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Command-line Interfaces

Photon OS includes the following command-line utilities:

1 - Photon Management Daemon Command-line Interface (pmd-cli)

Photon OS provides the Photon Management Daemon command line interface (pmd-cli).

Setup Steps

The pmd-cli utility is included with your Photon OS distribution. To make sure that you have the latest version, you can run:

tdnf install pmd-cli


pmd-cli [connection_auth_options] <component> <command> [command_options]

Passed-in parameter values can be enclosed in single (') or double-quotes (") as long as you use matching characters to denote the beginning and end of the value. Unless a parameter value contains special characters or spaces, you can also omit quotes altogether.

Connection / Authorization Options

Local Connections

For local connections, you omit the connection and authorization options:

pmd-cli <component> <cmd> <options>

Permissions for the currently logged-in user apply when executing commands. This is the same as specifying –servername localhost.

Remote Connections

For connecting to a remote server (a server other than the local server), you specify two connection / authorization options:

  • --servername: name of the server
  • --user: username of a user account on the server

Note: For authentication, you can specify the username (–user <username>) on the command line, but never the password. For security reasons, the system must prompt you for the password.

What follows are three options for remote connections.

System User

pmd-cli --servername <server> --user <username>

Lightwave User

Before using this method, the pmd server must be joined or should be part of embedded Lightwave.

pmd-cli --servername <server> --user <username> --domain <lightwave_domain>

Kerberos spn

Before using this method, the client must run kinit successfully.

pmd-cli --servername <server> --spn <service_principal_name>


<component> is one of the following values:

  • firewall
  • net
  • pkg
  • usr

Firewall Management

The Photon Management Daemon provides CLI commands to help you get information about the firewall.


pmd-cli [connection_auth_options] firewall <command> [command_options]

firewall help

Get help for firewall CLI commands.

pmd-cli firewall help

firewall rules

Get a list of the current persistent firewall rules.

pmd-cli firewall rules [command-options]

This command returns information about each firewall rule, such as the chain to which it belongs, the policy to enforce, the table to manipulate, and so on.

Add a new firewall rule.

pmd-cli firewall rules --chain <chain_name> --add <rule_specification>


pmd-cli firewall rules --chain INPUT --add "-p tcp -m tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT"

Note: To confirm that the firewall rule was added, run iptables -S. Running pmd-cli firewall rules lists only persistent rules.

Delete a new firewall rule.

pmd-cli firewall rules --chain <chain_name> --delete <rule_specification>

Note: To confirm that the firewall rule was removed, run iptables -S. Running pmd-cli firewall rules lists only persistent rules.

Make firewall rule changes peristent (add –persist flag)

pmd-cli firewall rules --chain <chain_name> --add <rule_specification> --persist

firewall version

Get the version number of the fwmgmt component on the server.

pmd-cli firewall version

Network Management

The Photon Management Daemon provides CLI commands to help you manage network interfaces.


pmd-cli [connection_auth_options] net <command> [command_options]

Many of these commands require the interface name (–interface <ifname>). Command options are described below.

Get the mac address, mtu, link state, and link mode for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net link_info --get --interface <ifname>

Set the MAC address, mode (manual or auto), link state (up or down), link mode (manual or auto), and MTU for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net link_info --set --interface <ifname> --macaddr <mac_address> --mode <manual|auto> --state <up|down> --mtu <mtu>

net ip4_address

Get the IPv4 address for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip4_address --get --interface <ifname>

Set the IPv4 address (dot-decimal/prefix notation), mode (dhcp, static, or none), and (optionally) the default gateway for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip4_address --set --interface <ifname> --mode <dhcp|static|none> --addr <IPv4Address/prefix> --gateway <gateway_address>

net ip6_address

Get IPv6 address(es) for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip6_address --get --interface <ifname>

Add one or more IPv6 addresses (comma-separated list in colon-separated/prefix notation) to the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip6_address --add --interface <ifname> --addrlist <IPv6Addr1/prefix,IPv6Addr2/prefix,...>

Delete one or more IPv6 addresses (comma-separated list in colon-separated/prefix notation) from the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip6_address --del --interface <ifname> --addrlist <IPv6Addr1/prefix,IPv6Addr2/prefix,...>

Set the DHCP mode (1=enable, 0=disable) and autoconfigure settings (1=enable, 0=disable) for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip6_address --set --interface <ifname> --dhcp <1|0> --autoconf <1|0>

net ip_route

Get the static IP route for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip_route --get --interface <ifname>

