Build Prerequisites
Before you build the ISO, verify that you have the performed the following tasks:
Installed a build operating system running the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 14.04 or later version.
Downloaded and installed the following packages for Ubuntu: bison gawk g++ createrepo python-aptdaemon genisoimage texinfo python-requests libfuse-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev libreadline-dev kpartx git bc
Downloaded and installed the following packages for Photon OS:
“rsync” “docker-18.09.9” “docker-py3” “python3-pyOpenSSL” “python3-six” “python3-pip” “cdrkit” “createrepo_c” “dosfstools” “openssl-devel” “python3-curses” “zlib-devel” “util-linux-devel”Installed Docker
Downloaded the source code from the Photon OS repository on GitHub into
Last modified August 1, 2024: Merge pull request #1562 from naltanov/photon-hugo (a784a46)