
ID   cmd line                                 date/time             +added / -removed
   1 (set)                                    Thu May 05 2022 19:14 +152 / -0
   2 -y install less                          Thu May 05 2022 19:14 +1 / -0
   3 -y install lsof                          Thu May 05 2022 19:18 +2 / -0

You can specify the following options for this sub-command:

  • --info: Use this option to list a more detailed history that includes added or removed packages.
  • --reverse Use this option to list the history in reverse order.
  • --from <id> and --to <id>: Use this option to list a range of transactions. You can specify the transaction IDs of the range in this option.

The following example shows how to use the options:

# tdnf history --info --from 2 --to 3
ID   cmd line                                 date/time             +added / -removed
   2 -y install less                          Thu May 05 2022 19:14 +1 / -0
added: less-551-2.ph4.aarch64

   3 -y install lsof                          Thu May 05 2022 19:18 +2 / -0
added: libtirpc-1.2.6-2.ph4.aarch64, lsof-4.91-1.ph4.aarch64

history rollback –to trans_id: This command allows you to revert to a previous state. You must specify the ID of the desired state with the --to parameter.


# tdnf history rollback --to 49

curl-devel                               aarch64              7.82.0-3.ph4                photon-updates       885.16k 906404
curl                                     aarch64              7.82.0-3.ph4                photon-updates       256.73k 262896

Total installed size:   3.52M 3688748
Is this ok [y/N]: y

curl-devel                              793306 100%
curl                                    148725 100%
Testing transaction
Running transaction
Installing/Updating: rpm-libs-
Installing/Updating: rpm-

history undo –from trans_id [–to trans_id]: You can use this command to undo a transaction. The parameter --from is mandatory, and the specified transaction in the parameter is reversed. Optionally, you can specify a range with the parameter --to to reverse all the specified transactions. Note that the range you specify is inclusive. For example, if you specify the range as 2 to 4, the transactions in 2, 3, and 4 are reversed.

history redo –from trans_id [–to trans_id]: You can use this command to redo a transaction. The parameter --from is mandatory, and the specified transaction in the parameter is redone. Optionally, you can specify a range with the parameter --to to redo all the specified transactions. The range you specify in the parameters is inclusive.


Deltas: When you make changes using history commands, the changes are resolved based on the total deltas between the start and the target states. For each range of transactions, the intermediate states are irrelevant. For example, in a range of transactions where one transaction installs a package and the last one removes the package, the final installed state of the package remains the same from start to end.

Unresolved Packages: If a package is not found, tdnf fails with an error message. For instance, when you roll back to a state before an update, the system might not find all the required installation packages in the repository. In such a case, you can enable the additional repositories to successfully revert.


The following example shows how the tdnf fails with an error message for the unavilable packages:

# tdnf history rollback --to 1
The following packages could not be resolved:


The package(s) may have been moved out of the enabled repositories since the
last time they were installed. You may be able to resolve this by enabling
additional repositories.
Error(1011) : No matching packages

The following example shows how you can enable the repository to resolve the issue:

tdnf --enablerepo=photon history rollback --to 1

curl-devel                               aarch64              7.82.0-1.ph4                photon               885.16k 906404
rpm-build                                aarch64                  photon               434.00k 444418

Total installed size:   4.26M 4463905

wget                                     aarch64              1.21.3-1.ph4                @System                3.02M 3168291
tdnf-test-cleanreq-required              aarch64              1.0.1-3                     @System                    0.00b 0
lsof                                     aarch64              4.91-1.ph4                  @System              202.36k 207218
libtirpc                                 aarch64              1.2.6-2.ph4                 @System              193.33k 197970
gdb                                      aarch64              10.1-2.ph4                  @System               12.60M 13214814

Total installed size:  16.01M 16788293
Is this ok [y/N]: 

Transactions outside tdnf: tdnf keeps track of the transactions it performs. However, other tools such as rpm can also add or remove packages. While performing the next transaction, if tdnf detects transactions performed by other tools, it records such transactions as pseudo transactions.


# tdnf history --info --from 49 --to 49
ID   cmd line                                 date/time.            +added / -removed
  49 (unknown)                                Thu May 05 2022 23:38 +1 / -0
added: gdb-10.1-2.ph4.aarch64

Dependencies: The undo and redo actions might need to install additional depedencies apart from the previously existing packages. For example, when you redo a transaction that installs a single package which was earlier removed along with its depedencies, the command also attempts to install the dependecies.

Note that this is not an issue for the rollback command because the entire set of packages is restored assuming that the dependecies are also satisfied at the state.

info: This command displays information about packages. It can take the name of a package. Or it can take one of the following arguments: all, available, installed, extras, obsoletes, recent, upgrades. The following are examples:

tdnf info ruby
tdnf info obsoletes
tdnf info upgrades

install: This command takes the name of a package as its argument. It then installs the package and its dependencies.

To install a package, run the following command:

tdnf install pkgname

The following are examples:

tdnf install kubernetes

You can also install multiple packages:

tdnf install python-curses lsof audit gettext chkconfig ntsysv bindutils 
	 wget gawk irqbalance lvm2 cifs-utils c-ares distrib-compat

list: This command lists the packages of the package that you specify as the argument. The command can take one of the following arguments: all, available, installed, extras, obsoletes, recent, upgrades.

tdnf list updates

The list of packages might be long. To more easily view it, you can concatenate it into a text file, and then open the text file in a text editor:

tdnf list all > pkgs.txt
vi pkgs.txt

To list enabled repositories, run the following command:

tdnf repolist

makecache: This command updates the cached binary metadata for all known repositories. The following is an example:

tdnf makecache
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Lightwave 1.0(x86_64)'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)Updates'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Extras 1.0(x86_64)'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)'
Metadata cache created.

mark install|remove pkg_spec: Mark one or more packages as auto installed (remove) or unmark as auto installed (install), which means it is user-installed. This is used to determine if this package gets removed on autoinstall.

provides: This command finds the packages that provide the package that you supply as an argument. The following is an example:

tdnf provides docker
docker-1.11.0-1.ph1.x86_64 : Docker
Repo     : photon
docker-1.11.0-1.ph1.x86_64 : Docker
Repo     : @System

reinstall: This command reinstalls the packages that you specify. If some packages are unavailable or not installed, the command fails. The following is an example:

tdnf reinstall docker kubernetes

kubernetes                            x86_64        1.1.8-1.ph1             152.95 M
docker                                x86_64        1.11.0-1.ph1             57.20 M

Total installed size: 210.15 M

repoquery [args]: The repoquery command allows you to query packages from the repositories and installed packages with different criteria and output options. It can take multiple package specifications as arguments.


$ tdnf repoquery vim 

$ tdnf repoquery vim*

$ tdnf repoquery --installed vim

$ tdnf repoquery --requires vim

The following groups of options are available for repoquery:

  • select option: Use this option to filter the list of packages. You can use the following parameters with the select option:

    • --available: Use this parameter to show available packages in the repositories.

    • --duplicates: Use this parameter to show duplicate installed packages.

    • --extras: Use this parameter to show the packages that are installed but not in any repositories.

    • --file file: Use this parameter to show packages that contain the specified files.

    • --installed: Use this parameter to show the installed packages.

    • --userinstalled: Use this parameter to show the user-installed packages.

    • --whatdepends, --whatenhances, --whatobsoletes, --whatprovides, --whatrecommends, whatrequires, --whatsuggests, --whatsupplements capability: Use these parameters to show packages that have the specified dependency on capability.


      $ tdnf repoquery --whatrequires vim
  • query option: Use this option to control what you want the command to display. The query option lists the selected packages by default. You can use the following parameters to get the required output:

    • --list: Use this parameter to list all files of the selected packages.
    • --depends, --enhances, --obsoletes, --provides, --recommends, requires, requires-pre, --suggests, --supplements: Use these parameters to list specified dependencies.

reoposync: This command synchronizes a remote repository with a local one. By default, all packages are downloaded to a local directory unless they already exist. Optionally, metadata is also downloaded.

You can use the following options with the command:

--delete: Use this option to remove old packages that are not part of the repository any more.

--download-metadata: Use this option to download the metadata. After you download the the metadata, you can use the directory as a repository.

--gpgcheck: Use this option to check the gpg signature. If invalid, the package is deleted.

--norepopath: When you use this option, no subdirectory with the repo name is created. This option is only valid if you configure more than one repository.

--urls: When you use this option, instead of downloading, the URLs of all files are printed to stdout.

--download-path: Use this option to specify the download path. By default, files are downloaded relative to the current directory.

--metadata-path: Use this option to specify the download path. You can download metadata to a different directory.

--arch: Use this option to download specific architectures. You can use this option repeatedly.

--source: Use this option to download only source packages. This option is similar to --arch src. Note that this option is incompatible with the --arch option.

--newest-only: Use this option to download only the latest versions of the repository.

remove: This command removes a package. When removing a package, tdnf by default also removes dependencies that are no longer used if they were was installed by tdnf as a dependency without being explicitly requested by a user. You can modify the dependency removal by changing the clean_requirements_on_remove option in /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf to false.

tdnf remove packagename

search: This command searches for the attributes of packages. The argument can be the names of packages. The following is an example:

tdnf search docker kubernetes
docker : Docker
docker : Docker
docker-debuginfo : Debug information for package docker
docker : Docker
kubernetes : Kubernetes cluster management
kubernetes : Kubernetes cluster management
kubernetes-debuginfo : Debug information for package kubernetes
kubernetes : Kubernetes cluster management

The argument of the search command can also be a keyword or a combination of keywords and packages:

tdnf search terminal bash
rubygem-terminal-table : Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library
ncurses : Libraries for terminal handling of character screens
mingetty : A minimal getty program for virtual terminals
ncurses : Libraries for terminal handling of character screens
ncurses : Libraries for terminal handling of character screens
bash : Bourne-Again SHell
bash-lang : Additional language files for bash
bash-lang : Additional language files for bash
bash : Bourne-Again SHell
bash-debuginfo : Debug information for package bash
bash : Bourne-Again SHell
bash-lang : Additional language files for bash

updateinfo: This command displays security advisories about packages. The following is an example:

tdnf updateinfo info

Name : unzip-6.0-15.ph3.x86_64.rpm
Update ID : patch:PHSA-2020-3.0-0083
Type : Security
Updated : Fri Apr 24 01:15:03 2020
Needs Reboot: 0
Description : Security fixes for {'CVE-2018-1000035'}
Name : runc-1.0.0.rc9-3.ph3.x86_64.rpm
Update ID : patch:PHSA-2020-3.0-0102
Type : Security
Updated : Tue Jun  9 06:01:28 2020
Needs Reboot: 0
Description : Security fixes for {'CVE-2019-19921'}
Name : ruby-2.5.8-2.ph3.x86_64.rpm
Update ID : patch:PHSA-2020-3.0-0163
Type : Security
Updated : Thu Nov 19 17:21:29 2020
Needs Reboot: 0

upgrade: This command upgrades the package or packages that you specify to an available higher version that tdnf can resolve. If the package is already the latest version, the command returns Nothing to do. The following is an example:

tdnf upgrade boost

boost                                 x86_64        1.60.0-1.ph1              8.11 M

Total installed size: 8.11 M
Is this ok [y/N]:y

boost                                  2785950    100%
Testing transaction
Running transaction


You can also run the upgrade command with the refresh option to update the cached metadata with the latest information from the repositories. The following example refreshes the metadata and then checks for a new version of tdnf but does not find one, so tdnf takes no action:

tdnf upgrade tdnf --refresh
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Lightwave 1.0(x86_64)'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)Updates'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Extras 1.0(x86_64)'
Refreshing metadata for: 'VMware Photon Linux 1.0(x86_64)'
Nothing to do.

upgrade-to: This command upgrades to the version of the package that you specify. The following is an example:

tdnf upgrade-to ruby2.3

The commands and options of tdnf are a subset of those of dnf. For more help with tdnf commands, see the DNF documentation.