Add the static IP route (gateway IP, destination network, and metric) to the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip_route --add --interface <ifname> --gateway <GatewayIP> --destination <DestinationNetwork/prefix> --metric <N>

Delete the specified static IP route from the specified interface.

pmd-cli net ip_route --del --interface <ifname> --destination <DestinationNetwork/prefix>

net dns_servers

Get the list of DNS servers.

pmd-cli net dns_servers --get

Set the DNS mode (dhcp or static) for one or more DNS servers (comma-separated list).

pmd-cli net dns_servers --set --mode <dhcp|static> --servers <server1,server2,...>

Add a DNS server to the list of DNS servers.

pmd-cli net dns_servers --add --servers <server>

Remove the specified DNS server from the list of DNS servers.

pmd-cli net dns_servers --del --servers <server>

net dns_domains

Get the list of DNS domains.

pmd-cli net dns_domains --get

Set the list of DNS domains (one or more DNS domains in a comma-separated list).

pmd-cli net dns_domains --set --domains <domain1,domain2,...>

Add a DNS domain to the list of DNS domains.

pmd-cli net dns_domains --add --domains <domain1>

Delete a DNS domain from the list of DNS domains.

pmd-cli net dns_domains --del --domains <domain1>

net dhcp_duid

Get the DHCP DUID (optionally interface-specific DUID) for the system.

pmd-cli net dhcp_duid --get

Set the DHCP DUID for the system, optionally per-interface if the interface is specified.

pmd-cli net dhcp_duid --set --duid <duid>

net if_iaid

Get the IAID for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net if_iaid --get --interface <ifname>

Set the IAID for the specified interface.

pmd-cli net if_iaid --set --interface <ifname> --iaid <iaid>

net ntp_servers

Get the NTP servers list.

pmd-cli net ntp_servers --get

Set the NTP servers list.

pmd-cli net ntp_servers --set --servers <server1,server2,...>

Add the specified server to the NTP servers list.

pmd-cli net ntp_servers --add --servers <server>

Delete the specified server from the NTP servers list.

pmd-cli net ntp_servers --del --servers <server>

net hostname

Get the system hostname.

pmd-cli net hostname --get

Set the system hostname.

pmd-cli net hostname --set --name <hostname>

Wait for the specified network interface to be up and usable (it can send and receive packets).

pmd-cli net wait_for_link --interface <ifname> --timeout <timeout>

The timeout (in seconds) specifies the maximum time to wait. Specify 0 for no timeout (wait indefinitely).

Note: You might need to use net wait_for_ip to wait until you can send and receive IP packets.

net wait_for_ip

Wait for the specified interface to acquire a valid IP address for the specified address type.

pmd-cli net wait_for_ip --interface <ifname> --timeout <timeout> --addrtype <ipv4,ipv6,static_ipv4,static_ipv6,dhcp_ipv4,dhcp_ipv6,auto_ipv6,link_local_ipv6>

The timeout (in seconds) specifies the maximum time to wait. Specify 0 for no timeout (wait indefinitely).

net error_info

Get error information about the specified error code.

pmd-cli net error_info --errcode <error_code>

Here is a list of error codes:

  • 4097 - invalid parameter
  • 4098 - not supported
  • 4099 - out of memory
  • 4100 - value not found
  • 4101 - value exists
  • 4102 - invalid interface
  • 4103 - invalid mode
  • 4104 - bad configuration file
  • 4105 - write failed
  • 4106 - timout
  • 4107 - DCHP timeout

net net_info

Get the specified network configuration parameter for the specified object.

pmd-cli net net_info --get --object <ifname or filename> --paramname <param_name>

Note: The object can be an interface name (for example, "eth0") or a file name (for example, /etc/systemd/resolved.conf).

Set the value of the specified network configuration parameter for the specified object (interface or file).

pmd-cli net net_info --set --object <ifname or filename> --paramname <param_name> --paramvalue <param_value>

Note : You can add (+) or remove (-) a parameter by prepending the parameter name with + or -.

Package Management

The Photon Management Daemon provides CLI commands to help you manage packages and repositories.


pmd-cli [connection options] pkg <command> [command options]

If a command allows for multiple package names, simply specify on the command line, separated by spaces.

pmd-cli pkg info <package_name_1> <package_name_2> <package_name_3> ...

pkg help

Get help text for pkg CLI commands.

pmd-cli pkg help

pkg count

Get the total number of packages in all repos (including installed).

pmd-cli pkg count

pkg distro-sync

Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versions. If no packages are specified, then all available packages are synchronized.

pmd-cli pkg distro-sync

pkg downgrade

Downgrade the specified package(s). If no packages are specified, then all available packages are downgraded.

pmd-cli pkg downgrade <package_name>

pkg erase

Remove the specified package(s).

pmd-cli pkg erase <package_name>

pkg info

Get general information about the specified package(s), such as name, version, release, repository, install size, and so on.

pmd-cli pkg info <package_name>

If no packages are specified, then this command returns information about all packages.

