com.vmware.vcenter.deployment.install package


com.vmware.vcenter.deployment.install.psc_client module

class com.vmware.vcenter.deployment.install.psc_client.Replicated(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Replicated class provides methods to check if the configuring vCenter Server can be replicated to the remote PSC. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7.

Parameters:config (vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubConfiguration) – Configuration to be used for creating the stub.

Checks whether the provided remote PSC is reachable and can be replicated. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7.

Parameters:spec (com.vmware.vcenter.deployment_client.ReplicatedPscSpec) – Information to configure a replicated PSC.
Return type:com.vmware.vcenter.deployment_client.CheckInfo
Returns:Information about the success or failure of the checks that were performed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the caller is not authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if external PSC credentials are not valid when configuring PSC to replicate with an external existing PSC.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if passed arguments are invalid.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the appliance is not in INITIALIZED state.
class com.vmware.vcenter.deployment.install.psc_client.Standalone(config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.VapiInterface

The Standalone class provides methods to check if the values provided for the standalone PSC satisfies the requirements. This class was added in vSphere API 6.7.

Parameters:config (vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubConfiguration) – Configuration to be used for creating the stub.

Checks that the information to configure a non-replicated PSC satisfies the requirements. This method was added in vSphere API 6.7.

Parameters:spec (com.vmware.vcenter.deployment_client.StandalonePscSpec) – Information to configure a non-replicated PSC.
Return type:com.vmware.vcenter.deployment_client.CheckInfo
Returns:Information about the success or failure of the checks that were performed.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.Unauthenticated if the caller is not authenticated.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.InvalidArgument if passed arguments are invalid.
Raise:com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.NotAllowedInCurrentState if the appliance is not in INITIALIZED state.
class com.vmware.vcenter.deployment.install.psc_client.StubFactory(stub_config)

Bases: vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubFactoryBase

Initialize StubFactoryBase

Parameters:stub_config (vmware.vapi.bindings.stub.StubConfiguration) – Stub config instance