
Overview of the VMware DoD Compliance and Automation project.

What is the VMware DoD Compliance and Automation Project for?

STIG documents are written to be portable, offline hardening documentation where a sysadmin can go through, step by step, and STIG a system with no external dependencies. That said, many STIGs are either too complex or need to be applied to so many instances that manual steps are just not feasible. To augment the plain language STIG content, we are providing a number of ways to script or automate your VMware compliance activities.

Why do I want it?

The example automation provided will help with the following tasks:

  • Scanning VMware products for STIG compliance.
  • Generating artifacts such as compliance reports to visualize compliance status and CKL files for accredidation.
  • Remediating VMware products for STIG compliance.

Where should I go next?

  • Best Practices: Learn about general best practices for implementing STIGs.
  • Automation Tools: Learn about the tools we use for STIG automation.
  • Tutorials: Product specific tutorials on implementing STIGs.
Last modified June 28, 2023: adding best practices section (18514bcb)