## pkg install

Install the specified package(s). Update the package if an update is available.

pmd-cli pkg install <package_name>

pkg list

Get a list of packages or groups of packages.

pmd-cli pkg list

You can filter by group: all, available, installed, extras, obsoletes, recent, and upgrades.

pmd-cli pkg list upgrades

You can also filter by wildcards.

pmd-cli pkg list ph\*

pkg reinstall

Reinstall the specified package(s).

pmd-cli pkg reinstall <package_name>

pkg repolist

Get a list of the configured software repositories.

pmd-cli pkg repolist

This command returns a list of the configured software repositories, including the repository ID, repitory name, and status.

pkg update

Update the specified package(s).

pmd-cli pkg update <package_name>

If no parameters are specified, then all available packages are updated.

pkg updateinfo

Get the update information on all enabled repositories (status = enabled). If this command returns nothing, then the update information may not exist on the server.

pmd-cli pkg updateinfo

User Management

The Photon Management Daemon provides CLI commands to help you manage users and user groups.


pmd-cli [connection options] usr <command> [command options]

usr help

Display help text for user commands.

pmd-cli usr users

usr users

Get a list of users. This command returns information about each user, including their user name, user ID, user group (if applicable), home directory, and default shell.

pmd-cli usr users

usr useradd

Add a new user. Specify the username.

pmd-cli usr useradd <username>

The system assigns a user ID, home directory, and default shell to the new user. The user group is unspecified.

usr userdel

Delete the specified user.

pmd-cli usr userdel <username>

usr userid

Get the user ID of the specified user (by name). Used to determine whether the specified user exists.

pmd-cli usr userid <username>

usr groups

Get a list of user groups. This command returns the following information about each user group: user group name and user group ID.

pmd-cli usr groups

usr groupadd

Add a new user group.

pmd-cli usr groupadd <user_group_name>

The system assigns a group ID to the new user group.

usr groupdel

Delete the specified user group.

pmd-cli usr groupdel <user_group_name>

usr groupid

Get the group ID for the specified user group (by name). Used to determine whether the specified user group exists.

pmd-cli usr groupid <user_group_name>

usr version

Get the version of the usermgmt component at the server.

pmd-cli usr version

2 - Photon Network Manager Command-line Interface (netmgr)

For locally logged-on users, Photon OS provides a command line interface to manage network configuration of the system.

Setup Steps

The netmgr tool is included with your Photon OS distribution. To make sure that you have the latest version, you can run:

tdnf install netmgmt


The CLI is built on set, get, add, delete command model and uses the option-name - option-value model of specifying command parameters.

netmgr <network object> <--get | --set | --add | --del> <command options>

Passed-in parameter values can be enclosed in single (') or double-quotes (") as long as you use matching characters to denote the beginning and end of the value. Unless a parameter value contains special characters or spaces, you can also omit quotes altogether.

network object

<network object> is one of the following values:

  • link_info
  • ip4_address
  • ip6_address
  • ip_route
  • dns_servers
  • dns_domains
  • dhcp_duid
  • if_iaid
  • ntp_servers
  • hostname
  • wait_for_link
  • wait_for_ip
  • error_info
  • net_info

Network Manager CLI

Get the mac address, MTU, link state, and link mode for the (optionally) specified interface.

netmgr link_info --get --interface <ifname>

Set the MAC address, link state (up or down), link mode (manual or auto), or MTU for the specified interface.

netmgr link_info --set --interface <ifname> --macaddr <mac_address>
netmgr link_info --set --interface <ifname> --mode <manual|auto>
netmgr link_info --set --interface <ifname> --state <up|down>
netmgr link_info --set --interface <ifname> --mtu <mtu>


Get the IPv4 address for the specified interface.

netmgr ip4_address --get --interface <ifname>

Set the IPv4 address (dot-decimal/prefix notation), mode (dhcp, static, or none), and (optionally) the default gateway for the specified interface.

netmgr ip4_address --set --interface <ifname> --mode <dhcp|static|none> --addr <ipv4_address/prefix> --gateway <gateway_address>


Get IPv6 addresses for the specified interface.

netmgr ip6_address --get --interface <ifname>

Add one or more IPv6 addresses (comma-separated list in colon-separated/prefix notation) to the specified interface.

