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Building Images

You can build an ISO from the source code and other images for Photon OS. This section describes how to build the ISO, build other images, use the cached toolchain and RPMS, and cached sources. You can use this method as an alternative to downloading a pre-built version.

For information on how to install and build a package on Photon OS from the package’s source RPM, see the Photon OS Administration Guide.

1 - Folder Layout

The structure of the directories on GitHub that contain the source code for Photon OS is as follows:

├── Makefile
├── Dockerfile
├── Vagrantfile
├── SPECS                    # RPM SPEC files
├── common                   # Build, packaging config
├── docs                     # Documentation
├──                 # Package builder
├── config.json              # Package builder
├── support                  # Build scripts
└── tools

2 - Build Prerequisites

Before you build the ISO, verify that you have the performed the following tasks:

  • Installed a build operating system running the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 14.04 or later version.

  • Downloaded and installed the following packages for Ubuntu: bison gawk g++ createrepo python-aptdaemon genisoimage texinfo python-requests libfuse-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev libreadline-dev kpartx git bc

  • Downloaded and installed the following packages for Photon OS:
    “rsync” “docker-18.09.9” “docker-py3” “python3-pyOpenSSL” “python3-six” “python3-pip” “cdrkit” “createrepo_c” “dosfstools” “openssl-devel” “python3-curses” “zlib-devel” “util-linux-devel”

  • Installed Docker

  • Downloaded the source code from the Photon OS repository on GitHub into $HOME/workspaces/photon.

3 - Build an ISO from the Source Code for Photon OS

You can build an ISO from the source code for Photon OS. This section describes how to build the ISO, use the cached toolchain and RPMS, and cached sources. You can use this method as an alternative to downloading a pre-built version.

For information on how to install and build a package on Photon OS from the package’s source RPM, see the Photon OS Administration Guide.

3.1 - Building the ISO

Perform the following steps to install the packages on Ubuntu:

  1. Install the packages:

    sudo apt-get -y install bison gawk g++ createrepo python-aptdaemon genisoimage texinfo python-requests libfuse-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev libreadline-dev kpartx git bc
  2. Get Docker:

    wget -qO- | sh
  3. Install pip and docker 2.3.0

    sudo apt install python3-pip
    pip3 install docker==2.3.0

    If you encounter an error for LOCALE when you run these commands, then export the following variables in the terminal:

    export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
    export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
  4. The default configuration parameters are available in config.json. If you want to customize them, then the configuration information is available at the following location:

  5. Clone`the Photon project:

    git clone cd $HOME/workspaces/photon

  6. Make ISO as follows:

    sudo make iso

  7. Make Minimal ISO as follows:

    sudo make minimal-iso

  8. Make Real-Time ISO as follows:

    sudo make rt-iso


This command first builds all RPMs corresponding to the SPEC files in your Photon repository and then builds a bootable ISO containing those RPMs.

The RPMs thus built are stored under stage/RPMS/ directory within the repository, using the following directory hierarchy:

    ├──noarch/*.noarch.rpm    [Architecture-independent RPMs]
    ├──x86_64/*.x86_64.rpm    [RPMs built for the x86-64 architecture]
    ├──aarch64/*.aarch64.rpm  [RPMs built for the aarch64 (ARM64) architecture]

The ISO is created at $HOME/workspaces/photon/stage/photon.iso.

4 - Build Other Images for Photon OS

This section describes how to build the cloud images, OVA, and RPM.

For information on how to install and build a package on Photon OS from the package’s source RPM, see the Photon OS Administration Guide.

4.1 - Building Cloud Images

Perform the following steps to build the cloud images on Ubuntu:

  1. Install the packages:

    sudo apt-get -y install bison gawk g++ createrepo python-aptdaemon genisoimage texinfo python-requests libfuse-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev libreadline-dev kpartx git bc
  2. Get Docker:

    wget -qO- | sh
  3. Install pip

    sudo apt install python3-pip
    pip3 install git+
    git clone

If you encounter an error for LOCALE when you run these commands, then export the following variables in the terminal:

   `export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"`

export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"

  1. Clone`the Photon project:

    git clone cd $HOME/workspaces/photon

  2. Make the cloud image for AMI.

    sudo make image IMG_NAME=ami

  3. Make the cloud image for Azure.

    sudo make image IMG_NAME=azure

  4. Make the cloud image for GCE.

    sudo make image IMG_NAME=gce


This command first builds all RPMs corresponding to the SPEC files in your Photon repository and then builds a bootable ISO containing those RPMs.