9.2 - tdnf Command Options

You can add the following options to tdnf commands. If the option to override a configuration is unavailable in a command, you can add it to the /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf configuration file.

–allowerasingAllow erasing of installed packages to resolve dependencies
–assumenoAnswer no for all questions
–bestTry the best available package versions in transactions
–debugsolverDump data aiding in dependency solver debugging info.
–disablerepo=Disable specific repositories by an id or a glob.
–enablerepo=Enable specific repositories
-h, –helpDisplay help
–refreshSet metadata as expired before running command
–nogpgcheckSkip gpg check on packages
rpmverbosity=<debug level name>Debug level for rpm
–versionDisplays the tdnf version and exit
-y, –assumeyesAnswer yes to all questions
-q, –quietQuiet operation
–downloadonlyEnables you to download the packages and dependencies that are not installed to the cache.
–alldepsEnables you to downloads all dependencies for a package regardless of whether they are installed. This command is valid when used together with –downloadonly command.
–downloaddir=dirDownloads the packages to the specified directory
-C, –cacheonlyDisables downloading metadata, and enables usage of the cached metadata even if it is expired.
–config file, -c fileUse an alternative configuration file
–exclude=package1[,package2[…]]Enables you to list the packages that you want to exclude from the operations.
–disableexcludesDisables excludes even if the excludes option is present in the configuration file.
–disablerepo=patternDisables one or more repositories. You can set it to a repoid or a pattern. You can also use it together with --enablerepo, but it is mutually exclusive with --repo/--repoid. For example, tdnf --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=photon list.
–enablerepo=patternEnables one or more repositories. You can set it to a repoid or a pattern. This command is mutually exclusive with --repo/--repoid.
–downloaddir=directorySpecifies a directory where to download the packages. If the directory is not specified, the package is downloaded in the cache directory. You can only use it together with --downloadonly.
–installroot=directoryAllows you to install packages relative to this directory. Unless you specify with -c or --config, tdnf uses the following configuration file in this directory: etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf. If the configuration file is not present in this directory, tdnf uses the following configuration file in the host: /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf. This is the same for the repository configurations. The cache directory is relative to the installroot. Note that the cache directory is created, if necessary.
–json, -jEnables you to get the output information in JSON format. Using tdnf with its alias tdnfj is similar to using tdnf with tdnf -j -y.
–noautoremoveDisables automatic removal of orphaned dependencies regardless of the clean_requirements_on_remove option.
–repofrompath=repoid,baseurlAdds a repository with the id repoid and baseurl as the base url. This is equivalent to adding a repository with the repoid and the baseurl. You can reference the repository with the id, for example, with --repoid.

Example: tdnf repofrompath=local,file:///usr/src/photon/RPMS --repoid=local install lsof to install packages from usr/src/photon/RPMS (after using createrepo /usr/src/photon/RPMS).

You can use this multiple times to add multiple repositories.

–repoid id, –repo idEnables you to select a particular repository based on its ID. For example, --repoid=photon is equivalent to --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=photon. You can specify the repository multiple times.
–releaseverEnables you to specify the release version of the distribution. If installed, the version is taken from the package that provides the system-release unless configured otherwise. Setting this is useful while installing the distribution when you use --installroot.
–skip-brokenAllows skipping failures if a package is not available or has broken dependencies.
–testonlyTests RPM transactions. Note that this command does not install anything.