netmgr ip6_address --add --interface <ifname> --addrlist <ipv6_addr1/prefix,ipv6_addr2/prefix,...>

Delete one or more IPv6 addresses (comma-separated list in colon-separated/prefix notation) from the specified interface.

netmgr ip6_address --del --interface <ifname> --addrlist <ipv6_addr1/prefix,ipv6_addr2/prefix,...>

Set the IPv6 DHCP mode (1=enable, 0=disable) and IPv6 auto-configuration settings (1=enable, 0=disable) for the specified interface.

netmgr ip6_address --set --interface <ifname> --dhcp <1|0> --autoconf <1|0>


Get the static IP route for the specified interface.

netmgr ip_route --get --interface <ifname>

Add the static IP route (gateway IP, destination network, and metric) to the specified interface.

netmgr ip_route --add --interface <ifname> --gateway <gateway_address> --destination <destination_network/prefix> --metric <N>

Delete the specified static IP route from the specified interface.

netmgr ip_route --del --interface <ifname> --destination <destination_network/prefix>


Get the list of DNS servers.

netmgr dns_servers --get

Set the DNS mode (DHCP or static) for one or more DNS servers (comma-separated list).

netmgr dns_servers --set --mode <dhcp|static> --servers <server1,server2,...>

Add a DNS server to the list of DNS servers.

netmgr dns_servers --add --servers <server>

Remove the specified DNS server from the list of DNS servers.

netmgr dns_servers --del --servers <server>


Get the list of DNS domains.

netmgr dns_domains --get

Set the list of DNS domains (one or more DNS domains in a comma-separated list).

netmgr dns_domains --set --domains <domain1,domain2,...>

Add a DNS domain to the list of DNS domains.

netmgr dns_domains --add --domains <domain>

Delete a DNS domain from the list of DNS domains.

netmgr dns_domains --del --domains <domain>


Get the DHCP DUID (optionally interface-specific DUID) for the system.

netmgr dhcp_duid --get

Set the DHCP DUID for the system, optionally per-interface if the interface is specified.

netmgr dhcp_duid --set --duid <duid>


Get the IAID for the specified interface.

netmgr if_iaid --get --interface <ifname>

Set the IAID for the specified interface.

netmgr if_iaid --set --interface <ifname> --iaid <iaid>


Get the NTP servers list.

netmgr ntp_servers --get

Set the NTP servers list.

netmgr ntp_servers --set --servers <server1,server2,...>

Add the specified server to the NTP servers list.

netmgr ntp_servers --add --servers <server>

Delete the specified server from the NTP servers list.

netmgr ntp_servers --del --servers <server>


Get the system hostname.

netmgr hostname --get

Set the system hostname.

netmgr hostname --set --name <hostname>

Wait for the specified network interface to be up and usable (it can send and receive packets).

netmgr wait_for_link --interface <ifname> --timeout <timeout>

The timeout (in seconds) specifies the maximum time to wait. Specify 0 for no timeout (wait indefinitely).

Note: You might need to use wait_for_ip to wait until you can send and receive IP packets.


Wait for the specified interface to acquire a valid IP address for the specified address type.

netmgr wait_for_ip --interface <ifname> --timeout <timeout> --addrtype <ipv4,ipv6,static_ipv4,static_ipv6,dhcp_ipv4,dhcp_ipv6,auto_ipv6,link_local_ipv6>

The timeout (in seconds) specifies the maximum time to wait. Specify 0 for no timeout (wait indefinitely).


Get error information about the specified error code.

netmgr error_info --errcode <error_code>

Here is a list of error codes:

  • 4097 - invalid parameter
  • 4098 - not supported
  • 4099 - out of memory
  • 4100 - value not found
  • 4101 - value exists
  • 4102 - invalid interface
  • 4103 - invalid mode
  • 4104 - bad configuration file
  • 4105 - write failed
  • 4106 - timeout
  • 4107 - DCHP timeout


Get the specified network configuration parameter for the specified object.

netmgr net_info --get --object <ifname or filename> --paramname <param_name>

Note: The object can be an interface name (for example, "eth0") or a file name (for example, /etc/systemd/resolved.conf).

Set the value of the specified network configuration parameter for the specified object (interface or file).

netmgr net_info --set --object <ifname or filename> --paramname <param_name> --paramvalue <param_value>

Note : You can add (+) or remove (-) a parameter by prepending the parameter name with + or -.

For example, in order to add static IPv4 address “” to eth0 interface, the following command adds this Address to the Network section of the eth0 network configuration file.

netmgr net_info --set --object eth0 --paramname +Network_Address --paramvalue ""