The RPMs thus built are stored under stage/RPMS/ directory within the repository, using the following directory hierarchy:

    ├──noarch/*.noarch.rpm    [Architecture-independent RPMs]
    ├──x86_64/*.x86_64.rpm    [RPMs built for the x86-64 architecture]
    ├──aarch64/*.aarch64.rpm  [RPMs built for the aarch64 (ARM64) architecture]

The cloud image is created at `$HOME/workspaces/photon.

4.2 - Building OVA image

Perform the following steps to build OVA on Ubuntu:

  1. Install the packages:

    sudo apt-get -y install bison gawk g++ createrepo python-aptdaemon genisoimage texinfo python-requests libfuse-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev libreadline-dev kpartx git bc
  2. Get Docker:

    wget -qO- | sh
  3. Install pip

    sudo apt install python3-pip
    pip3 install git+
    git clone
    If you encounter an error for LOCALE when you run these commands, then export the following variables in the terminal:
        export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
    `export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"`
  4. Clone the Photon project:

    git clone

    cd $HOME/workspaces/photon

  5. Download latest VDDK from below link:

  6. Search for VMware-ovftool in the same site and install it.

    For example:

    ovftool downloaded file:


    Add exec permission and run it as sudo:

    $ chmod +x VMware-ovftool-4.3.0-13981069-lin.x86_64.bundle && sudo ./VMware-ovftool-4.3.0-13981069-lin.x86_64.bundle --eulas-agreed --required

  7. For VDDK, if the downloaded file is VMware-vix-disklib-6.7.0-8173251.x86_64.tar.gz, untar the downloaded tarball:

    $ tar xf VMware-vix-disklib-6.7.0-8173251.x86_64.tar.gz

  8. Navigate to extracted directory.

  • Move the header files to /usr/include

    $ sudo mv include/*.h /usr/include

  • Move the shared libs to /usr/lib/vmware $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/vmware && sudo mv lib64/* /usr/lib/vmware && sudo rm /usr/lib/vmware/*

  1. Export /usr/lib/vmware library path(only for current session). Do this step every time you try to build an ova image.

    $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/vmware

  2. Navigate to your intended Photon source repository and run the following command.

    `sudo make image IMG_NAME=ova`
  3. Make the image for OVA UEFI

sudo make image IMG_NAME=ova_uefi


This command first builds all RPMs corresponding to the SPEC files in your Photon repository and then builds a bootable ISO containing those RPMs.

The RPMs thus built are stored under stage/RPMS/ directory within the repository, using the following directory hierarchy:

    ├──noarch/*.noarch.rpm    [Architecture-independent RPMs]
    ├──x86_64/*.x86_64.rpm    [RPMs built for the x86-64 architecture]
    ├──aarch64/*.aarch64.rpm  [RPMs built for the aarch64 (ARM64) architecture]

The cloud image is created at `$HOME/workspaces/photon.

5 - Use the Cached Toolchain and RPMS

When the necessary RPMs are available under the stage/RPMS/ directory, the commands that you use to create any Photon artifact such as, ISO or OVA will reuse those RPMs to create the specified image.

If you already have the Photon RPMs available elsewhere, and not under stage/RPMS/ in the Photon repository, you can build Photon artifacts using those cached RPMs by setting the PHOTON_CACHE_PATH variable to point to the directory containing those RPMs.

For example, if your RPMs are located under $HOME/photon-cache/, then use the following command to build an ISO:

sudo make iso PHOTON_CACHE_PATH=$HOME/photon-cache

The $HOME/photon-cache/ directory should follow the same structure as the stage/RPMS/ directory:


6 - Use Cached Sources

To use the cached sources, run the following command:

mkdir $HOME/photon-sources
sudo make iso PHOTON_SOURCES_PATH=$HOME/photon-sources

The directory format of PHOTON_SOURCES_PATH is as follows:


7 - View Build Logs

You can view build logs at the following location:
