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Photon Management Daemon

The Photon Management Daemon (PMD) that ships with Photon OS 3.0 provides the remote management of a Photon instance via several APIs: a command line client (pmd-cli), a REST API, and a Python API. The PMD provides the ability to manage network interfaces, packages, firewalls, users, and user groups.

1 - Installing the pmd Package

The pmd package is included with your Photon OS 3.0 distribution. To make sure that you have the latest version, you can run:

# tdnf install pmd
# systemctl start pmd

2 - Available APIs

Photon OS includes the following APIs:

  • PMD Rest API
  • PMD Python API


The PMD REST API is an openapi 2.0 specification. Once the pmd package is installed, you can use a Swagger UI tool to browse the REST API specifications (/etc/pmd/restapispec.json). You can also browse it using the copenapi_cli tool that comes with the pmd package:

# copenapi_cli --apispec /etc/pmd/restapispec.json

For more information about the copenapi_cli tool, refer to

PMD Python API

Python3 is included with your Photon OS 3.0 distribution. PMD Python interfaces are available for python3 (pmd-python3) and python2 (pmd-python2). You can use tdnf to ensure that the latest version is installed:

# tdnf install pmd-python3
# systemctl start pmd

To navigate the help documentation for the pmd Python packages:

# python3
>>> import pmd
>>> net = pmd.server().net
>>> help(pmd)

To show help text for individual interfaces:

>>> help(pmd.server().net)
>>> help(pmd.server().pkg)
>>> help(pmd.server().firewall)
>>> help(pmd.server().user)

For details about the network commands, see also the Network Configuration Manager - Python API.


PMD C APIs are defined in the header files (pmd_fwmgmt.h, pmd_netmgr.h, pmd_pkgmgmt.h, pmd_usermgmt.h) that are stored in the following location:


For details about the network commands, see also the Network Configuration Manager - C API.