The following is an example that adds the short form of the assumeyes option to the install command:

tdnf -y install gcc
gcc 	x86_64	5.3.0-1.ph1 	91.35 M

The following is an example for the downloadonly option with the install command:

tdnf install --downloadonly less
lessx86_64551-2.ph4 photon234.35k 239976
Total installed size: 234.35k 239976
tdnf will only download packages needed for the transaction
Is this ok [y/N]: y

less117650   100%
Packages have been downloaded to cache.

The following is an example for the downloaddir=dir option with the install command:

tdnf install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/tmp less

lessx86_64551-2.ph4 photon234.35k 239976
Total installed size: 234.35k 239976

tdnf will only download packages needed for the transaction

Is this ok [y/N]: y


less117650   100%


Packages have been downloaded to /tmp.

root [ /build/build ]# ls -l /tmp/less-551-2.ph4.x86_64.rpm 

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 117650 Feb 22 18:43 /tmp/less-551-2.ph4.x86_64.rpm

10 - Configuration Options

You can use the configuration file to set and modify the tdnf configuration. The tdnf configuration file is located in the following directory: /etc/tdnf/tdnf.conf

The following table lists the configuration options that you can set in the tdnf configuration file:

cachedirType: string
Default value: /var/cache/tdnf
This is the location of the cache directory. The cache directory stores the metadata. After downloading the RPMs, the cache directory also stores the RPMs temporarily.
clean_requirements_on_removeType: boolean
Default value: false
Available from tdnf 3.3.1 onwards.

This option determines whether the automatically installed dependencies are removed when a package is removed.
distroarchpkgType: distroarchpkg
Default value: x86_64

The architecture of the distribution.
distroverpkgType: string
Default value: system-release
excludepkgsType: list
Default value: none

The list of packages that you want to exclude from any operations. Packages in this list are not installed, updated, or downgraded.
gpgcheckType: boolean
Default: false

This option determines whether the packages are checked for their gpg signature.
gpgcheckType: boolean
Default value: false

This option determines whether the packages are checked for their gpg signature.
installonly_limitType: integer
Currently not implemented.
This option limits the number of concurrently install only packages.
keepcacheType: boolean
Default value: false

This option determines whether to keep the downloaded packages after installation.
minversionsType: list
Default: none

This option refers to the list of packages with a minimum version number. When you set the minimum version number, packages are not downgraded below that version.
Example: minversions=tdnf=3.1.5 foo=1.2.3.
This can also be configured with the .conf extension files located in the directory named minversions.d. The directory is the same as the directory of the configuration file (usually, /etc/tdnf/minversions.d).
mkdir -p /etc/tdnf/minversions.d
echo tdnf=3.1.5 > /etc/tdnf/minversions.d/tdnf.conf
nopluginsWhen you set this option, plugins are disabled.
pluginpathType: string
Default value: /usr/lib/tdnf-plugins (or the modified value at the time of build with SYSTEM_LIBDIR option)

The path for plugins.
pluginconfpathType: string
Default value: /etc/tdnf/pluginconf.d

The path for the plugin configuration.
proxyType: string
Default value: none

Set this to a proxy, if any.
proxy_passwordType: string
Default value: none

The proxy password, if any.
proxy_usernameType: string
Default value: none

The proxy user name, if any.
repodirType: string
Default value: /etc/yum.repos.d

The location where the .repo files reside.

Configuration in sub-directories

There are other configurations that you can set in the subdirectories of /etc/tdnf.

Package Locks

You can configure to lock packages in the following directory: /etc/tdnf/locks.d. You cannot remove, upgrade, or downgrade a locked package. You can create multiple files with multiple lines. Each line can contain a package name.

Note: A locked package is considered locked only after it is installed. If a package is not installed, the features of a locked package do not apply.

Minimal Versions

You can configure a minimum version for a package in the following directory: /etc/tdnf/minversions.d. You can create multiple files with multiple lines in them. Each line can contain a package name. The package name must include a version number, and an = symbol must separate the name and version number.


# cat /etc/tdnf/minversions.d/rpm.conf 

You can also configure this option in the main configuration file as mentioned in the table previously.